That sound you hear is PETA getting its knickers in a twist

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Sounds reasonable to me. Love the poll on the other linked site "Could this be done in NYC with rats?" is one of the poll options.


Rabbits also make a tasty stew.

On an unrelated note, I'm not allowed within 50 feet of PeTA's building in New York due to an IRL trolling expedition.
Rabbits also make a tasty stew.

On an unrelated note, I'm not allowed within 50 feet of PeTA's building in New York due to an IRL trolling expedition.
Please elaborate :p

My western civ professor told the class about how when he was in college he turned around their whole throwing fake blood on fur coats and threw real blood on some PETA members protesting.

He was already my favorite professor before that but that made me like him even more.


It was an incident which included myself wearing a bacon-patterned suit (a suit that looks like it's made of bacon) and a cowboy hat, with leather boots breakdancing to the Revernd Horton Heat's "Eat Beef" song outside the front door and in the main lobby.
It was an incident which included myself wearing a bacon-patterned suit (a suit that looks like it's made of bacon) and a cowboy hat, with leather boots breakdancing to the Revernd Horton Heat's "Eat Beef" song outside the front door and in the main lobby.


Staff member
Um... "a town in Sweden"? That's the bleedin' capital, not some bum-boinkin' community in Härjedalen!

Also, I don't give a damn about PETA. I'll eat my tortured birds, chicken menstruations, pig ass, baby cows and sea kittens without a tinge of remorse.
I'll eat my [STRIKE]tortured birds[/STRIKE] poultry, [STRIKE]chicken menstruations[/STRIKE] eggs, pig ass, [STRIKE]baby cows[/STRIKE] veal and [STRIKE]sea kittens[/STRIKE] fish without a tinge of remorse.
What is pig ass referring to? Do you mean bacon from the loin?
Good news everyone! I discovered a chart showing all the major cuts of pork.

Bacon comes from the belly. Ham comes from the rear legs and rump. The butt is actually the shoulder.



Wait... the loin's near the back? How does that make sense?
loin (loin)


The part of the body of a human or quadruped on either side of the backbone and between the ribs and hips.

One of several cuts of meat, such as tenderloin, taken from this part of an animal's body, typically including the vertebrae of the segment from which it is taken.


Wait... the loin's near the back? How does that make sense?
loin (loin)


The part of the body of a human or quadruped on either side of the backbone and between the ribs and hips.

One of several cuts of meat, such as tenderloin, taken from this part of an animal's body, typically including the vertebrae of the segment from which it is taken.[/QUOTE]

Hrm - why the loincloth, then? Doesn't do much to cover the kidney region.


"1748 (in Chesterfield's "Letters"), but rare before c.1800 as an Eng. institution, from Fr. piquenique (1692), perhaps a reduplication of piquer "to pick, peck," from O.Fr. (see pike (2)), or the second element may be nique "worthless thing," from a Gmc. source. Originally a fashionable pot-luck social affair, not necessarily out of doors. Figurative sense of "something easy" is from 1886."
\"1748 (in Chesterfield's \"Letters\"), but rare before c.1800 as an Eng. institution, from Fr. piquenique (1692), perhaps a reduplication of piquer \"to pick, peck,\" from O.Fr. (see pike (2)), or the second element may be nique \"worthless thing,\" from a Gmc. source. Originally a fashionable pot-luck social affair, not necessarily out of doors. Figurative sense of \"something easy\" is from 1886.\"
I'm going to go with "No", then. Thanks Sera.
Crap, he tricked us into giving him page views.
What you meant to say was "It's a trap".

And I knew the bunny slaughter happened in Stockholm, but from the wording of the article it felt like the burning might be somewhere else. Not trying to slight anyone.
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