The Doorstop (discussion)

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Right then, so a while back, I picked up the unhealthy habit of reading fanfic. Yeah, I know. Anyways, I read a 40K/Evangelion crossover fic called Thousand Shinji in which the four major characters of the latter series become the new Chaos Gods. It's pretty much as batshit insane as you'd expect, but in a kind of fun way. So I knew that the story had a sequel, The Open Door, which involved said new gods exploring (and exploiting) various other fictional universes for their own purposes, and I gave that a go.

Now, I liked the potential here. I could see some great possibilities. That said, I did not like where the story was going. Mary-Suedom and moral dissonance were rife to a faintly creepy extent, and I became increasingly convinced that the 'heroes' continuing to triumph would not be a good thing. So, in my infinite arrogance, I decided to do my own version. I mean, hey, it's fanfic, right?

Now, I was intending to put this up for general consumption once it's done, but I thought I might as well submit what I've got to you good people for comments, criticism, and general vetting. Seeing as it's going to be pretty long, I figured it'd be best to have one thread for C&C (this one), and one for the story itself.

I'll post the first four chapters as a taster now. They're the ones closest to the original continuity, with a few minor changes simply because I dislike repeating what others had written. It's from Chapter Five onwards that things start to really go off the rails.

Hope you enjoy it!

The story thread is here. I've already shown it to my family, so I know that reading the other stories linked above is not mandatory to enjoy it. You can if you want, though.


Chapters Five, Six, and Seven are up. Again, any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


Chapters Eight and Nine presented for your delectation. You lucky bastards.


Chapters Ten, Eleven, and Twelve are up. Because I love you and want you to be happy.


Hah - you thought I'd forgotten, didn't you? Chapters 13, 14, and 15 posted.

Again, feedback would be most welcome.


Right then - it's back! Will be adding more chapters and editing existing ones according to the current draft. Given that I'm now up to 26 chapters and almost 100,000 words, should keep me well-occupied.


Plus others, yes. Believe me, there's more than a bit of both, though the story's mostly told from the perspective of the more idealistic universes... who have no idea what they're getting themselves into.

Hadn't realised these two threads had ended up in General during the move - perhaps they should be in the 'Share your Stuff' section instead?


Well, that's Chapters Sixteen and Seventeen up. Chapter Eighteen to follow shortly - prepare for turbulence. :twisted:


Well, Chapters 18, 19, and 20, have been posted, and the faecal matter has now officially hit the rotary ventilation device.

As mentioned above, feedback do be most welcome - can be as much or as little as you like.
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