The El Juski's Doodle For a Dollar Land

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Staff member
The El Juski Doodle Imporium

Thanks for all the retro crayola masterpieces! :D It's nice to see them all again.
The El Juski Doodle Imporium

Hey Juice Key, can I have a doodle too? You can go with the Official Forum Pervert angle!

Philosopher B.

The El Juski Doodle Imporium

I laughed long and hard at those doodle comics, especially the Shakespeare one. Please get un-constipated and make more! :mrgreen:
The El Juski Doodle Imporium

Oh mighty Spanish Skiing Jew Emperor of the Doodle Emporium.

This humble man would ask of you, a simple doodle.

But if your Muse would not provide you with sufficient inspiration, this humble man will wait.
The El Juski Doodle Imporium

I am always late to these parties... but if you see fit to doodle me or my pets I'd be appreciative. :batman:


Staff member
The El Juski Doodle Imporium

I'm somewhat busy this week--not to mention I just got my Xbox back >: ) so...I'm not ignoring you. I'm just busy or playing Xbox instead of cracking out the crayons.

But I will get the rest of the requests by this week or next week (After my last day of work, before the fun moving back to school in a new apartment begins)

The El Juski Doodle Imporium

Floppy hooties. That's what I'm known for now.

Think I could get a doodle based on this:



The El Juski Doodle Imporium

If you get around to it, I'd like one involving Shakespeare somehow.
The El Juski Doodle Imporium

Edrondol said:
Floppy hooties. That's what I'm known for now.
Dude, it's flappy hooties.

Nothing scarier than driving down the road, and there some old dude in his front yard sans shirt, flappy old hooties out for the whole world to see.

Ugh...I just threw up in my mouth a little.


The El Juski Doodle Imporium

ElJuski said:
THE REST OF YOU!!! I got lazy. So I'll get to them later. Instead, I give you a sneak peak (slash...TEST? HMMMmmMmmM?) of that 'other project' I was waxing on before:

Get it because they are teh zombies lulzlulzulz :zoid: :zoid: :Leyla: :zoid:
Those two look rather familiar...

did they ever succeed in getting the dragon heart back to the devil?
The El Juski Doodle Imporium

I have no idea what a doodle would look like for me, so of course, I want one.


They are pretty freaking awesome.


Staff member
The El Juski Doodle Imporium

Hahaha. I should start another thread with them. Maybe using that picture. Okay, deal.

Also, supes: I will definitely get to it. Next week though, along with the rest of you! Hopefully (life's gonna high-tail it to busy soon :( )
The El Juski Doodle Imporium

Everyone who doesn't have a Juski Original Doodle is second-tier citizen to me.

The El Juski Doodle Imporium

Calleja said:
Everyone who doesn't have a Juski Original Doodle is second-tier citizen to me.
Dude, everybody who doesn't have this doodle

is second-tier to you.

Yes, I am envious of your doodle.


The El Juski Doodle Imporium

Could I possibly partake in a spot of bandwagon jumping and get one of these fabulous doodles?

I don't have much of a forum presence to put a spin on the doodle, so just go with a dog that is green....and is drinking a bottle of Newcastle Brown Ale :falldown:

Those doodle comics are a whole bunch of ass-kickery too. Kudos sir!


The El Juski Doodle Imporium

I wish i was worth enough of one but, I have yet to become :quote: one of them :quote: ... but if you get the time I would love one of my dog poping out of a couch.


Staff member
The El Juski Doodle Imporium

Yeah, I'll be honest. I just didn't feel like doing any requests today. Instead I made this comic:

I actually have another one in my head, at the ready. Buuuut I need to run errands before the ice storm gets me stuck at home.

Cuyval Dar

The El Juski Doodle Imporium

Many Bothans died to bring this doodle request to you.


The El Juski Doodle Imporium

I want a doodle! Seriously. I have been around longer than many of the people who already have them. Don't fear me! I am nice.
The El Juski Doodle Imporium

makare1 said:
I want a doodle! Seriously. I have been around longer than many of the people who already have them. Don't fear me! I am nice.
Yeah, but I'm cooler than she is! Gimme gimme gimme!


Staff member
The El Juski Doodle Imporium

Chippy said:
I lost my original doodle. Can I have a new one?
You can have your original doodle (its somewhere in these 3 pages)...or you could wait for a better one, I suppose?


The El Juski Doodle Imporium

@ElJuski: The sobergirl who goes for that pickup line would be like the exception that proves the rule hehee ^^ funny.


Staff member
The El Juski Doodle Imporium

Actual doodles to ensue shortly.

EDIT: BLAST! Photobucket done shrank my comic.


Staff member
The El Juski Doodle Imporium

Odie, I can't draw couches, haha. Sorry!

More Bothans died to bring you THIS message, Larry:

Supe, here you go:

And Makare, for your hand's pleasure:

The rest of you, be patient! In due time. I PROMISE!


Staff member
The El Juski Doodle Imporium

superluser said:
I would just like to point out that I do indeed know what science is, and so can you:

Thanks, man.
Woohoo! SCIENCE! No problemo.

I cut up and am re-posting the last comic...

And now the latest one! I'm sorry; I know you people like your personalized doodles better, but I can't help myself. I enjoy making these.

I also promise that I won't be using inthepooper jokes as a storyline anymore.
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