The Amazing Doodle Adventures

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The sandworm's innardsare, in fact, a gateway into another realm. He lands in modern-day london, and finds his house standing right next to a little blue police booth. Hmmm...I wonder what's up with that?
This thread is so awesome I can't even describe it.
Posting in an epic thread.

I vote for meeting half-digested Lou, the retired Italian butcher.
The tardis, now doubt, will come to him to be repaired regardless of his current location or state of digestion.

I suspect the tardis will appear in the worm, and he will convince the good doctor that the tools are in his previous universe and time, and thus escape worm digestion.

The next frame should show the worm regurgitating the house in perfect condition, and going, "Oh bother, I was merely bringing him to my place for a spot of real tea."


Mr. Lawface

Oh no, people remembered this thread. Um... I've been busy. Yeah. Way too busy to make really quick little doodles. Totally. :paranoid:
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