The Burger King Original Chicken Sandwich is terrible

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I try to stay away from fast food, but sometimes I like to cave and give it a try. It's been about a year since I've been to burger king, so I decided to give it a whirl.

They're having a special, buy one get one free, on the "Original Chicken Sandwich". Thinking that this must be a good sandwich if they want to promote it so much, I decided to take them up on the offer.

This sandwich is nothing but a chicken patty, shredded lettuce, and mayo. And it's four fucking dollars. There's nothing free about the second one, its price is rolled into the first. These things should be $.99 each.

And to top it all off, it's absolutely terrible. This is without a doubt the worst sandwich I've ever eaten. The chicken was dry, overcooked, and tasted nothing like real chicken. It also had several bits of unchewable grissle that had to be picked out of my mouth, all while tasting incredibly greasy and foul. I ate half of one, and then threw them both into the garbage.

WTF, King? You used to be cool.


Staff member
I was about to come in here and defend the sandwich, because I used to love them. Then I read your post and remembered why I stopped eating them. The quality went downhill, and my tastes improved as I started eating more real food. I remember the last time I had one, thinking "this is not what these things used to taste like!", and that was years ago. I can only imagine what's been done to them since.


That is the only thing I ever get at Burger King >.>

It's probably for the best you aren't mine.


I walked in there over the weekend with a friend and noticed that they added the calorie counts to everything on the menu. It made me instantly never want to eat food ever again.
I remember a time, a long time ago... where item for item the menu at Burger King was better than every other fast-food joint out there. Then I got to where I could not eat a Whopper with out belching for the next 30 minutes, and the rest of the menu used lower quality ingredients.

I can no longer stand to darken that place's door.
I haven't been to a Burger King or a McDonalds in years. Most fast food leaves me feeling either gassy or queezy in the stomach.
Why does everyone always start a rant about McDonald's or Burger King starting with "Now, I never go to McDonald's or Burger King..."?

It's the equivalent to "Now, I'm not a racist... <insert racist rant>.

You do go to McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's, Hardies (or Carl's Junior), Arby's, Quiznos, Subway, KFC, a whorehouse. We all do. There's no shame in it. If everyone's claim that they visit these places once a year were true, there were be no profit in the fast food industry. And cousin, business is a boomin'.

I got myself a delicious sausage, egg, and biscuit this morning.

And the Chicken Sandwich kicks ass. It's exactly what a processed chicken patty should have on it. No cheese; no additional condiments or tomatoes. Just lettuce and mayo. Don't like the price? You can buy processed chicken patties at the grocery store, and they're just as delicious.


Staff member
I hate that sandwich. Tastes like a nugget. I don't think it's worth it to bother with fast food chicken unless I'm at Chik Fil A. They're more expensive, but they taste a little seasoned... like something I might eat on normal day--not just a day when nothing else is opened or I'm in a big rush. Plus... Waffle fries :D

G'ahh, Mathias, you're giving me an envie for sausage biscuits.
Who's Chaz?
Added at: 11:08
I hate that sandwich. Tastes like a nugget. I don't think it's worth it to bother with fast food chicken unless I'm at Chik Fil A. They're more expensive, but they taste a little seasoned... like something I might eat on normal day--not just a day when nothing else is opened or I'm in a big rush. Plus... Waffle fries :D

G'ahh, Chaz, you're giving me an envie for sausage biscuits.
I agree. Why bother with fast food unless you're sliding the greasiest, most delicious calorie loaded product they sell down your gullet?

mmmmMMMMMMMMmmmmmmm I could sure go for a double whopper with extra cheese, large fries, and a non-diet Pepsi.

Sorry everyone, I just finished reading Adam Corolla's new book on the train and I'm in sarcastic, obnoxious grumpy old man comic mode.


Staff member
Crap, sorry. Habit. :\
Added at: 10:14
Yeek, Double Whopper... I can only manage a Whopper Jr. Otherwise I won't get anything done that day.
I must admit fast food burgers are probably my biggest weakness. I love burgers in general and fast food burgers are cheap and fast (and usually taste half decent)
I must admit fast food burgers are probably my biggest weakness. I love burgers in general and fast food burgers are cheap and fast (and usually taste half decent)

Fuck man, in college, we had a KFC/Taco Bell and a McDonald's about 10 minutes walking distance from the house. Guys will tell you stories of college where they wake up after a bender and there are panties in the bed, or an ugly woman. My college wake up stories involved Big Mac wrappers.
Fuck man, in college, we had a KFC/Taco Bell and a McDonald's about 10 minutes walking distance from the house. Guys will tell you stories of college where they wake up after a bender and there are panties in the bed, or an ugly woman. My college wake up stories involved Big Mac wrappers.
And the worst part - he never called one of those McDonald's the next day like he said he would.
I had one of those sandwiches by accident this week. Bought the King Deal thinking it was the sandwich on the billboard, turns out to be a product of the day deal. Sandwich was passable, but I prefer the KFC big crunch. Sad about missing out on the burger though.
Canadian chicken chain Mary Brown's has a chicken sandwich called the Big Mary. I wish I could impress upon how amazing of a fast food chicken sandwich it is.

They pretty much look like the ad version in real life too.
qdoba is the pale imitation of the one true god of fast food, THIS CALLS FOR A FALAFEL!(its like a jihad but with food)

Joe Johnson

I love Chik-fil-a, but there are really none around me (1 on one of the campuses, but it's not worth driving there for it).
Ahh, falafels....Reminds me of a story with an English friend of mine.

We were heading to a bar in Vancouver and he and I were debating the pronunciation of the world 'falafel'. He swore that it was pronounced "FAL-A-FELL" and I insisted it was pronounced "Fah-law-full". This went on for quite some time until a cute girl in front of us turned around and said

"Well, I'm Israeli, and in Israel we pronounce it 'fah-law-full'." She was cute :)


I usually only eat at fast food places when I'm driving to and from my home. Crappy food makes a 4 hour trip easier.

My sister worked at McDonald's for years and so I got sick of it. So sick of it I couldn't even watch the commercials without feeling bleck. But when I came to school the closes eatery to the law school is McD's so we run over there sometimes. I am a slave to chicken McNuggets. I can't resist.

I don't really care for Burger King, last time I got a meal deal at Hardees (it's called something else in other places I think) it was 9 goddamn dollars so they can eat ME, I loathe Arby's, and I don't eat at Wendy's. The only two fast food places I eat at on a regular basis are Dairy Queen and Taco John's. My general feeling about fast food at this point in my life is the only time I really go out to eat at all is with my friends and if we are going to spend our little money on food I want to be sitting in a place that is comfortable and nice. With Waiters.
In college my apartment was only a block away from a McDonald's. And that was at the time they were doing 29 cent hamburgers on Wednesdays and 39 cent cheeseburgers on Sundays. All it took was $3 to fill up on greasy nastiness.
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