The "I Just Exercised" Thread

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Had a 4 day weekend so it is going to jump around a bit. Thursdays workout: 10/9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1 Push ups, Kettle bell presses 5x10, 185lbs Deadlift 5x10, 2000m Row.

Tuesday: 30sec/30sec Sprint/Walk for 10 minutes, 5 minutes of walking, 30sec/60sec Sprint/Walk for 10 minutes, 2 minute rest 8 sets of 30sec/30sec burpees/rest, 5/4/3/2/1 Pullups from deadhang, 5/4/3/2/1 Dips.
I forgot to post what I did yesterday.

So, yesterday:
Interval training: 5 sec. rest 25 sec. max effort - 6 rounds
Low Jacks: 37, 35, 37, 38, 40, 37, 40
Bicycle: 32, 28, 29, 30, 28, 25
Dancing Crab: 14, 16, 18, 17, 15, 15
Ninja Jump Tuck: 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7

Slow interval: 6 minutes max effort, 1 min. break - repeat
8 jump squat punch outs: 5 rounds in 6 minutes/ 4 rounds the second 6 minutes
8 sandbag lunges with twist: 5 rounds in 6 minutes/ 4 rounds the second 6 minutes
4 switch push ups/4 tricep pushups: 5 rounds the first 6 min./ 4 rounds the second 6
8 sandbag sit ups: 5 rounds the first 6/ 3 rounds the second 6
Wednesday Muscle building day. 150lbs over head press 3x max reps, French press 75lbs 3x max reps, Preacher curls 90lbs 3x max reps, Bench press 150lbs 3x max reps, Seated row 160 3x max reps, Squats 200lbs 3x max reps, Calf raises 1/2/3/4/5...etc up a tall flight of stairs, Weighted sit ups with press: Take 2 20lbs kettle bells and prepare to do a sit up with nothing holding your feet, perform a press, return to rest then perform a sit up, at the top of your sit up perform an overhead press 3x10 reps.
Since I'm really working on my flexibility (I want to be able to do Bayonetta justice!), I did yoga! Which was very fun.

Then I did 4 minutes of painful ab exercises that kicked my butt. I don't even know what they're called, but I am in pain - especially since I'm sore from yesterday's work out.

But I will not quit! I want to make a change in myself, for me, for the better! Never quit!
This week has been a p.i.t.a. since we're getting back into the school schedule. I haven't run yet. But tonight, since I was feeling like a schlub, I did some exercises while my son was getting his shower.

push ups - 3 x 10
pilates swimming - 3 x 10
reverse crunches - 3 x 10 with bicycle added to the last set x 5
plank - 2 x count of twenty
half bridges - 3 x 10
Thursday morning workout! Density Pushups= 17 pushups every minute on the minute for 5 minutes, 3 rounds 12/10/8 of the following exercises: wall ball w/ 20lbs medicine ball, Burpees, KB clean and press each arm, KB swings with switch, Floor wipers with 2 20lbs KB, Farmers carries with 70lbs*, Ab Wheel, Split squats with 20lbs.

All Kettle Bell exercises should be done with a strenuous weight

*25 Meters out and back.


Staff member
Been doing a pretty good schedule. I go to the gym for about an hour/hour and a half five days a week and alternate workouts:
  • Arms (biceps/triceps)
  • Back
  • Chest
  • Shoulders
  • Legs
  • Core
I kind of took a stop on the cardio for now, I plateau'd when I was mainly doing cardio so I figured I'd focus on this for a few months. Now I just need to work on stretching in the mornings and working in a cardio day or just forcing myself on the treadmill for ten minutes after a work out.
Oh, I've been doing protein powder too. I did some research and found one with low fat, no bizarre chemicals/creatine and not too bad tasting if I just use water, so it's a nice reward afterwards when I mix it up with banana and a spoonful of this organic peanut butter.
But yeah, weight-wise I haven't lost too much but I'm definitely losing fat and toning up nicely. I'm just trying to avoid becoming those awkwardly shaped weight-lifters.
I did 1.72 miles with run pace of 14:28 and a walking pace of 17:10. I had the worst side stitch when I did the walking intervals! Also, it is 84°f (nearly 29°C) and I think I am melting.

5 minute warm up

45 second run
60 second walk
60 second run
90 second walk
90 second run
2 minute walk
repeat x3

5 minute cool down
Usually when get a side stitch it's during a running interval and when I start a walking interval it goes away. Today it was the opposite. It was bizarre. I tried breathing deeper, breathing more normally, holding the area where I had the side stitch, and eventually I had to stretch my side with my arm overhead in order to get rid of it like a cramp. Not the first time, won't be the last I'm sure. :)
Also, I had this song come up while I was running and it made me think of some of our friends who are competitive runners.
Today = yoga. My muscles are so tight from the exercises I did in the last two days that I must stretch or keep walking like an 80 year old.

So that was 30 minutes of yoga plus another 30 minutes of cleaning 3 bathrooms. Cleaning made me sweat more than the yoga.
Finished my yoga for today! I tried 'yin' style yoga, which I REALLY enjoyed.

And yesterday's work out: Hills
I jogged to a rather large hill somewhat near my house did: 1 sprint, 2 walking, 2 more sprints, jogged home. That incline is a killer.
ThatNickGuy - Seej introduced me to Yogatic/Esther Ekhart on YouTube. She has a lot of different sequences from beginner to advanced. She also does some sequences for specific problems like TMJ and neck pain. I like how she explains everything and, as a beginner, find her easy to follow.
Interval training - 50 seconds max effort, 10 seconds break. 4 exercises, 3 rounds
lateral side lunges w/chair: 27, 24, 24
2 low side lunges (crab walk) a press: 11, 11, 9
touchdowns: 43, 39, 41
3 low squats, 3 medium squats, 3 full squats all with sandbag: 3, 3, 4
I was going to rest today. However, I got aggravated with life in general and had to go run tonight before I punched some random stranger in the head for kicks (not really). I went 1.70 miles with a run pace of 14:59 and walking pace of 16:55. Same intervals as I posted a few days ago. I think I'm going to stick with this one for another week instead of moving to the next set because I am dying after the 90 second run. The next one jumps to 3 minute running intervals and I know I would be gulping air instead of breathing.
Yesterday was my day of rest. Except that I went to the beach and hung out in the shallow water for about 45 minutes in a seated position with my legs extended in front of me, but held myself off of the bottom with my arms. I tried to keep the waves from pushing and pulling me. Today I feel like I did about 100 crunches, my back is sore, and so are my legs. Yay for exercise without really meaning to!
Yay, I'm so glad people are continually posting updates!

So today: Interval training, 6 exercises, 3 rounds, 20 sec. max effort, 10 sec. jog in place w/ high knees
prisoner jacks: 38, 37, 42
squat and kick: 12, 12, 13
jump overs: 25, 26, 34
squat, touch the floor: 16, 16, 17
squat and side lift: 11, 11, 11
floor hops: 22, 17, 24

And then I did some 'yin' style yoga as well.

Tuesday is a tough one, but I encourage anybody and everybody to try.
Single leg squats (2 sets x 15 reps
Pull ups (2 sets x 8 reps)
Supine bicycle (1 set for 1 minute)
Single Leg stiff leg deadlift with 15lbs kettle bell (1 set 15 reps)
Nordic Hamstring (1 set x 15 reps)
Push ups (3 sets 60 seconds, 40 seconds, 30 seconds. 30 seconds of rest in between)
Hanging crunches (2 sets x 12 reps)
Star Lunge (2 sets x 5 reps)
Pull ups/Push ups (1 set max reps w/ no rest)
30 seconds of front plank, right side, left side, and reverse plank without rest inbetween.



Staff member
I was able to squeeze in 20 minutes on the elliptical machine this morning before work! Tonight I'm doing some yoga. :)
No real workout today. I'm feeling really weak and ill, but I did go on a bike ride. Been drinking lots of water and will hopefully feel better tomorrow, so I can get back in to it :)
Today is a stretch day, the calm before the storm that is tomorrow. Start out with:
3 sets of 45 seconds hanging from a pull up bar
3 sets of max effort holding your chin above the bar as long as possible and slowly letting down
3 x 10 negative pull ups
Then stretch as needed for 45 minutes.
Man I have been having a hard time working out lately. I had been working out 4 times a week for about 2 hours at a time (weight lifting and cardio) but I was usually only making it for about 2 times a week (usually because work left me so exhausted). So I recently changed my workout schedule to everyday for about 45 minutes (30 minutes of cardio and 15-20 minutes of stretches) but even with that I have been finding myself slacking off. I only managed to go 2 times last week and so far this week I have only made it once so far. On the plus side I am still doing fairly well off weight and health wise. I am currently 175 pounds and for a 6'2" male that puts me well in the acceptable range but I would still like to try to knock it down to a flat 170 pounds so I can fall into the "lean" side of the scale. Another plus side is that with the increased exercise and everything has made it so my metabolism is working nicely again. Even with my eating more junk food lately I still have managed to not gain any weight and in fact I am still losing weight (just very slowly). I know I just need to force myself to get back into the habit of going to the gym on a regular schedule but little things just seems to crop up (such as having to work late and not get home until 7:30 some nights). But that being said I still plan on dragging myself to the gym tonight if for no other reason than I ate some desserts at lunch and I really should try and burn those off. But if anyone has any recommendations (other than share willpower) on how to get myself back into the habit of a regular schedule I am all ears.
Thursdays work out is here,
1mile run to warm up
4 rounds max effort for 75sec, 60sec, 60sec, 45sec; 30 seconds of rest between exercises and 45 seconds of rest between rounds:
Box Jumps
Hammer Swings
Floor Sweepers
Jack Knife Push ups
Farmers Carry *50 meters* Wall Ball until time to switch
Deadlift 135lbs
1 mile run to cool down

Let me know if these are helping anybody, I would like some feed back from people other than the psycho's I work out with who say to make it harder.

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