The MMO "Elitist" culture, or how I became a "Baddie". (WoW)

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I must fail, too. I understand everything he was trying to say. And I agree.

So :moon: on you, Chaz!


There's been a pretty solid asshole streak coming from Chaz lately. Welcome to the dark side, heh.


Edrondol said:
I must fail, too. I understand everything he was trying to say. And I agree.

So :moon: on you, Chaz!

ITT: WoW players just now realizing what a shitty community Blizzard has?

Le Quack

Man, thats why I play competetive games that only rely on skill, not items. That way if you are bad, the only way to get good is through practice, and the learning curve is much lower.

Qonas said:
There's been a pretty solid asshole streak coming from Chaz lately. Welcome to the dark side, heh.
In John Gabriel's Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory, replace "Normal Person" with "Chaz," and "Anonymity" with "WoW."

Meanwhile, I miss vanilla WoW more and more with all the changes, but still play exactly how I want to, with the people I want to play with, and I have a great time.


ZenMonkey said:
Qonas said:
There's been a pretty solid asshole streak coming from Chaz lately. Welcome to the dark side, heh.
In John Gabriel's Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory, replace "Normal Person" with "Chaz," and "Anonymity" with "WoW."

Meanwhile, I miss vanilla WoW more and more with all the changes, but still play exactly how I want to, with the people I want to play with, and I have a great time.

I just think Rexx is a little bitch...that's all...

-- Tue Aug 18, 2009 5:53 pm --

Le Quack said:
Man, thats why I play competetive games that only rely on skill, not items. That way if you are bad, the only way to get good is through practice, and the learning curve is much lower.

Eh with WoW, I consider the most decked out player to be the biggest loser in reality. You won't believe how bad my co-workers in grad school made fun of me when I played it.

"Did you get your +1 stave of misfortune yet, Matt?" :tongue:
I had noticed stuff like this when I played. I've been clean and sober since a month after BC came out. I had been near 60 for a while and was partially reluctant to get into end game because I knew I'd have to start looking for an end game guild, which meant I'd have to pug 20 man stuff to get gear because who would take a warrior in a mix of green and blues?

That's what I really liked about PVP though. You can't really suck in a battleground, you know? So long as everyone is trying and not making silly mistakes you'll always do fine.


ScytheRexx said:
Chazwozel said:
I just think Rexx is a little *...that's all...:
I have to notice if it's just me, but does anyone else see the irony? :eyeroll:

You come here and whine about getting harassed by a bunch of elitist WoW slobs, and it's ironic that I call you out for being a bitch?
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