Tell me why I should(n't) get Civ IV

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Give it time, Wahad. Trust me. The game takes some time to get into, but once it digs its hooks into you and you play it a few more times, you'll start thinking about it. You'll start thinking "Hm, what if I tried this civilization in this landscape world?" or "hm, what if I try researching this as fast as I can?"

You WILL bow down before Civ! Both you, and one day, your heirs!
or just keep playing it. I never win a game on my first play. Especially strategy games. Give it a bit so you can work out the tech trees. You'll be dominating the world soon enough.
Anyone remember the first time they tried the game on the hardest difficulty?

Cripes, I remember researching the goddamn wheel when tanks rolled in and wiped me out.
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