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So I was all just sittin' there, chillin' like I usually do and I thinks to myself "yo dawg, time to get off that soda wagon and opt for a healthy alternative and shit. Wisdom."

And that gets me to thinking "Tea. WHAT IS IT?"

I've never liked tea. Fuckin' dirty leaf water? no thanks comrade. I'll dress up like a native american and throw that shit in the river thankyouverymuch

But maybe it's an acquired taste? It took me a while to like beer so maybe I can do the same thing with tea.

So I'm going to take a step back and open it up to the audience and let's just see what kind of tea you sophisticated cats drink. If you were to recommend a tea to someone who does not typically like tea what would you recommend?



Well isn't beer just water added to some kind of plant matter that is left to basically rot?






Element 117

maybe you're just drinking the wrong kind of tea, that is, tea prepared improperly. There are other methods.



and for phil because i want you to be my special friend




I'm not too fussy on my tea, I'll drink Liption, or anything (normally Lipton, it's easy). just brew it and put in some sugar and toss it in the fridge for a nice sweet iced tea (the only type of tea is Iced, all that other crap is no good)




I'm not too fussy on my tea, I'll drink Liption, or anything (normally Lipton, it's easy). just brew it and put in some sugar and toss it in the fridge for a nice sweet iced tea (the only type of tea is Iced, all that other crap is no good)
See, I thought about just going for sweet tea, but I'm trying to get a few sugars out of my diet.

But now that Muppets are involved I JUST DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO.




Black tea.



I mean this without any kind of irony, earl grey and hot. I love that stuff. I go through so much of it. I also like iced tea but that last batch i made was watery and i cant bring myself to dump it. that means my tea jug is full of tea that i will never drink.




I like chai tea mostly. It really, really depends on the brand.




Seconding earl grey.




What about green tea?

Anyone drink green tea?

I've heard good things about green tea.




Earl Grey.



I hate green tea. In all forms.
At least the ones Ive had and I have been coerced into trying and retrying it on many an occasion. blech.




Earl Grey with a bit of milk, I should add.

Seriously. If you don't like Earl Grey with milk (hot OR cold), you better just go back to soda and chubbyness.




Earl Grey.
First it's black now you've gone grey.


I heard you never go back though.... interesting.




Earl Grey is essentially black tea with bergamot.



No no NO! Do not taint the tea with milk. That is bad bad.




Psshh, that's not what THE INVENTORS OF THE EARL GREY TEA think.




No no NO! Do not taint the tea with milk. That is bad bad.
Gotta agree.

I like mine with honey.



I don't care what the "inventor" thought. DONT TAINT THE TEA!




What about green tea?

Anyone drink green tea?

I've heard good things about green tea.
Green tea can be good as well. You have to be careful not to brew it too long or it can taste very woody.




Tea taint. Not good.




Ugh, I don't understand how people can drink Earl Grey. This is not an attack on your tastes makare, there's just something about the aroma that gets to me; makes me feel like I'm drinking perfume.

Personally, I enjoy the Twinings brand, specifically their Prince of Wales, which is a blend of various black teas. Has a pretty nice, mild flavor. I've heard a lot of good things about Teavana, which B.T. linked to, but those are not bagged teas and you would need to invest in an infuser and pot. I've also heard good things about Adagio teas, which like Teavana, are loose teas. Whatever you do, I'd suggest you first just buy a sampler pack of various teas and see what you like.


Also, regarding green tea, I've heard it has some mild benefits regarding metabolism, but I don't know how much of that is marketing bs. At any rate, I enjoy green tea, but if you don't dig the taste, you might try white tea, which is basically a milder tasting green tea.



That's funny because I dont drink Twinings because I think it is too strong. I guess that is why he felt he needed to add milk.

My sisters perfume does actually smell like earl grey though lol.




Teavana is decent. Republic of Tea makes a good Chai.




Twinings Earl Grey with a dash of milk is NIRVANA... both Iced and hot.

NIRVANA I tell you... and not the Cobain kind.



Phil don't listen to anyone but me. You are my special friend I would not steer you wrong.









Black is grey and grey is milk and I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHO EARL IS!








.... Grey is a name, you nincompoop. Earl Grey is the nobility title Mr. Grey got.




.... Grey is a name, you nincompoop. Earl Grey is the nobility title Mr. Grey got.

Ok, I found this


This will make me a samurai. so I guess that's /thread




Teavana is decent. Republic of Tea makes a good Chai.
So do you think Teavana is worth the price? Their prices seem to run a little on the high side.




I'm a tea fiend. If I'm not drinking water, it's usually tea. I like it in most forms, and it's very rare that I find a tea I don't like. Like Lipton's bottled white tea. Blegh! :puke:




Teavana is decent. Republic of Tea makes a good Chai.
So do you think Teavana is worth the price? Their prices seem to run a little on the high side.[/QUOTE]
For myself, no. I can get just as much Republic Tea as Teavana and it costs a little less. It really, REALLY, depends on taste.

Your best option is to get a small sampling and try it out. If you're ever at a store, they have teas you can test out and see if you think it's worth it. Like anything food wise, it's all about personal taste.








I occasionally drink green tea. It's okay. I like the variety that has mint leaves in it as well.




I like herbal tea.




If you are as serious about tea as some of us are about beer, try teaviews.com. Here you can get in depth descriptions on teas and view the ratings given by a society of tea drinkers.




Jesus Christ bacon tea? I don't know whether to jump for joy or burn out my taste buds.




Wouldn't that just taste like watery bacon? Or bacon in water?






I've been trying to get a taste for green tea, with a tablespoon of honey it's not bad. Though keep in mind, if you really want to switch from soda for health reasons, most bottled or sweet flavored teas are pretty much just as bad for you. Fresh-brewed green or black tea are the only ones with any kind of health benefits demonstrated.




Earl Grey is definitely an acquired taste. It takes a little time to get used to the bergamot flavoring. Worth it, though, in my opinion. I drink green tea when coffee gets to be too much for my system


Wasabi Poptart

Most black teas made hot make me nauseated for some reason. Earl Grey, though, hits the spot especially with a little milk. I do enjoy a good hot or iced chai, too.

Republic of Tea is very good. I really like their honeysuckle white tea and Earl Greyer black tea. Harney & Sons makes a tea called Yellow and Blue that is nice. It's chamomile and lavender. Their Winter White Earl Grey was interesting, too.

---------- Post added at 08:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:37 PM ----------

Hibiscus tea is delicious when made right, too.




I really enjoy wheat tea, but in my experience I've found that most people find the taste off-putting.




I have never liked tea, until college. I went to school with some people from Paraguay and they drink Yerba Maté.

It is definately an acquired taste but healthy and tasty.


Wasabi Poptart

Earl Grey is definitely an acquired taste. It takes a little time to get used to the bergamot flavoring. Worth it, though, in my opinion. I drink green tea when coffee gets to be too much for my system
The way you think of green tea is how I think of Earl Grey. When I've had enough coffee (as if that ever happens) then I'll drink Earl Grey.



I usually drink water but sometimes I want tea.



My wife and I love tea. We got like at LEAST 10 different type.


Element 117

Teavana is decent. Republic of Tea makes a good Chai.
So do you think Teavana is worth the price? Their prices seem to run a little on the high side.[/QUOTE]

Teavana is good for one thing: to have tea properly prepared to show the North Americans why "dust in a bag" is the worst tea ever by taste comparision. One you are converted, there are many better places to buy tea leaves




I picked up a Green tea with citrus and a lemon herbal. I'll give one of them a try later tonight and see how that goes. Unfortunately I wasn't prepared for the event that the nearby grocery store I go to just didn't carry most of what was suggested.



Any black tea
with milk
and honey


Element 117

if you're switching to tea for health reasons, watch your sugar intake via additives.




Oh Tea... I LOOOVE it.

Red Tea is one of my favorites, I drink it with lots of ice, very very cold, no sugar or honey or anything. Earl grey is the only tea I sometimes corrupt with a bit of milk but that's it, I like my teas flavorful, sugar just ruins it for me, AND the Red berries infusion with a hint of coconut milk is a freakin orgasm in your mouth.
Chai I really don't like, it tastes like perfume. :eek:hwell:
Black tea, green tea, herbal tea, mint tea, Long island iced tea :)sneaky:) ...I love them all.




You tea slut!




Chai tastes like perfume? I believe it does to you, I just have trouble seeing it myself.




Chai tastes like dirt that has been shat on by an incontinent sumo wrestler.




Ha! Now I know what I want the next item on my desk at work to be...




tee hee




Chai tastes like dirt that has been shat on by an incontinent sumo wrestler.
I really don't want to know why you know what shit from an incontinent sumo wrestler tastes like.








Wait, wiat.. I meant:

tea hee

there, better.




Wait, wiat.. I meant:

tea hee

there, better.[/QUOTE]




Man this thread is teariffic
that goes double for you!







::three puns and he's out!::




In China I drink a lot of Tie guan yin and Silver needle tea (yin zhen cha) and I generally enjoy what they call Tea water (both the Chinese and Korean varieties).



Well isn't beer just water added to some kind of plant matter that is left to basically rot?
No, stfu.







First of all Phil, watch this: http://www.hulu.com/watch/93994/modern-marvels-tea

Then, if you want hot tea, I would suggest getting a nice black tea. Twinnings Darjeeling Tea is quite nice. Get something that comes in tea bags though, unless you already have a tea strainer. Don't go buy a bunch of tea gear, yet. Yes, there are tons of tea pots, filters, strainers, thermometers, etc. Follow the instructions on the packet. Add sugar to taste. Add some 1/2 and 1/2, and a dash or cardamon for chai.

For sweet tea, get Lipton/Luisanne quart-size bags. Boil some water with sugar (or sugar substitute). Turn off the heat. Add the bags. Let it sit for ~ 5 min. Pour over ice and add cold water to the correct volume.

---------- Post added at 10:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:38 AM ----------

Well isn't beer just water added to some kind of plant matter that is left to basically rot?
Madam, fermentation is not 'rotting.' It is an anaerobic metabolic pathway that turns sugar into deliciousness.




I have never been much a of a tea drinker but I have been thinking about giving tea another try since it has been quite awhile. Strangely enough I am not a soda fan either I used to be but I realized I don't really like how sweet they are but I drank them cause I loved the carbonation. But I have since moved onto club soda and sparkling waters since I can get the carbonation I like without all the sugar.



Well isn't beer just water added to some kind of plant matter that is left to basically rot?
Madam, fermentation is not 'rotting.' It is an anaerobic metabolic pathway that turns sugar into deliciousness.
When berries or juice "go bad" on accident it is rotting. If it is on purpose, it is fermentation. It's a very fine line of subjectivity.
My point was mostly to point out the silliness of not drinking leaves seeped in water but willing to drink barley or grapes that have been seeped in water and allowed to basically "go bad".

I mean remember that sauerkraut is definitely rotten cabbage. But people still eat it.



Well isn't beer just water added to some kind of plant matter that is left to basically rot?
Madam, fermentation is not 'rotting.' It is an anaerobic metabolic pathway that turns sugar into deliciousness.
When berries or juice "go bad" on accident it is rotting. If it is on purpose, it is fermentation. It's a very fine line of subjectivity.
My point was mostly to point out the silliness of not drinking leaves seeped in water but willing to drink barley or grapes that have been seeped in water and allowed to basically "go bad".

I mean remember that sauerkraut is definitely rotten cabbage. But people still eat it.[/QUOTE]

No, you're wrong. Stfu.




Man, I love sauerkraut. And tea. And beer.

Yay fermentation!



Man, I love sauerkraut. And tea. And beer.

Yay fermentation!
I love sauerkraut too.. not on hot dogs though.

However I do have negative feelings towards it's production. My great aunt and uncle used to make it in this huge stone barrel.. IN THE HOUSE. You have never smelled such a stench.. rotten cabbage blech. It was godawful! It haunts my mind and my nasal passages. It was delicious when it was done though. I also liked the wine they made.... in that same barrel. Lol.




sauerkraut isn't rotted, it's pickled. Like kimchi.



sauerkraut isn't rotted, it's pickled. Like kimchi.
It sure smells rotten. And some of the cabbage would be black and have to be removed so Im pretty sure that it was rotten.




Pickling is pretty cool too.




No, Sauerkraut is fermented.

While being pickled.




sauerkraut isn't rotted, it's pickled. Like kimchi.
Not rotted but "fermented", kimchi is fermented too.



You know what I just realized, ever year of my life my Uncle would make wine of some type. But I never ever saw him drink any of it after the first tasting. Then he would give it away. I know they didn't drink much but that is an odd hobby to have if you aren't going to drink it. Lol.

Oh sweet fermented memories of my childhood.




It is kind of odd when people do that. The fella's dad plants tons of basil and tomatoes every summer, and he doesn't really like either of those things that much. More delicious salads for me, though. All I ever need to buy is the mozzarella. :p



Mmm man that sounds good... hehe.

I would always taste the wine too. I never liked it but I don't like wine anyway. Everyone else said it was wonderful and off it would go to other people. Except the year it molded. Ew.




Why dont you people drink coffee like every other sane person?

Seriously though,even if I prefer coffee over tea, when i drink it I like

Hibiskus Tea

Ginger-Plum Tea

Rose Tea




Coffe has always tasted like liquid burnt toast.

I am a picky drinker.




Why dont you people drink coffee like every other sane person?

Seriously though,even if I prefer coffee over tea, when i drink it I like

Hibiskus Tea

Ginger-Plum Tea

Rose Tea
Coffee is king. That does not need to be stated.



I love coffee. I especially love the kona variety. Now I want some coffee. Damn it.




I am the only one in my family who does not drink coffee. The rest of my family have to have at least a cup a day and several of them like to have 6 shot americanos.



My sister has started "drinking" coffee because her new girlfriend drinks coffee. Unfortunately, my sister doesnt really like coffee so she makes it and then just leaves it. It starting to piss me off because I bought that coffee and it is going to waste.




The one thing I'm gonna miss about this city is the coffee shop by school. They have a wide variety of coffees, and it always tastes really fresh.




Jasmine tea is good too, I forgot about that, I'll drink that warm, but besides that, sweet iced tea all the way




It's tea time.

I actually don't like tea at all, but Iroh is awesome so I had to insert this picture.




Ginger tea in the winter, baby, shit makes you WARM.




Ginger tea in the winter, baby, shit makes you WARM.
Aw yeah. Got a little Cafe where they chop up half of those babys and drop the chunks into hot water and serve it. Awsome.




If something you eat or drink has an actual effect on your body temperature, you need to see a doctor STAT.




If something you eat or drink has an actual effect on your body temperature, you need to see a doctor STAT.
That's not entirely true.
Ginger (and Cayenne, and some chilli peppers) have an effect on your blood that makes your skin warmer.




Yeah, well, ok, fine... being flustered cause of spice is another thing... but if you want to make yourself warmer by drinking warm things you are very deluded with how the human body works.



What does being flustered by spice mean?



What does being flustered by spice mean?

It means when you eat a habanero pepper you start sweating like you just ran a 5k marathon.




...being flustered by eating something very spicy? As in "AHHHH, IT'S HOT! WTF!? WATER! I'M BURNING"?



I eat cayenne and my skin gets warmer but I dont react that way. Same with ginger.. real ginger anyway.



I eat cayenne and my skin gets warmer but I dont react that way. Same with ginger.. real ginger anyway.

Eat a habanero raw. You'll be sweating worse than if you tried to do a chin up.



The point isnt that some spice makes you go berserk the point is that some foods raise your body temp WITHOUT that kind of extreme reaction.



The point isnt that some spice makes you go berserk the point is that some foods raise your body temp WITHOUT that kind of extreme reaction.
I think we've moved on past that point. You specifically asked what he meant by flustered, and got your answer.



I like to think there was some context for my question but whatever floats your dinghy.



I like to think there was some context for my question but whatever floats your dinghy.

Really? It looks like a stand-alone sentence to me, having absolutely nothing to do with the context of the prior statements other than addressing a small subpoint.



I like to think there was some context for my question but whatever floats your dinghy.

Really? It looks like a stand-alone sentence to me, having absolutely nothing to do with the context of the prior statements other than addressing a small subpoint.[/QUOTE]

I guess that shit eating has affected your eye sight too. Shame for such a young man.




An adverse reaction to the spice causes your immune system to react/be irritated/whatever and that raises your body temperature, but that's not the same as something you ingest having a direct effect on your body temperature




So... Tea! I like tea. It is all warm and yummy. Except when it is iced and yummy.

My friend brought some tea root stuff back from china where he kept making it over and over. I have no idea what it was, but he said it was good.



I like to think there was some context for my question but whatever floats your dinghy.

Really? It looks like a stand-alone sentence to me, having absolutely nothing to do with the context of the prior statements other than addressing a small subpoint.[/QUOTE]

I guess that shit eating has affected your eye sight too. Shame for such a young man.[/QUOTE]

Let's see:

What does being flustered by spice mean?
Yup change of direction and therefore no context based in the flow of the conversation. I'm still right, and you're still an hypersensitive moron.



hmmm on my screen, here in reality, my question about flustered came RIGHT AFTER calleja mentioned flustered. Must be different off in bizarro world.



An adverse reaction to the spice causes your immune system to react/be irritated/whatever and that raises your body temperature, but that's not the same as something you ingest having a direct effect on your body temperature

It could if the vasodilation is large enough to get blood flowing around in various tissues at a higher rate (as seen during an immune response, but maybe less dramatic). Same reason your cheeks get flushed when you're embarrassed.

---------- Post added at 10:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:20 PM ----------

hmmm on my screen, here in reality, my question about flustered came RIGHT AFTER calleja mentioned flustered. Must be different off in bizarro world.

Which had nothing to do with "point is that some foods raise your body temp WITHOUT that kind of extreme reaction"




Yeah, that's what I was trying to explain... it's a chemical reaction. It's not the same as drinking warm tea and expecting that to warm you up. That's just idiotic.

Or wanting ice cream to cool you down. That's even more idiotic.



See if I don't understand what someone is saying, I ask a question about their terms for clarification and THEN continue on with the conversation with the certainty that I understand. That is what happened here. It was not a tangent it was a question about what calleja said about spice related to morphine's comment about spice related to tea. None of which had anything to do with habaneros. That was a tangent.



Yeah, that's what I was trying to explain... it's a chemical reaction. It's not the same as drinking warm tea and expecting that to warm you up. That's just idiotic.

Or wanting ice cream to cool you down. That's even more idiotic.

Well, it'll cool your mouth and throat down...

---------- Post added at 10:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:23 PM ----------

See if I don't understand what someone is saying, I ask a question about their terms for clarification and THEN continue on with the conversation with the certainty that I understand. That is what happened here. It was not a tangent it was a question about what calleja said about spice related to morphine's comment about spice related to tea. None of which had anything to do with habaneros. That was a tangent.

How the hell is this going off on a tangent:

What does being flustered by spice mean?

It means when you eat a habanero pepper you start sweating like you just ran a 5k marathon.

I'm answering your question with an example.




Yeah, that's what I was trying to explain... it's a chemical reaction. It's not the same as drinking warm tea and expecting that to warm you up. That's just idiotic.

Or wanting ice cream to cool you down. That's even more idiotic.

Well, it'll cool your mouth and throat down...[/QUOTE]

for, literally, SECONDS



Yes you did. And I tried to go back to the spice people were actually talking about and made the point that the reaction does not have to be that extreme.



Yes you did. And I tried to go back to the spice people were actually talking about and made the point that the reaction does not have to be that extreme.

Wow, you're going to be an amazing lawyer. You are a master of twisting bullshit and making a big case out of absolute garbage.







Yes you did. And I tried to go back to the spice people were actually talking about and made the point that the reaction does not have to be that extreme.

Wow, you're going to be an amazing lawyer. You are a master of twisting bullshit and making a big case out of absolute garbage.[/QUOTE]

No I am going to be an amazing lawyer because I make sure I understand things before I state my opinion AND I continue making points related to the actual topic at hand.




You understand what I meant with flustered by spice now? Ok, cool.





---------- Post added at 10:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:33 PM ----------

You understand what I meant with flustered by spice now? Ok, cool.

Yeah, I was pretty sure I answered that question about a page ago.




Yeah, that's what I was trying to explain... it's a chemical reaction. It's not the same as drinking warm tea and expecting that to warm you up. That's just idiotic.
The heat has to go somewhere. Drink enough hot liquid, fast enough, and it'll raise your temperature. A cup of tea probably won't be enough to force your body to overheat*, but it might be enough to help warm you up if you've been out in the cold.

* in fact, the caffeine might help you cool down, stimulating blood flow.



You understand what I meant with flustered by spice now? Ok, cool.
Yeah I did pretty much instantly which was why I was back to talking about how I dont react to spice that way. Is that cool with you?




You... do react to spice that way. Cause you're human. If you're not flustered by eating a raw habanero (DISCLAIMER: THIS IS AN EXTREME EXAMPLE USED FOR WORST-CASE-SCENARIO ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES AND IN NO WAY MEANS ALL SPICE CAUSES THAT SAME REACTION.) then you really should look into checking your immune system out.



I specifically said cayenne and ginger. Im sure I would react that way to those peppers but that has nothing to do with morphine's examples. I don't freak out when I eat cayenne I just have that slight warming sensation. That was my entire point.




Yeah, that's what I was trying to explain... it's a chemical reaction. It's not the same as drinking warm tea and expecting that to warm you up. That's just idiotic.
The heat has to go somewhere. Drink enough hot liquid, fast enough, and it'll raise your temperature. A cup of tea probably won't be enough to force your body to overheat*, but it might be enough to help warm you up if you've been out in the cold.

* in fact, the caffeine might help you cool down, stimulating blood flow.[/QUOTE]

Yes, and if lava is forced down your gullet until if fills you up you'll probably burn too... to drink enough tea to have an actual effect on your body temperature you'd have to take a damn nearl lethal dose... cause, yes, the heat has to go somewhere but your digestive, circulatory and immune systems, at least, are designed to dissipate any type of heat OR cold your body takes.

Because, y'know, maintaining your core body temperature is KEY TO YOUR SURVIVAL.




Yeah, well, ok, fine... being flustered cause of spice is another thing... but if you want to make yourself warmer by drinking warm things you are very deluded with how the human body works.

Well, one thing is actually BEING warmer and another one FEELING warmer.
Cayenne, ginger, cinammon, peppers, anise... all increase blood flow to the surface and makes you FEEL warmer but at the same time makes you lose your heat faster so yes, technically these foods do have "an actual effect on your body temperature" but not in degrees, just in how that temperature is distributed and stored.




Dude... did you read the rest of the thread?




Yeah, that's what I was trying to explain... it's a chemical reaction. It's not the same as drinking warm tea and expecting that to warm you up. That's just idiotic.
The heat has to go somewhere. Drink enough hot liquid, fast enough, and it'll raise your temperature. A cup of tea probably won't be enough to force your body to overheat*, but it might be enough to help warm you up if you've been out in the cold.

* in fact, the caffeine might help you cool down, stimulating blood flow.[/QUOTE]

No, it doesn't actually "raise" your temperature.
It's called "Thermoregulation"
The blood in your body knows all about it =)

---------- Post added at 09:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:53 PM ----------

Dude... did you read the rest of the thread?
Not yet n_n
But I couldn't pass the opportunity of being right, not with you =)




Don't worry, I was righter.



Morphine I vote that you were right. If you want my vote.

I think chaz was on your side too actually but it is sometimes hard to tell through the vitriol.

See very hard to tell.



Yeah, that's what I was trying to explain... it's a chemical reaction. It's not the same as drinking warm tea and expecting that to warm you up. That's just idiotic.
The heat has to go somewhere. Drink enough hot liquid, fast enough, and it'll raise your temperature. A cup of tea probably won't be enough to force your body to overheat*, but it might be enough to help warm you up if you've been out in the cold.

* in fact, the caffeine might help you cool down, stimulating blood flow.[/QUOTE]

No, it doesn't actually "raise" your temperature.
It's called "Thermoregulation"
The blood in your body knows all about it =)

---------- Post added at 09:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:53 PM ----------

Dude... did you read the rest of the thread?
Not yet n_n
But I couldn't pass the opportunity of being right, not with you =)[/QUOTE]

If you drink hot liquid you will not increase your body temperature. That's called having a fucking fever. You will feel warmer and the heat will disperse itself around the surrounding tissues and eventually dissipate throughout your body, but that's all. Now if you were a lizard...




Does the term WARM-BLOODED mean NOTHING to you people!?!




Don't worry, I was righter.

Morphine I vote that you were right. If you want my vote.

I think chaz was on your side too actually but it is sometimes hard to tell through the vitriol.
I believe I'm the winner, sir n_n


If you drink hot liquid you will not increase your body temperature. That's called having a fucking fever. You will feel warmer and the heat will disperse itself around the surrounding tissues and eventually dissipate throughout your body, but that's all. Now if you were a lizard...
That's what I just said =)
"distribution and storage" you're welcome n_n




You were still calling me out on a different matter. I was right from the beginning. Thank you, good night.



Ok now for something more important... is the spanish in my signature grammatically correct?




It is, and it's funny.







I'd actually remove the "las", though... unless you're referring to a specific set of ostriches?




Yes, and if lava is forced down your gullet until if fills you up you'll probably burn too... to drink enough tea to have an actual effect on your body temperature you'd have to take a damn nearl lethal dose... cause, yes, the heat has to go somewhere but your digestive, circulatory and immune systems, at least, are designed to dissipate any type of heat OR cold your body takes.

Because, y'know, maintaining your core body temperature is KEY TO YOUR SURVIVAL.
Wait, how much of a change are we talking about? Yes, core body temperature is key to survival, but it fluctuates by a degree or two depending on activity level, how recent you've eaten, if you're awake or sleeping, etc. It would be hard to overheat your body by drinking hot liquid (without burning yourself doing it) but a tenth of a degree or so is more than plausible, during the time it takes for your body to react and cool back down.



hmm we'll say im specific. the las adds to it i think.




Why not a millionth of a degree? No, no, let's talk about the effect on the ATOMS OF YOUR STOMACH LINING!!!



Why not a millionth of a degree? No, no, let's talk about the effect on the ATOMS OF YOUR STOMACH LINING!!!

Fucking atoms... always fucking my shit up.




Why not a millionth of a degree? No, no, let's talk about the effect on the ATOMS OF YOUR STOMACH LINING!!!
Well, that would be silly. However a degree or less would be enough to feel warmer, and actually be warmer for a while.




No. Ingesting something will not have an effect of a whole degree in your core temperature for more than a few seconds. No "while".

Drinking warm or cold stuff to feel idem is mostly a psychological effect. Yes, an ice cold beer feels wonderful during a hot day... but it won't cool you off more than a few cells for a few seconds. Unless, like I said, you're dying. Or have cold-blood.




No. Ingesting something will not have an effect of a whole degree in your core temperature for more than a few seconds. No "while".
It'd take longer than a few seconds to cool off the amount of heat contained in a couple cups of tea.

---------- Post added at 10:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:14 PM ----------

And what if your body doesn't want to get rid of the extra heat? What if you've come in from the cold and decide to warm up with a mug of hot chocolate? Are you telling me that drinking that won't help you warm up faster?




Wrong. Try it.




Wrong. Try it.
Can't, sorry. I do have health issues that cause me temperature regulation problems. Any experiements performed on myself would be invalid for the general public.




I am saying that, because no matter how cold it is outside your core body temperature stays the same.... unless of course you start to actually freeze to death. But by that point your limbs will have all the circulation cut off because of blood vessel constricting to save heat for your core, so you won't be able to drink tea.

But, again, if you start using extremes... yes, if you're frozen solid having someone pour warm tea over your dead body will help defrost it.

---------- Post added at 10:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:18 PM ----------

I responded to the first part, the second one wasn't up yet when I hit submit. Look up for that one.



If im hot and miserable then I drink cold tea I feel more comfortable. Why is that?




I said why up there a few posts ago. It's psychological. You could also drink steaming hot coffee while it's 100 degrees out and the end result would be pretty much the same.



Not so, I have coffee in the heat and I get hot and my head hurts.




Oh. Let me tell every single medical professional they're wrong cause you get a head ache, then.




I am saying that, because no matter how cold it is outside your core body temperature stays the same.... unless of course you start to actually freeze to death. But by that point your limbs will have all the circulation cut off because of blood vessel constricting to save heat for your core, so you won't be able to drink tea.
My understanding is that core body temperature does start to slowly go down, even as the extremities cool off faster. However, I don't think we should only consider the core body temperature in this consideration. Are our limbs not part of us? If our legs get warmer or colder from drinking, then why not consider that an effect on our temperature? Even if our core has changed less?

And you've created a strawman with your dead body argument.



Oh. Let me tell every single medical professional they're wrong cause you get a head ache, then.
Explain it then. I do not get the same result with coffee in the heat as you said I should. Why?



If im hot and miserable then I drink cold tea I feel more comfortable. Why is that?

Because your gullet and your throat cool down and make you feel more comfortable. Your body also gets water from the tea and thus has some extra to produce sweat, which acts to cool you down. Your core body temperature stays 98.6 degrees.




Limbs are the first to get their circulation cut off when you're exposed to extreme cold precisely because that's where you lose the most body heat from.

And I was taking your extreme examples to their logical counters. Yes, if you're freezing to death having something warm is a good idea, but it'd be wiser to have it ON you instead of IN you.... warm the blood directly, don't wait for your stomach to dissipate it first.


Wasabi Poptart

I don't think it really warms you up, but it isn't just psychological. I think it also has to do with physiology. You feel cooler when you drink iced tea on a warm day (or warm when you drink something hot on a cold day) because the liquid does cool off your stomach, a major organ with lots of blood vessels. Your actual core temperature doesn't change. You just feel like it.
It's sort of the same principal when you put a cool cloth on the back of someone's neck or on their pulse points (wrists, armpits, groin) for heat exposure. You're using the blood vessels to make them feel cooler.




Your core body temperature is ALWAYS 98.6 degrees unless there's something wrong. That's my point, people who are not Chaz. Yes, if you stop working within healthy boundaries this will fluctuate.... but if you're freezing to death it'd be better to have the hot tea poured OVER you than drinking it. Same with overheating to death and cold stuff.




If im hot and miserable then I drink cold tea I feel more comfortable. Why is that?
Because the temperature differential between a pint of water at 0 degrees Celsius and your entire body at 37 degrees would be enough to cool an average adult female by 0.2 degrees. (Unless my math is wrong. A pint of water weighs about a pound. An average adult female is about 162 pounds. 37 degrees for one pound averages out to 0.2 degrees for 162 pounds) That's a fair amount of cooling going on that then doesn't have to be done by evaporation of sweat.



I don't think it really warms you up, but it isn't just psychological. I think it also has to do with physiology. You feel cooler when you drink iced tea on a warm day (or warm when you drink something hot on a cold day) because the liquid does cool off your stomach, a major organ with lots of blood vessels. Your actual core temperature doesn't change. You just feel like it.
It's sort of the same principal when you put a cool cloth on the back of someone's neck or on their pulse points (wrists, armpits, groin) for heat exposure. You're using the blood vessels to make them feel cooler.
This. That's what I think happens. I FEEL cooler when I drink ice tea in the eat and i nearly die when I drink coffee in the heat. If I used a thermometer then would it be a different temp other than my usual 97.8, probably not. But I do feel different both inside and to the touch.



I mean yeah, your core body temperature isn't going to be a perfect 98.6, it's going to go up and down like 0.2 degrees here and there, but it stays constant. It's pretty much the definition of being an endothermic animal such as a mammal or bird.

---------- Post added at 11:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:29 PM ----------

I don't think it really warms you up, but it isn't just psychological. I think it also has to do with physiology. You feel cooler when you drink iced tea on a warm day (or warm when you drink something hot on a cold day) because the liquid does cool off your stomach, a major organ with lots of blood vessels. Your actual core temperature doesn't change. You just feel like it.
It's sort of the same principal when you put a cool cloth on the back of someone's neck or on their pulse points (wrists, armpits, groin) for heat exposure. You're using the blood vessels to make them feel cooler.
This. That's what I think happens. I FEEL cooler when I drink ice tea in the eat and i nearly die when I drink coffee in the heat. If I used a thermometer then would it be a different temp other than my usual 97.8, probably not. But I do feel different both inside and to the touch.[/QUOTE]

I fucking told you the same thing like five posts back...




.... so you FEEL cooler but you are NOT cooler. Yes. So it's psychological.



I thought you said mammal or a brit and so i chuckled.. then i felt guilty.. and now i feel stupid.


Wasabi Poptart

Isn't 98.6 just an average anyway? My temp is usually half a degree lower unless I'm sick.




Your core body temperature is ALWAYS 98.6 degrees unless there's something wrong.
Not true. Body temperature fluctuates during the day, going down at night during sleep. It also rises during excercise and other physical exertions.

Also, different people have different base temperatures. Not everyone is 98.6, even when perfectly healthy.




Why would you feel guilty for seeing it as brit? THe bastards don't DESERVE TO BE CALLED MAMMALS!!

I lie. I love brits more so than any other nationality.

---------- Post added at 10:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:32 PM ----------

Your core body temperature is ALWAYS 98.6 degrees unless there's something wrong.
Not true. Body temperature fluctuates during the day, going down at night during sleep. It also rises during excercise and other physical exertions.

Also, different people have different base temperatures. Not everyone is 98.6, even when perfectly healthy.[/QUOTE]

Holy shit, you really do like to nitpick don't you?

Fine, it fluctuates a few decimals.... but, hey... NOT BECAUSE OF ANYTHING YOU INGEST. Unless, yes Morphine, there's a chemical reaction.

Everyone happy now?



Your core body temperature is ALWAYS 98.6 degrees unless there's something wrong.
Not true. Body temperature fluctuates during the day, going down at night during sleep. It also rises during excercise and other physical exertions.

Also, different people have different base temperatures. Not everyone is 98.6, even when perfectly healthy.[/QUOTE]

His point is that it stays relatively constant. It does not jump to 102 degrees and require you to drink a gallon of ice water to drop it down to 98, unless you're a lizard.



Why would you feel guilty for seeing it as brit? THe bastards don't DESERVE TO BE CALLED MAMMALS!!

I lie. I love brits more so than any other nationality.

LMAO. I only saw the first part because of delayed scrolling and i thought "homey say what!? calleja is a pod person!"

now it all makes sense.


Wasabi Poptart

.... so you FEEL cooler but you are NOT cooler. Yes. So it's psychological.
No because it isn't only in your mind or psychosomatic. Your temperature does not fluctuate, but you do feel cooler. Like when you hold ice in your mouth. Your mouth does get cold. So will your stomach if you drink something cold and the cooler blood does circulate through your body. It's not enough to make a major effect on your core temperature, but it does help you feel cooler. If I drink hot coffee on a cold day and put my hand over my stomach, it feels warmer than, say, my legs. Drinking something hot may not save me from hypothermia, but it does take the chill off in a normal situation.


Philosopher B.

Everyone happy now?
I'm not happy. There's a fly in my drink!




His point is that it stays relatively constant. It does not jump to 102 degrees and require you to drink a gallon of ice water to drop it down to 98, unless you're a lizard.
A good point, but it doesn't negate the fact that drinking ice water will help you cool down faster, even if you could cool down drinking tepid water as well.




No, I'm not happy. I still want to know what that root tea was which wasn't ground up. I may have to contact my friend.



His point is that it stays relatively constant. It does not jump to 102 degrees and require you to drink a gallon of ice water to drop it down to 98, unless you're a lizard.
A good point, but it doesn't negate the fact that drinking ice water will help you cool down faster, even if you could cool down drinking tepid water as well.[/QUOTE]

NO IT WON'T! If you jump into an ice water bath it would. Don't make me bust out the Ph.D. card!



Everyone happy now?
I'm not happy. There's a fly in my drink![/QUOTE]

Was grover your bartender?

I apologize for that....




.... so you FEEL cooler but you are NOT cooler. Yes. So it's psychological.
No because it isn't in your mind. Your temperature does not fluctuate, but you do feel cooler. Like when you hold ice in your mouth. Your mouth does get cold. So will your stomach if you drink something cold and the cooler blood does circulate through your body. It's not enough to make a major effect on your core temperature, but it does help you feel cooler. If I drink hot coffee on a cold day and put my hand over my stomach, it feels warmer than, say, my legs. Drinking something hot may not save me from hypothermia, but it does take the chill off in a normal situation.[/QUOTE]

No dude... the effect lasts for seconds, literally. your body is DESIGNED to dissipate all that excess heat or cold. If you hold ice in your mouth and leave it there it will make your mouth cold, yes.. but how long does it take for it to warm back up? Seconds. And, again, that's an extreme case because your mouth is only the first step. Nothing, ever, will last cold so long in your stomach.

And your stomach will ALWAYS feel warmer than your legs, come on! Now, if you drink something ICE COLD will your stomach feel colder than your legs. No. Never. EVER.




NO IT WON'T! If you jump into an ice water bath it would. Don't make me bust out the Ph.D. card!
How could it not? If you're a little overheated, how could the extra cold not cool faster than tepid water?



.... so you FEEL cooler but you are NOT cooler. Yes. So it's psychological.
No because it isn't in your mind. Your temperature does not fluctuate, but you do feel cooler. Like when you hold ice in your mouth. Your mouth does get cold. So will your stomach if you drink something cold and the cooler blood does circulate through your body. It's not enough to make a major effect on your core temperature, but it does help you feel cooler. If I drink hot coffee on a cold day and put my hand over my stomach, it feels warmer than, say, my legs. Drinking something hot may not save me from hypothermia, but it does take the chill off in a normal situation.[/QUOTE]

No dude... the effect lasts for seconds, literally. your body is DESIGNED to dissipate all that excess heat or cold. If you hold ice in your mouth and leave it there it will make your mouth cold, yes.. but how long does it take for it to warm back up? Seconds. And, again, that's an extreme case because your mouth is only the first step. Nothing, ever, will last cold so long in your stomach.

And your stomach will ALWAYS feel warmer than your legs, come on! Now, if you drink something ICE COLD will your stomach feel colder than your legs. No. Never. EVER.[/QUOTE]





Because your stomach won't take the cold and keep it.. it will dissipate it. No matter what. Cause that's what one of the things it's designed for. The difference would be so infinitesimal that we'd be better going back to the realm of atoms.


Wasabi Poptart

.... so you FEEL cooler but you are NOT cooler. Yes. So it's psychological.
No because it isn't in your mind. Your temperature does not fluctuate, but you do feel cooler. Like when you hold ice in your mouth. Your mouth does get cold. So will your stomach if you drink something cold and the cooler blood does circulate through your body. It's not enough to make a major effect on your core temperature, but it does help you feel cooler. If I drink hot coffee on a cold day and put my hand over my stomach, it feels warmer than, say, my legs. Drinking something hot may not save me from hypothermia, but it does take the chill off in a normal situation.[/QUOTE]

No dude... the effect lasts for seconds, literally. your body is DESIGNED to dissipate all that excess heat or cold. If you hold ice in your mouth and leave it there it will make your mouth cold, yes.. but how long does it take for it to warm back up? Seconds. And, again, that's an extreme case because your mouth is only the first step. Nothing, ever, will last cold so long in your stomach.

And your stomach will ALWAYS feel warmer than your legs, come on! Now, if you drink something ICE COLD will your stomach feel colder than your legs. No. Never. EVER.[/QUOTE]

I must be odd because my legs, except my feet, are usually as warm as the rest of my body. But at any rate, I think we're getting to the point of arguing semantics. The major point we do agree on: drinking something hot or cold does not change your core temperature.



.... so you FEEL cooler but you are NOT cooler. Yes. So it's psychological.
No because it isn't in your mind. Your temperature does not fluctuate, but you do feel cooler. Like when you hold ice in your mouth. Your mouth does get cold. So will your stomach if you drink something cold and the cooler blood does circulate through your body. It's not enough to make a major effect on your core temperature, but it does help you feel cooler. If I drink hot coffee on a cold day and put my hand over my stomach, it feels warmer than, say, my legs. Drinking something hot may not save me from hypothermia, but it does take the chill off in a normal situation.[/QUOTE]

No dude... the effect lasts for seconds, literally. your body is DESIGNED to dissipate all that excess heat or cold. If you hold ice in your mouth and leave it there it will make your mouth cold, yes.. but how long does it take for it to warm back up? Seconds. And, again, that's an extreme case because your mouth is only the first step. Nothing, ever, will last cold so long in your stomach.

And your stomach will ALWAYS feel warmer than your legs, come on! Now, if you drink something ICE COLD will your stomach feel colder than your legs. No. Never. EVER.[/QUOTE]

when i drink ice water my stomach gets so cold that i can feel it when i touch my belly. You are making me out to be some kind of mutant freak and i resent it calleja... PISTOLS AT DAWN!




Because your stomach won't take the cold and keep it.. it will dissipate it. No matter what. Cause that's what one of the things it's designed for. The difference would be so infinitesimal that we'd be better going back to the realm of atoms.
Yes, that's my exact point! It dissapates to the rest of the body (or rather, absorbs heat from the rest of the body). Two guys overheat working in the sun. Their core temperature has risen above normal because they couldn't sweat enough to cool off both the heat of the day and the heat of exertion. To cool off one drinks ice water from a thermos, the other drinks from a water bottle that's been sitting out uninsulated. You're telling me that both will cool off at the same rate, despite the extra heat energy absorbed by the ice cold water?



Because your stomach won't take the cold and keep it.. it will dissipate it. No matter what. Cause that's what one of the things it's designed for. The difference would be so infinitesimal that we'd be better going back to the realm of atoms.

It'll warm it up to body temperature actually. And even though water has a really high heat capacity, the amount of water in a glass compared to the amount of heat your body gives off is negligible. When something is cold it's endothermic, that is it's drawing heat away from the environment into itself. Due to the laws of thermodynamics, it does this until equilibrium is reached. So no, a glass of cold water won't cool you down faster than tepid water. The whole reason you get thirsty when your hot to begin with is due to water loss while your body tries to cool itself down, not because it wants ice cold water to literally cool it off.




It'll warm it up to body temperature by dissipating it through the blood vessels in your stomach, is what I meant. Again, semantics, but it's not like your stomach warms up extra when you take something extra cold to warm it up, y'know?



Because your stomach won't take the cold and keep it.. it will dissipate it. No matter what. Cause that's what one of the things it's designed for. The difference would be so infinitesimal that we'd be better going back to the realm of atoms.
Yes, that's my exact point! It dissapates to the rest of the body (or rather, absorbs heat from the rest of the body). Two guys overheat working in the sun. Their core temperature has risen above normal because they couldn't sweat enough to cool off both the heat of the day and the heat of exertion. To cool off one drinks ice water from a thermos, the other drinks from a water bottle that's been sitting out uninsulated. You're telling me that both will cool off at the same rate, despite the extra heat energy absorbed by the ice cold water?[/QUOTE]

The extra heat energy absorbed by the ice cold water is negligible to the amount of cooling both glasses of water do when that water is used in sweat. The dramatic temperature difference, however, causes the ice water to feel more 'refreshing' and makes you feel cooler as the ice water absorbs the heat in your stomach. If you said one jumps into a vat of ice water and the other into a room temp bath, I'd agree that the ice water bath cools the guy down faster. But in terms of a glass or two of water, I'd say nah.




Jeez guys, sorry I brought it up. :(




Specific Heat is srs bzns




It's like how cool or room temperatue water will defrost (not cook, just thaw) meat better than hot water will. With cool water, if I recall correctly, the frozen meat attains the temperature of the water from core to surface; with hot water, the surface gets heated but the core remains frozen.




Tea, the steak of '10?




I await the mayo wars of '11




... wait, you sayin' there's more than one type of mayo? (Light mayo doesn't count, it's still gonna do a number on your diet)




... wait, you sayin' there's more than one type of mayo? (Light mayo doesn't count, it's still gonna do a number on your diet)
No, but there is a definite love it or hate it reaction to mayo.




Hellman's, bitch.




... wait, you sayin' there's more than one type of mayo? (Light mayo doesn't count, it's still gonna do a number on your diet)
Yes, making mayo with different oils can result in very different results. Soybean is different than canola. Then you get into homemade vs store bought. Flavored mayos that are made partly with oils like seasame, walnut or bacon grease.... and I'm sure it gets more complicated from there.


Wasabi Poptart

Hellman's, bitch.





Element 117

Specific Heat is srs bzns

jesus. This thread.




... wait, you sayin' there's more than one type of mayo? (Light mayo doesn't count, it's still gonna do a number on your diet)
No, but there is a definite love it or hate it reaction to mayo.[/QUOTE]

Mayo? ...Meh.




... wait, you sayin' there's more than one type of mayo? (Light mayo doesn't count, it's still gonna do a number on your diet)
No, but there is a definite love it or hate it reaction to mayo.[/QUOTE]

Mayo? ...Meh.[/QUOTE]
You, sir, are an anomaly. Relish it.



... wait, you sayin' there's more than one type of mayo? (Light mayo doesn't count, it's still gonna do a number on your diet)
No, but there is a definite love it or hate it reaction to mayo.[/QUOTE]

Mayo? ...Meh.[/QUOTE]
You, sir, are an anomaly. Relish it.[/QUOTE]

and that would be tartar sauce


Element 117

... wait, you sayin' there's more than one type of mayo? (Light mayo doesn't count, it's still gonna do a number on your diet)
No, but there is a definite love it or hate it reaction to mayo.[/QUOTE]

Mayo? ...Meh.[/QUOTE]
You, sir, are an anomaly. Relish it.[/QUOTE]

FUCK kristen, I JUST cleaned the keyboard. :D




Horseradish! You people are spreading all over the place - surely we can have an intelligent discussion without saturating the thread with heat?




That attitude won't cut the mustard, OC. It's gonna take a miracle to whip you out of this jam.




I'm not sure losing my gender was worth the price of your keyboard :)




Oh boy, the puns have started. I'm a little behind, I don't think I can ketchup.




Oh boy, the puns have started. I'm a little behind, I don't think I can ketchup.
Hey, at least they're in your mother tongue. Trying to think of a good pun has left me in a pickle.




I started reading and I was like 'I feel ya, man', but then I realized: 'it's coming, isn't it', and finally 'Hah! Sonovabitch! Damn you and your English philology!'




I started reading and I was like 'I feel ya, man', but then I realized: 'it's coming, isn't it', and finally 'Hah! Sonovabitch! Damn you and your English philology!'
Is that the wurst you can dish out?




That's right. Spread it to every corner. Let the puns leave a creamy, tangy taste in your mouths. It only adds to the flavor of the forum, complimenting the meat of the posts, the tomato off color comments, the crisp delight of the lettuce.

So bring the puns. Lettuce delight in them if we mustard.




So bring the puns. Lettuce delight in them if we mustard.
Shit! I use that one on an almost dairy basis! You give me hopes!

(I'm trying! It is true though, I regularly say 'Lechuga vamos', Spanish for 'lettuce go'.)




You're singing a strange tune. Can you hummus a few bars until the rest of us catch the melody?




Buncha saucy hot dogs in this place. And as for our foreign contingent, well-played! Whether you be French, dijonnaise, hollandaise, Italian, Russian, or Catalan, you need not fear any spoilage. Your puns are just as fresh as any on offer at this buffet




Thanks! I'm trying to mustard all my language skills for this task. I just hope I won't end up sounding like a big ham, that's all.




Don't get saucy with me, Bearnaise. Besides, you'll need to conserve your energy if you're going to see Lady Marmalade. I hear she's well preserved.




Oh, I'll manage. I'll just pepper the conversation with my wit. But I'll take your advice, albeit with a pinch of salt.


Element 117

The iPad defaults to either kris ken or Kristen. It was the only clean key board at the time,




It's all good. Just thought I'd make a joke out of it.


Element 117

It's all good. Just thought I'd make a joke out of it.
Me too, which is why I left it, kristen.




Man, this thread went places this weekend. I think I'm gonna have to brew some motherfuckin' Earl Grey tonight.




Cold green tea has been quite helpful in dealing with the heat and humidity this weekend.




That lemon herbal tea has felt good on my soar throat today.




Cold green tea has been quite helpful in dealing with the heat and humidity this weekend.
This right here? THAT'S good baiting, people.



... wait, you sayin' there's more than one type of mayo? (Light mayo doesn't count, it's still gonna do a number on your diet)
No, but there is a definite love it or hate it reaction to mayo.[/QUOTE]

Mayo? ...Meh.[/QUOTE]
You, sir, are an anomaly. Relish it.[/QUOTE]

Mayo? No thanks. I'd rather not dollop my sandwich full of something that looks like and has similar consistency to cum.

Fuck you bitches AHAHHAHAHAHHAHA:




Whoa.. you need to drink more water if your cum is coming out like mayo, dude




Or stop leaving his mayo out in the sun for a few days.




Ah, secret sauce, Null?


Wasabi Poptart

Or find out who's putting jizz in his mayo jar when he's not at home.








Spicy brown mustard > Mayonnaise, forever and ever Amen.



I live in a great nation that allows us to have both. God Bless 'Merica!




I live in a great nation that allows us to have both. God Bless 'Merica!
Together? But that's madness!






Wasabi Poptart

I live in a great nation that allows us to have both. God Bless 'Merica!
Together? But that's madness![/QUOTE]

Delicious, delicious madness.







on a side note, Jizz in a Jar would be a hysterical name for a condiment.




Or a fantastic Band Name




on a side note, Jizz in a Jar would be a hysterical name for a condiment.
In all honesty, to me it sounds like a Gungan porn site.



Fine kill me dreams.



Wasabi Poptart

I think Vince, the ShamWow guy, could sell Jizz in a Jar.




Jizz in a Jar would be better as directions given in a sperm bank.




I think Vince, the ShamWow guy, could sell Jizz in a Jar.
Just wait til you try his nuts. You're gonna LOVE his nuts. :awesome:




I think Vince, the ShamWow guy, could sell Jizz in a Jar.
Just wait til you try his nuts. You're gonna LOVE his nuts. :awesome:[/QUOTE]

No thanks, I already got pudding.



Is your sandwich lacking pizazz? You need JIZZ IN A JAR!

It also serves as a great skin care product. *product not actually beneficial to skin that is just a dirty dirty lie*




Sounds like an Andy Samberg song.







Is your sandwich lacking pizazz? You need JIZZ IN A JAR!

It also serves as a great skin care product. *product not actually beneficial to skin that is just a dirty dirty lie*
God bless America, indeed, Mak the knife.




Hey, if we can have baconnaise, why not? As Stewart said "It's like my tongue just took a shit"




I haven't watched Jon Stewart in a few weeks.

Why, why am I doing that to myself?! WHY!?

---------- Post added at 07:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:14 PM ----------

I think not having Conan around gives me less incentive to check out the OTHER late night shows I like.

