That Starbucks Thread

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Back at the Starbucks. My internet has been acting up and the ninth technician in 2 months is there NOT fixing it. So I came to the good ol' local Starbucks for some free wifi.

I love this place because, for some reason, it has the highest concentration of attractive women I have EVER seen in my town. Seriously, it's like this is the local hottie hangout or something.

Join me, why don't you, Halforums, these next couple of hours in... THAT STARBUCKS THREAD! *cue theme music*
Alright, initial hawtness scan completed. There's a girl with one of the most AWESOME butts I have EVER had the privilege to be in the presence of about 6 feet away. She's with her boyfriend though.

There's also a not-that-hot woman looking at me all the time but she looks familiar... I think I may have worked with her in high school and she's also figuring out where she knows me from.

Outside in the smoking area... I think I saw my ex. THE ex from hell. Like, the one that could still stab me in the chest just by looking at me.

This could prove to be an awesome episode of THAT STARBUCKS THREAD!
Oh man... Beatles cover playing. Across the Universe by... wtf, it's like John Mayer or something. It's awful. I may throw hot coffee around if it doesn't end soon.


Staff member
Got headphones? I always bring headphones. Community Coffee house plays better music than Starbucks. Always jazz. :cool:
I've got headphones, but I like to ... well, it's not socialize.... but look at people and maybe spring up some conversations and whatnot when I'm at Starbucks.. and headphones get in the way of that, usually.

The not-so-hot-girl that's looking at me is not who I thought it was, so no, we don't know each other. She may also be looking at the girl with the incredible ass that's next to me and not AT me, though.

---------- Post added at 01:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:33 PM ----------

Man... that ass is hypnotizing. I'm scared that I won't be able to help myself and get caught staring and get my ass kicked by the boyfriend. He's about my size but he looks like he works out. I don't work out. Advantage: boyfriend.


Back at the Starbucks. My internet has been acting up and the ninth technician in 2 months is there NOT fixing it. So I came to the good ol' local Starbucks for some free wifi.

I love this place because, for some reason, it has the highest concentration of attractive women I have EVER seen in my town. Seriously, it's like this is the local hottie hangout or something.

Join me, why don't you, Halforums, these next couple of hours in... THAT STARBUCKS THREAD! *cue theme music*
Is it the only Starbucks in town? Cause if my travels through Europe have taught me one thing is that the "hip" places in other countries are U.S. franchise establishments.
No.. there's like 5 starbucks in town. And it's a small town (for Mexican standards, you people consider 1million to be a big town).

I think it's because it's new AND it's in my neighborhood which IS one of the fancy "nice" suburbs. My school, which is also here, did have a reputation of having lots of hot chicks.
I used to like Starbucks... now it's just "meh" to me.
I prefer other small coffee shops with nice waitresses and better coffee.
Alright... it's not the ex I saw.

Just her father. The ex father-in-law from hell. The man who once literally threatened me with running me over with his van.... because when he tried to impose himself physically on me he couldn't make me budge cause he's like a foot shorter. This pathetic excuse for a human being is a big part of the local Opus Dei and abuses his wife and children psychologically every single day and physically some times too. He hates me with a fiery passion because I gave her daughter confidence to stand up to him. I hate him ten times worse for the years of torture he subjected her to.

We made eye contact.

He left in a hurry.


Staff member
Not sure. That's one of those things that are really, really slang and don't have a definitive definition that I know of. Like when people sake "psyche" or "sike".
Ugh, seeing that moron ruined my Starbucks visit. I didn't even get to talk with staring-at-my-general-direction girl and she's left now.

I think it's headphones time.

---------- Post added at 02:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:15 PM ----------

Not sure. That's one of those things that are really, really slang and don't have a definitive definition that I know of. Like when people sake "psyche" or "sike". disagrees with you:


1    /sɪk/ Show Spelled[sik] Show IPA
–verb (used with object), sicked or sicced  /sɪkt/ Show Spelled[sikt] Show IPA, sick·ing or sic·cing. 1. to attack (used esp. in commanding a dog): Sic 'em!

2. to incite to attack (usually fol. by on ).


Staff member
There are lots of boys here staying for summer school. They're all a bunch of douchebags who want to steal our printer paper and dress in some disturbing ghetto-preppie hybrid.

...Except for the ones who smile nicely and wish me a good day when I give them directions. ^_^
He made my ex sleep in the car cause I took her to see The DaVinci Code.
Sounds like he should have made you sleep in the car, cuz dude, WTF were you thinking?[/QUOTE]

I was thiking "There's nothing else playing right now, let's just watch Tom Hanks with weird hair and make out a bit". It wasn't even a planned "oooh, let's go see the davinci code!" thing.
Yeah, I'm not even at Starbucks anymore, I'm back home where my internet is still crappy.

Starbucks sucked today ¬¬
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