The not-so-serious but I want to rant thread.

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We have some deserts. But also some jungles. And prairies. And beaches. Caribbean beaches some of them, even. There's snowy mountaintops where you can go eat snow, too, if you like. There's evergreen forests covered in mist almost all year and there's also some deserts, yes.

We have swamps, too.
Sorry CG, I tried, but it sounds like Mexico has manipulated through time and space to become conjoined with Jurassic Park.

He's got your swamp beat. :/
No.. Mexico really does have some of everything, geographically. There's an old joke about how God when he was deciding what each country would get got to Mexico and gave it everything, and then his assitant angels were all like "But, sir, that country gets so much! it's unfair!" and god said "don't worry, winged angel who's probably naked, I'll balance it out by giving it... mexicans".

so.. yeah. :/
As part of a reorganization, not only am I losing my sweet window seat, but my team is being renamed.

Yes, in an industry that thrives on acronyms, I will now be part of the Accounting Shared Services team.

Kitty Sinatra

Calling it Shared Accounting Services would've made you a British bad ass.


As part of a reorganization, not only am I losing my sweet window seat, but my team is being renamed.

Yes, in an industry that thrives on acronyms, I will now be part of the Accounting Shared Services team.
ouch. Well, at least you have a job, right?
As part of a reorganization, not only am I losing my sweet window seat, but my team is being renamed.

Yes, in an industry that thrives on acronyms, I will now be part of the Accounting Shared Services team.
So now you have a boring ASS job?
As part of a reorganization, not only am I losing my sweet window seat, but my team is being renamed.

Yes, in an industry that thrives on acronyms, I will now be part of the Accounting Shared Services team.
ouch. Well, at least you have a job, right?[/QUOTE]

Indeed, and while it's not my natural proclivity, I will be proud to call myself an ASS man.
Today is March 23, my first day back to school after spring break. I was so looking forward to being able to break out the shorts today but it's been rainy and cold all day long.
UUUUUGH. I am far too affected by external evaluations of my worth.

I just submitted, for the first time in my life, a short story to be considered for publication in a Science Fiction magazine. I damn near feel like throwing up, I feel that nervous about it. I mean, the worst they could say is "No."* so I don't know why I'm getting so worked up. But ... maaaaan oh maaaan. I'm cold all over, literally shivering, and I'm about to lose my supper.

Maybe writing isn't for me.

* - Okay, so the worst they could say is far worse than that. Something like "Oh, GOD! Why would you affront our eyes and imaginations with such GARBAGE? We hereby condemn you to never attempt to render the English language in written form ever again, for any purposes."
UUUUUGH. I am far too affected by external evaluations of my worth.

I just submitted, for the first time in my life, a short story to be considered for publication in a Science Fiction magazine. I damn near feel like throwing up, I feel that nervous about it. I mean, the worst they could say is "No."* so I don't know why I'm getting so worked up. But ... maaaaan oh maaaan. I'm cold all over, literally shivering, and I'm about to lose my supper.

Maybe writing isn't for me.

* - Okay, so the worst they could say is far worse than that. Something like "Oh, GOD! Why would you affront our eyes and imaginations with such GARBAGE? We hereby condemn you to never attempt to render the English language in written form ever again, for any purposes."
Worse come to worse, I can help you learn to write Spanish.
Oh, hell no! I'm not ready at all. I fucking failed Ancient Greek based solely on misplacement of accents!

Maybe I'll go learn Esperanto or something ...
Another way to get rid of your sore throat (late... I know) is to mix equal parts of hydrogen peroxide and baby benadryl. You take this mixture and gargle as many times a you need to.

A doctor recommended this to me. She said the benadryl opens up your Eustachian tubes (I always have problems with ear drainage) and the H2O2 will kill the gross stuff at the back of your throat. It foams a bit, so be aware of that in case you are sensitive to certain textures.
Dear Newfoundland girls who complain about Newfoundland boys,

Why do you think going to Greece is going to solve your boy troubles? Perhaps the problem isn't Newfoundland men. Perhaps the problem is you. Come with me on a journey, for a moment. A journey into your own 'dating' habits and idiosyncrasies.

Let us pretend for a moment that decent Newfoundland guys exist. Let's not get crazy and pretend that every Newfoundland boy is a decent human being, but let's assume that at least a handful are great. Is it possible, then, that you might not have one of these decent Newfoundland guys because he is currently in a relationship with a girl who is better than you? 'Better' can be whatever you want. 'Less stupid,' 'deeper,' 'tolerable to talk to,' are just a few suggested fillers. Or maybe he's not in a relationship, and is looking for a girlfriend, but knows that you are not that girl. Because there is better out there for him.

Is it possible that you are scraping at the bottom of the barrel because you are at the bottom of the barrel?

What it comes down to is a problem of attitude. And the more you complain on Facebook about how you can't wait to go to Greece because Newfoundland boys suck, the less likely you are to find a decent boy anywhere. I'm sure even Greek boys don't want a relationship with a shallow nag, no matter how hot you may (or may not) be.

Finally, some disclaimers.

First: I don't think that Newfoundland guys are better than Greek guys. I know that there are good Newfoundlanders and bad Newfoundlanders, good Greeks and bad Greeks. That's just how it is. Assholes have a pretty wide distribution across the globe. The only reason your local club is filled with assholes, and an Athenian club is filled with delectable boy-treats, is because you know some of the people in your club, and you don't even speak the language in the Athenian club.

Second: I have no problem with you seeking a relationship with a Greek guy. But you're not in Greece right now. You're in Newfoundland. Would you let yourself starve to death locked in a steakhouse, even if what you really want is seafood? No? Then I don't understand what your aversion to dating locals is. I get the allure of the exotic and foreign, but your obsession does not make any sense to me.

~ Someone who is absolutely fed up with your uppity bullshit
Man ... I might actually kill a person to get as far as North Sidney in the next few days. After it turned out that I missed out on a free vacation, I added up the days that I've been here in Newfoundland.

567 today. I have not been off this rock in 567 days. As much as I love my home, that is positively horrifying to me.


My shitty van and I got to bond, yet again, by the side of the road. That thing is making me nuts!


Staff member
I know the type of person you're referring to, Rob, and it annoys me too. There are good and bad people all over the place, maybe different *types* of good and bad depending on the culture. But a location change can't help a person with that sort of attitude. Truth is, if she traveled around enough, she might learn she has no one to blame but herself. But I don't know her. But if she's what I'm imagining, then yeah, that sucks and it's annoying.
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