The not-so-serious but I want to rant thread.

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I hate it when I get the calls from the guys in India... I CAN'T UNDERSTAND A SINGLE WORD THEY SAY.
They screw up my numbers, man u_u

Except for you, Samira, you're a doll.


Well my sister got 10 days in jail which she only has to serve on thursdays and fridays, her days off. I don't really understand that but at least it isn't a few months. I was scared she would be gone all summer and we wouldn't get to hang out :(
My favorite is the kid whose mother cancelled his WoW account. *evil grin*

On-topic: today I arrested someone who showed a fit of temper (justified, in my opinion), but physically battered the reason for it (pretty much a no-no. A-yup) with a shopping cart. Whereupon she carried on like a drama-queen, making a big deal about how her blood pressure was up, and could I give her the report to take to the hospital, so they knew the reason for it? *rolls eyes*

Ans when I tried to explain that I wouldn't have the report on-hand, but she could take a card with the report number on it, her male friend gets snippy and says "Let's talk to the other officer. This one don't get it. He tryin' to be funny."

*DEEEEEEEEEP cleansing breath*
*DEEEEEEP breath*

M-Fer, if I ask you if you have any drugs on you, it's not a FREAKIN' trick question! I'm NOT trying to trap you! I can make a baggie of weed disappear into the night breeze. ESPECIALLY on your 18th birthday. But if you take it into the jail with you, LIKE I WARNED YOU, then it is an AUTOMATIC felony! You STUPID massfrazzin'..... Now I gotta stay EVEN LATER because I have to field-test and log in your little baggie that you thought you could hide in your sock.

*DEEEEEEP breath*

M-Fer, if I ask you if you have any drugs on you, it's not a FREAKIN' trick question! I'm NOT trying to trap you! I can make a baggie of weed disappear into the night breeze. ESPECIALLY on your 18th birthday. But if you take it into the jail with you, LIKE I WARNED YOU, then it is an AUTOMATIC felony! You STUPID massfrazzin'..... Now I gotta stay EVEN LATER because I have to field-test and log in your little baggie that you thought you could hide in your sock.

He should've done the smart thing, and cheeked it. :laugh:
field test huh?

Smoke em if you got em?
Not so much, although when we deal with the smokers, we all end up with some SERIOUS munchies. Bastards.

This stuff was pretty strong - the test kit went purple almost immediately, and was a nice vibrant shade. Color separation was nice and distinct, too. Too bad he can't have it. Heh heh heh
I have a fever and I just started renovating my house. It needs to be done by the 16th.

How come when I start a project like this I always come down with SOMETHING?
Meh I feel kinda weird today. I woke up with the feeling that I just didn't want to be around anyone. Now I am a introvert but it's not like I have been doing anything lately that would set this mood on me. I just don't want to be around people today. Sadly it is a day where I was to meet my family and some of their friends for a Sunday lunch. I decided to go but right now I find myself hiding in the computer room not wanting to be near them. And I can't really explain it other than I just don't want to be around people today. Of course I feel silly/selfish saying that and yet I find myself looking for an excuse to hide away till it is time to go home. Luckily it is almost time to head home so I can go vedge and relax by myself.
I totally snapped at the bf today via text. he works a 12 hour today and has an after work meeting, and I assumed that he was being snippy about how much harder he works than me. I apologized, and we reconciled... I'm just really defensive about my job. Yea, I might not be as busy as a "real" teacher (I hate it when I'm not considered one... pisses me off), but I chose my major, and I have a Type A teaching certificate! JUST LIKE MOST OF THE TEACHERS I WORK WITH.

He didn't know, and I feel a bit guilty. Oh well, nap time.


Staff member
Man, fuck that. Teachers bust ass--and it's just getting less and less respected. There's a ton of shitty teachers out there, to be sure, but there's just as many good ones that get the bad rap.

But you get three months off, my ass.
I feel guilty about a dream I had last night. I hate when that happens.
I mentioned at my friend's regular coffee night a week ago that I once dreamed that I raped a girl. I felt gross for a month afterward, and it really made me uncomfortable dealing with one of my friends, because in my dream she was the one I had raped.

Several girls around the table confessed that they had each had at least one dream about being raped.

That made me feel worse for some reason.

Element 117

oh wow I really wish I hadn't read that.

instant killjoy to the mood.


Staff member
Wow, what an awful dream. :\ I didn't dream anything like that, but it's still making life a bit awkward. Yikes, though...


Why do you feel bad, it was only a dream. If I felt bad about the weird crap that happened in my dreams I would never get out of bed.

On second thought, maybe I would never sleep...


Staff member
I don't feel cripplingly awful, just a little bad. And I can't help it. I did something really wrong in the dream, and it was just very vivid. Can't help how I feel; I've already tried to "logic" my way out of it. I can feel this way and still function as I should. Tonight I'll probably have a dream about a classmate turning into a wallaby or something and have something new to think about.


In high school my friend Hannah had a nightmare that me and my friend Jen threw her into a volcano and then checked her off a list we had on our clip boards. We then threw flowers in after her. This was a poignant metaphor of life for a girl in our high school. However, she was PISSED. She wouldn't talk to me for like two weeks. I was like Hannah dream-michelle hurt you not real-michelle! But she would have none of it. It was pretty funny.


Staff member
:laugh: Ok, well that's a different story. I've never gotten truly mad at someone for something they did to me in a dream. I might wake up suddenly and be mad, but then I think, "Oh, right... dream." It's different when I'm the one doing the hurting.


Staff member
Hey, anyone can vent in here. *pat on back*

General, if I am a dream, can I be the kind the represents unresolved issues with a loved one or some unconquered fear? :p


I don't think there was anything wrong with what you've said. In my opinion, not to disregard your feeling on the issue, i have dreamed much worse than that.
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