The not-so-serious but I want to rant thread.

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Just called to check on my laptop that I sent in for repair and found out that it was being sent out today. While I was on the phone with them I asked them what was all repaired on the laptop and they informed me that the fan had been repaired and that they replaced my HDD. I asked them why they replaced the HDD. I told them that the HDD was working fine when I sent it in and the reason I sent it in for repair was becuase the fan was going out. They told me that they were not sure why the HDD was replaced. I asked them why they didn't call me to tell me they were replacing the HDD. They told me that they usually don't call anyone before they replace the HDD. Now luckily I had backuped my data before I sent it in but what is annoying the crap out of me is the fact that they couldn't tell me why they replaced my HDD. They claim that they replaced the HDD with one that was the same speed/size but I am still pissed.
Just called to check on my laptop that I sent in for repair and found out that it was being sent out today. While I was on the phone with them I asked them what was all repaired on the laptop and they informed me that the fan had been repaired and that they replaced my HDD. I asked them why they replaced the HDD. I told them that the HDD was working fine when I sent it in and the reason I sent it in for repair was becuase the fan was going out. They told me that they were not sure why the HDD was replaced. I asked them why they didn't call me to tell me they were replacing the HDD. They told me that they usually don't call anyone before they replace the HDD. Now luckily I had backuped my data before I sent it in but what is annoying the crap out of me is the fact that they couldn't tell me why they replaced my HDD. They claim that they replaced the HDD with one that was the same speed/size but I am still pissed.
Dell replaces my hard drive EVERY TIME I send in my lappy. Last time I sent it was because a few of the keys on my key board was broken. They snt it back with a new harddrive and a punch of other new stuff that trumped what I had before.

Plus they sent me back the old hard drive.

Perhaps techs are just tool lazy to figure out whats wrong so they replaced everything?
*wry chuckle* Thanks... in all seriousness, it's a little weird, because other officers don't really talk about it, but they understand what's going on. The public doesn't want to hear about it - we're supposed to be infallible Robocops. I'd talk about it with my wife normally, but with her being pregnant, I don't like to add to her stress, you know?

I think it's rougher than usual because I actually had hands on this lady, doing compressions for paramedics while they did things that actually required skill.


Staff member
And here's why I'd put off going to the doctor. This medicine, which doctors warn me will make me have no appetite (not such a bad thing for this gal) always makes me feel hungry when there's no way I should be. It's really hard to ignore. Sip of milk and hope I can get back to sleep. SHUT UP, stomach.
Man I had a weird dream last night. For some reason I had a dream that I shot my cat in the head with a gun. (no major blood or anything just my cat falling over after I shot him) I am not mad at my cat I love him and in fact I just bought him some new toys to play with. I know it's just s dream and even in the dream I was saddened by what I did but I still feel a bit weird and maybe a little guilty for even dreaming it. I can't even think of a reason why I would have had the dream to begin with. I love my cat and would never want any harm to come to him. I know it was just a dream and dreams don't really mean anything but I still feel a bit guilty over the dream. Most of the dream is a blur and I don't even know why I shot him in my dream. In my dream I woke up and realized it was a dream and I did not shoot my cat but my cat was still dead. Luckily a few seconds later I actually woke for real and my cat was perfectly safe and happy. But I still feel bad for even having the dream in the first place. :(


Staff member
That cat probably implanted the dream into your head so you'd feel bad enough to buy it some of that fancy cat food that you're supposed to serve with parsley on a crystal plate.

Or, ya know, some catnip.
One of my co-workers was absent for about 3 days due to a kidney stone that kept her in bed. Today between calls I thought it would be nice to make her something so I grabbed my bright crayons and made her a get well soon card and drew a magnificent and happy kidney with a happy little stone inside... she didn't find it so funny u_u

COME ON! it's not like she aborted and I drew a little happy fetus!



Staff member
One of my co-workers was absent for about 3 days due to a kidney stone that kept her in bed. Today between calls I thought it would be nice to make her something so I grabbed my bright crayons and made her a get well soon card and drew a magnificent and happy kidney with a happy little stone inside... she didn't find it so funny u_u

COME ON! it's not like she aborted and I drew a little happy fetus!

Make her another one with the kidney all evil and mean and doing that mad scientist laugh.


Staff member
Man, I'm supposed to be used to all the sob stories by now from prospective residents. But every now and then I still get a little choked up at some of the sadder ones. I hope it wasn't a lie. It takes a low person to lie about someone's father dying.
One of my co-workers was absent for about 3 days due to a kidney stone that kept her in bed. Today between calls I thought it would be nice to make her something so I grabbed my bright crayons and made her a get well soon card and drew a magnificent and happy kidney with a happy little stone inside... she didn't find it so funny u_u

COME ON! it's not like she aborted and I drew a little happy fetus!

Make her another one with the kidney all evil and mean and doing that mad scientist laugh.[/QUOTE]

Eh, I'd just liver alone.

Minor rant: I am so goddamned sick and tired right now. I mean literally. I can't breathe through my nose despite all the power of modern pharmaceuticals, and I haven't had a good night's sleep in days. I just want to drop right now.
Some people just can't stomach a nice gesture. It's still very galling that she had the intestinal fortitude to be upset with you though, Morphine.


Staff member

I love puns. I love them so. If they were people, I'd give them hard candy and pat them on the head lovingly. So I guess I owe ThatNickGuy a Werther's and a pat on the head, since he is Pun Incarnate.
My two year old just told me he doesn't love me and hates me for punishing him.

It won't be the last time, but damn if the first time doesn't sting a little.
I loved when my little cousin did that to me, back when I was taking care of them every day.

"I hate you."
*smile* "I don't care, just do what I say."

Oddly, the less I cared, the more they liked me later.

Coming from your own kid is different though..
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