The best of Sexy techno Videos!

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Staff member
Edit: This thread is now about sexy techno/dance videos!

So, I can't get enough of this stuff (I think I have posted a thread about this before). What are some of your favorite cheesedick (or otherwise) techno songs? Here are some of mine (plus I love the videos!)






And to the haters, just be glad I kept the Aqua out!

So what's everyone else got?
The best of cheesedick techno

... cheesedick?


Philosopher B.

The best of cheesedick techno

Can't say I know ...



I actually listen to more trance than techno myself ...


Staff member
The best of cheesedick techno

Denbrought said:
... cheesedick?


Wow, I like happy hardcore and that is a little too tweaker for my ass.


The best of cheesedick techno

The best of cheesedick techno


And the longcat song, because longcat :3



The best of cheesedick techno

Denbrought said:
... cheesedick?


Le Quack

The best of cheesedick techno

The name definitely fits the genre.


Staff member
This really isn't techno, but its sexy in a weird way:


I think I won this thread. Where's my prize?




Staff member
SeriousJay said:

I think I won this thread. Where's my prize?
That guy is fucking hilarious. Is he for real? I wonder if people who have mustaches like that just live in absolute denial of what they look like, or they do it for some kind of ironic statement.

Edit: BTW, great songs Holy Knickers. Fantastic!
Necronic said:
Edit: BTW, great songs Holy Knickers. Fantastic!
Thank you, thank you, here are some more:



A different (better imo) version of a video posted earlier.



The Satisfaction I posted is clearly superior, what d'you other people say? I just love to watch them try to stand still for the whole song's length.




Either way, Benny Benassi ftw :p


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Thread Necro! Arise!


Occasional Poster

Necronic said:
SeriousJay said:

I think I won this thread. Where's my prize?
That guy is smurfing hilarious. Is he for real? I wonder if people who have mustaches like that just live in absolute denial of what they look like, or they do it for some kind of ironic statement.

Edit: BTW, great songs Holy Knickers. Fantastic!
This thread needs more... GÜNTHER!



Even more GÜNTHER!


I know what I'll be singing for the rest of the day...
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