The not-so-serious but I want to rant thread.

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Staff member
^He sounds like a guy who was in my Spanish class a few semesters back. Real weirdo, and always said a lot of either disturbing or kind of pathetic stuff to try and impress me. Also, when I'd duck into the bathroom after class to avoid him, he'd wait for me so he could walk me to my car. :confused: I'd stay in there so long, he thought I had serious stomach problems.

---------- Post added at 05:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:20 PM ----------

Fernando..... gross.
Hey, it's true! The tongue is more nimble so it can get into those hard to get nooks and! it's sticky! so the fish bits will stick to it and make the job easier. :biggrin:

Philosopher B.

I think I made a slight mistake signing up for this summer course. Coming off my last semester, which sort of slapped me in the beansack, and starting just a week afterwards, and being a production class all wrapped up into 5 constipated weeks, it seems like it's gonna take its toll fast. I have a nasty feeling that within the next week or so, I'm gonna be flying by the seat of my pants. We get in at 1 pm, leave at nearly 5:00 pm (despite class officially ending at 4:45 pm), and more than half the stuff still flies over my head. My only consolation is that the class gets more hands-on pretty soon ... at which point I can fail in meatspace, and not just my mind. :) Plus there are labs, I guess.
I am staying a whole half hour more just because I don't want to ride the bus alone to my cousin's place.
I normally wouldn't mind, I've got my books and my iPod, but this bus route is the worst one ever, it's filled with smelly bad men that rub their things against you whenever they get the chance, I fucking hate them, and the bus is always so full you can't even move to kick them in the balls or something. All I ever get to do is curse and sometimes punch them in the stomach with my elbow... and it's not enough ¬¬
Morphine, sounds pretty awful. My friend Arius said they would pack the trains in Osaka like that (he was part of a JET program or something like that). The thought of being that close to a lot of people is very discomforting.
"Daddy why is your beard turning white like Santa and why is your hair turning white like Santa and why is your head is getting bigger?" (means going bald)
Morphine, sounds pretty awful. My friend Arius said they would pack the trains in Osaka like that (he was part of a JET program or something like that). The thought of being that close to a lot of people is very discomforting.
Having lived in Seoul for a year, I know what he's talking about.
Mozzarella is not as good on quesadillas as cheddar. Noted for future reference.
Queso blanco is awesome. Also, pepper jack.

New rant:

The adventure module I wrote is delayed AGAIN. They're running a streamlined version at MisCon 24 this weekend, and it should be available soon after, but while I know the reasons for the delays, I'd really hoped this would be out already.

How is that weird? Doesn't the word for it literally mean "cheesy tortilla", thus implying that one puts cheese on it by default?
Yes... but not ANY kind of cheese... that's like putting-- wait. Never mind. I just remembered what you guys think a "taco" is.

Carry on.
Yes... but not ANY kind of cheese... that's like putting-- wait. Never mind. I just remembered what you guys think a "taco" is.

Carry on.
I put any kind of cheese on the ones I make at home, but have never claimed them to be authentic. I just like the taste. I also add sour cream and salsa. It's a yummy and quick meal.

And I don't believe that anything Taco Bell makes counts as anything but fast food. Sometimes it barely qualifies as food.


Staff member
Dear Fazoli's,

Next time I pay an additional $2 to have chicken added to my fettuccine please actually add the chicken so I have it when I get back to my desk. I really like fettuccine but I like it even more with grilled chicken. And I paid for it.

M'kay? Thanks.

Chickenless Dave

---------- Post added at 12:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:03 PM ----------

Oh, and...

I went to a Subway that I do not tend to frequent, I had to run an errand on that side of town. This woman that puts the veggies on the sandwiches does not seem to understand but one word of English out of a sentence.

I asked for spinach. She puts on 4 leaves of baby spinach. I ask for spinach again, 2 leaves. I ask for spinach again 2 leaves.... after 4 tries I give up. I ask for tomatoes and cucumbers, 2 really thin slices each... I ask for a little ranch dressing... she starts to pour it on heavily. I had to yell STOP! I was a bit dumbfounded that the only thing asked for in a small quantity she doubled what should go on a sandwich, while I had to fight tooth and nail just to get the bread covered with a fine layer of vegetables. I took my sandwich and left. I was getting mad, but I just wanted out of there.

Then a regular customer for that store goes through the same thing, except she is used to it and yells at that woman, "Quit making that sandwich like you like it! and make it like I am asking you to!" After doing that twice she storms out with out the sandwich. Then returns and demands another employee to finish it.

Then after the angry customer leave the cashier makes a crack about how the customer did that every time she came in. It seems to me when two customers in a row have to yell at an employee, they might actually be right.
Yes. Now I must know: what is the proper cheese to put onto a quesadilla? Is it not the stuff they put on at the local Taco Bell, because I've heard that stuff is pretty authentic?
Quesadillas are meant to be done with queso oaxaca, adobera and maaaybe, manchego.

People, we don't even use Cheddar cheese in Mexico, just fyi.

Element 117

I am staying a whole half hour more just because I don't want to ride the bus alone to my cousin's place.
I normally wouldn't mind, I've got my books and my iPod, but this bus route is the worst one ever, it's filled with smelly bad men that rub their things against you whenever they get the chance, I fucking hate them, and the bus is always so full you can't even move to kick them in the balls or something. All I ever get to do is curse and sometimes punch them in the stomach with my elbow... and it's not enough ¬¬
Quesadillas are meant to be done with queso oaxaca, adobera and maaaybe, manchego.

People, we don't even use Cheddar cheese in Mexico, just fyi.
So you've told me what you use to make traditional Mexican quesadillas. You still haven't told me whats wrong with using cheddar or any other cheese.
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