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Staff member
:hug: D'awwwww you!

Sorry you missed the fun last night... but it's going to be a long week of house-sitting... who knows what mischief I'll get into.
Oh, I see. I get it. This is all because I posted in this thread so much.

I see the violence inherent to the system!

Come and see the violence inherent to the system!



Staff member
Sorry for being late at the party. I celebrated Easter by playing Changeling: The Lost.

So here's a little something: the thread creatrix as a bard.



Staff member
It's true. All my high school buds used to say, "It's not a Leslie hug if you don't feel your bones crack."

This is going in my special collection of sketches---Gusto's wonderful penguin, Bumble's hilarious comic, Juski's punk citrus..... You guys are so talented.
This has got to be one of the most suspenseful finishes in World's Strongest Man history, matched only by the finish of 1933's World's Strongest Man, where challenger Lute Flora was wrestling a bear underwater for 10 full minutes before coming up for air. Really, a spectacular finish for a spectacular event.


Staff member
Ahhh, Lute Flora.... he drinks whiskey on Friday nights and looks out at the backyard where his son used to play soldier before he became a "big fat wussy."
Lute Flora is a renowned recluse, and we have not seen him on the competitive circuit in years. If he were to come back to an event, he will have assured himself the title of World's Strongest Man.
Interesting note, the bear was never seen again. No one knows what happened to it. Most assume it drowned, but there are some that point to a find of hairy sharks nearby the following year as proof the bear not only survived, but thrived underwater.
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