Since I just watched the last episode that's discussed here, this seems like the right point of thread resurrection. Just gotta do a little pasting and ...
I stayed spoiler-free, so Episode 7's twist was a surprise to me. And considering I was expecting someone else (because of the character's name) and got one of my favorite characters instead, I'm probably biased, but I think the show really took off from that point.

A lot more story possibilities opened up.
As I was hoping, my wife was overjoyed

. She kind of predicted it though, but she wasn't sure until just before it was revealed.
I loved Human for a Day. It's a jam packed episode too.
Only part of the episode I didn't like was Win (Wyn? spelling?) and his nice guy bullshit. Oh boo hoo, James and Kara hugged. 1. You know she likes him, 2. they were hugging
they are friends, friends do that and you'd know if you had any, and 3. even if something was going on, it's none of your fucking business. "I'm disappointed in Kara," fuck you, Win. I really hope this potato sack never becomes the love interest.
But other than that, yeah, a lot of good stuff going on. I usually hate "I lost my powers" episodes of things, but this one was pretty solid. The DEO subplot was fine, and Kara had some excellent moments. Melissa Benoist has really been the strongest part of the show. I appreciate that the title of the episode didn't bother patronizing the viewer. The robbery scene was great and I loved how Kara reacted to it afterward back at the office. Between this and last episode, Cat is growing on me. Before it felt like the actress was fighting the script; now some equilibrium seems to have been reached.
That'll probably be it for the night, looking forward to what goes on next though.
BAM! Now this thread can plow ahead with continued discussion of season 1 and be set for season 2 ... just like me!