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Yes, and if lava is forced down your gullet until if fills you up you'll probably burn too... to drink enough tea to have an actual effect on your body temperature you'd have to take a damn nearl lethal dose... cause, yes, the heat has to go somewhere but your digestive, circulatory and immune systems, at least, are designed to dissipate any type of heat OR cold your body takes.

Because, y'know, maintaining your core body temperature is KEY TO YOUR SURVIVAL.
Wait, how much of a change are we talking about? Yes, core body temperature is key to survival, but it fluctuates by a degree or two depending on activity level, how recent you've eaten, if you're awake or sleeping, etc. It would be hard to overheat your body by drinking hot liquid (without burning yourself doing it) but a tenth of a degree or so is more than plausible, during the time it takes for your body to react and cool back down.
No. Ingesting something will not have an effect of a whole degree in your core temperature for more than a few seconds. No "while".

Drinking warm or cold stuff to feel idem is mostly a psychological effect. Yes, an ice cold beer feels wonderful during a hot day... but it won't cool you off more than a few cells for a few seconds. Unless, like I said, you're dying. Or have cold-blood.


Staff member
No. Ingesting something will not have an effect of a whole degree in your core temperature for more than a few seconds. No "while".
It'd take longer than a few seconds to cool off the amount of heat contained in a couple cups of tea.

---------- Post added at 10:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:14 PM ----------

And what if your body doesn't want to get rid of the extra heat? What if you've come in from the cold and decide to warm up with a mug of hot chocolate? Are you telling me that drinking that won't help you warm up faster?
I am saying that, because no matter how cold it is outside your core body temperature stays the same.... unless of course you start to actually freeze to death. But by that point your limbs will have all the circulation cut off because of blood vessel constricting to save heat for your core, so you won't be able to drink tea.

But, again, if you start using extremes... yes, if you're frozen solid having someone pour warm tea over your dead body will help defrost it.

---------- Post added at 10:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:18 PM ----------

I responded to the first part, the second one wasn't up yet when I hit submit. Look up for that one.


If im hot and miserable then I drink cold tea I feel more comfortable. Why is that?
I said why up there a few posts ago. It's psychological. You could also drink steaming hot coffee while it's 100 degrees out and the end result would be pretty much the same.


Staff member
I am saying that, because no matter how cold it is outside your core body temperature stays the same.... unless of course you start to actually freeze to death. But by that point your limbs will have all the circulation cut off because of blood vessel constricting to save heat for your core, so you won't be able to drink tea.
My understanding is that core body temperature does start to slowly go down, even as the extremities cool off faster. However, I don't think we should only consider the core body temperature in this consideration. Are our limbs not part of us? If our legs get warmer or colder from drinking, then why not consider that an effect on our temperature? Even if our core has changed less?

And you've created a strawman with your dead body argument.


Oh. Let me tell every single medical professional they're wrong cause you get a head ache, then.
Explain it then. I do not get the same result with coffee in the heat as you said I should. Why?


If im hot and miserable then I drink cold tea I feel more comfortable. Why is that?

Because your gullet and your throat cool down and make you feel more comfortable. Your body also gets water from the tea and thus has some extra to produce sweat, which acts to cool you down. Your core body temperature stays 98.6 degrees.
Limbs are the first to get their circulation cut off when you're exposed to extreme cold precisely because that's where you lose the most body heat from.

And I was taking your extreme examples to their logical counters. Yes, if you're freezing to death having something warm is a good idea, but it'd be wiser to have it ON you instead of IN you.... warm the blood directly, don't wait for your stomach to dissipate it first.

Wasabi Poptart

I don't think it really warms you up, but it isn't just psychological. I think it also has to do with physiology. You feel cooler when you drink iced tea on a warm day (or warm when you drink something hot on a cold day) because the liquid does cool off your stomach, a major organ with lots of blood vessels. Your actual core temperature doesn't change. You just feel like it.
It's sort of the same principal when you put a cool cloth on the back of someone's neck or on their pulse points (wrists, armpits, groin) for heat exposure. You're using the blood vessels to make them feel cooler.
Your core body temperature is ALWAYS 98.6 degrees unless there's something wrong. That's my point, people who are not Chaz. Yes, if you stop working within healthy boundaries this will fluctuate.... but if you're freezing to death it'd be better to have the hot tea poured OVER you than drinking it. Same with overheating to death and cold stuff.


Staff member
If im hot and miserable then I drink cold tea I feel more comfortable. Why is that?
Because the temperature differential between a pint of water at 0 degrees Celsius and your entire body at 37 degrees would be enough to cool an average adult female by 0.2 degrees. (Unless my math is wrong. A pint of water weighs about a pound. An average adult female is about 162 pounds. 37 degrees for one pound averages out to 0.2 degrees for 162 pounds) That's a fair amount of cooling going on that then doesn't have to be done by evaporation of sweat.


I don't think it really warms you up, but it isn't just psychological. I think it also has to do with physiology. You feel cooler when you drink iced tea on a warm day (or warm when you drink something hot on a cold day) because the liquid does cool off your stomach, a major organ with lots of blood vessels. Your actual core temperature doesn't change. You just feel like it.
It's sort of the same principal when you put a cool cloth on the back of someone's neck or on their pulse points (wrists, armpits, groin) for heat exposure. You're using the blood vessels to make them feel cooler.
This. That's what I think happens. I FEEL cooler when I drink ice tea in the eat and i nearly die when I drink coffee in the heat. If I used a thermometer then would it be a different temp other than my usual 97.8, probably not. But I do feel different both inside and to the touch.


I mean yeah, your core body temperature isn't going to be a perfect 98.6, it's going to go up and down like 0.2 degrees here and there, but it stays constant. It's pretty much the definition of being an endothermic animal such as a mammal or bird.

---------- Post added at 11:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:29 PM ----------

I don't think it really warms you up, but it isn't just psychological. I think it also has to do with physiology. You feel cooler when you drink iced tea on a warm day (or warm when you drink something hot on a cold day) because the liquid does cool off your stomach, a major organ with lots of blood vessels. Your actual core temperature doesn't change. You just feel like it.
It's sort of the same principal when you put a cool cloth on the back of someone's neck or on their pulse points (wrists, armpits, groin) for heat exposure. You're using the blood vessels to make them feel cooler.
This. That's what I think happens. I FEEL cooler when I drink ice tea in the eat and i nearly die when I drink coffee in the heat. If I used a thermometer then would it be a different temp other than my usual 97.8, probably not. But I do feel different both inside and to the touch.[/QUOTE]

I fucking told you the same thing like five posts back...


I thought you said mammal or a brit and so i chuckled.. then i felt guilty.. and now i feel stupid.

Wasabi Poptart

Isn't 98.6 just an average anyway? My temp is usually half a degree lower unless I'm sick.


Staff member
Your core body temperature is ALWAYS 98.6 degrees unless there's something wrong.
Not true. Body temperature fluctuates during the day, going down at night during sleep. It also rises during excercise and other physical exertions.

Also, different people have different base temperatures. Not everyone is 98.6, even when perfectly healthy.
Why would you feel guilty for seeing it as brit? THe bastards don't DESERVE TO BE CALLED MAMMALS!!

I lie. I love brits more so than any other nationality.

---------- Post added at 10:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:32 PM ----------

Your core body temperature is ALWAYS 98.6 degrees unless there's something wrong.
Not true. Body temperature fluctuates during the day, going down at night during sleep. It also rises during excercise and other physical exertions.

Also, different people have different base temperatures. Not everyone is 98.6, even when perfectly healthy.[/QUOTE]

Holy shit, you really do like to nitpick don't you?

Fine, it fluctuates a few decimals.... but, hey... NOT BECAUSE OF ANYTHING YOU INGEST. Unless, yes Morphine, there's a chemical reaction.

Everyone happy now?


Your core body temperature is ALWAYS 98.6 degrees unless there's something wrong.
Not true. Body temperature fluctuates during the day, going down at night during sleep. It also rises during excercise and other physical exertions.

Also, different people have different base temperatures. Not everyone is 98.6, even when perfectly healthy.[/QUOTE]

His point is that it stays relatively constant. It does not jump to 102 degrees and require you to drink a gallon of ice water to drop it down to 98, unless you're a lizard.


Why would you feel guilty for seeing it as brit? THe bastards don't DESERVE TO BE CALLED MAMMALS!!

I lie. I love brits more so than any other nationality.

LMAO. I only saw the first part because of delayed scrolling and i thought "homey say what!? calleja is a pod person!"

now it all makes sense.

Wasabi Poptart

.... so you FEEL cooler but you are NOT cooler. Yes. So it's psychological.
No because it isn't only in your mind or psychosomatic. Your temperature does not fluctuate, but you do feel cooler. Like when you hold ice in your mouth. Your mouth does get cold. So will your stomach if you drink something cold and the cooler blood does circulate through your body. It's not enough to make a major effect on your core temperature, but it does help you feel cooler. If I drink hot coffee on a cold day and put my hand over my stomach, it feels warmer than, say, my legs. Drinking something hot may not save me from hypothermia, but it does take the chill off in a normal situation.


Staff member
His point is that it stays relatively constant. It does not jump to 102 degrees and require you to drink a gallon of ice water to drop it down to 98, unless you're a lizard.
A good point, but it doesn't negate the fact that drinking ice water will help you cool down faster, even if you could cool down drinking tepid water as well.
No, I'm not happy. I still want to know what that root tea was which wasn't ground up. I may have to contact my friend.
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