Finished the Wire.
Season 5 was a let down. Could have almost been a decent show on its own, but within the context of The Wire, with 4 seasons of character development before it, it didn't quite fit, and some of the characters just weren't themselves.
Not that it didn't have it's moments.
The series as a whole though... wow.
I get it.
I get why people say what they do about this show.
I'm one of those people now. I've convinced my brother to watch it already. Though, he's going to wait until Breaking Bad is finished, because I told him: I rewatched Season 5 of Breaking Bad after I watched the entirety of the Wire, and it wasn't as good as I remembered it. So far I'm not enjoying the Walking Dead or Game of Thrones as much as I did pre-Wire either. This is almost precisely what I feared would happen and why I was so reluctant to watch it in the first place. It hasn't outright ruined TV for me, as I feared it would, but I enjoy these shows just a little bit less than I did.
However, if the rest of Breaking Bad season 5 holds up to season 5 thus far, I might still prefer it. Season 5 of the Wire really was that much of a let down to me.