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The peon is full on weeping now.




Too lazy to find Shego's thread. Just canceled my own and my wife's wow account - we haven't played in months because we've been so busy with other things...

The bit about the peon crying is funny.





When I went to buy my copy of LOTRO CE, I told the clerk I had quit WoW a while ago. He replied "So you're trying the MMO gum then?" I said "yeah, the Aion Patch just didn't cut it".


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Sounds like you're like me, stein, with an easier time of it simply due to too much going on or being bored with it.

The other times I took a break, I felt I'd be back in a few months. This time, I don't know. You hit top level, you see what little it has to offer, and you get to seeing what a waste of time the whole thing is when, at the very least, you could be playing other games, let alone doing something non-gaming with your time.




When I went to buy my copy of LOTRO CE, I told the clerk I had quit WoW a while ago. He replied "So you're trying the MMO gum then?" I said "yeah, the Aion Patch just didn't cut it".




If there IS anything I miss about WoW is the HUGE community of fan-artists, fan-writers, the books, and just the whole large "other than the game" company that it was.




Then I guess you'll like the SW mmo? God, will there be extra material for that!



Heh. I don't actually miss it. I still have DDO (but hardly play since it is kinda boring without a good group). I am hoping that Star Trek will be interesting. Maybe Star Wars Old Republic (my wife is looking forward to that one)




There's only 4 servers left in Warhammer, but those 4 servers have provided me the most active RvR experience I've had since launch. I'm actually enjoying Warhammer again, despite now having to play on a core rules server. Nonstop RvR action helps with that.




You can always count on me to still be playing. =P




The peon crying bit was great. It's those little touches blizzard adds that made me love the game.



You'll be back! by the gods ye will!

I play off and on but I have had more fun since patch 3.3 than I ever had playing the game. Instances were such a goddamn chore now you just queue and go, btw I hate guilds and have never found a co-ordinated functioning fun guild. I still don't play it often but when I do I actually have fun.
I grabbed an older character I had sitting around and leveled him up and just go on my own. I enjoy it at my pace as y'all should with any mmo. You start racing for end game to learn the full lore, full gear etc etc you just end up disappointed.

Any who enjoy real life!



Cancelled my account mid-December.




I cancelled my account and my wife changed servers.

I can see why it's more enjoyable now with the easy gear and quick instancing, however, I'd like to ram my jeep through Blizzard HQ and gun down every single person who made WoW possible.

That's a personal issue I believe though.




Make sure you use a Takoma Adammon.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

There's only 4 servers left in Warhammer, but those 4 servers have provided me the most active RvR experience I've had since launch. I'm actually enjoying Warhammer again, despite now having to play on a core rules server. Nonstop RvR action helps with that.
I feel like if they'd started off with less servers, they'd have kept more players.

It's a shame to see such a good game dying like this.




There's only 4 servers left in Warhammer, but those 4 servers have provided me the most active RvR experience I've had since launch. I'm actually enjoying Warhammer again, despite now having to play on a core rules server. Nonstop RvR action helps with that.
I feel like if they'd started off with less servers, they'd have kept more players.

It's a shame to see such a good game dying like this.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I think that as well. While admiral that they tried to accomodate for launch and not have clogged and crashy servers that some MMOs tend to have at launch they failed to account for the amount of fairweather subscribes in this day and age of MMOs. Usually when you have a new game especially a subscribe one you may have fairweather player but with WoW making MMOs mainstream the amount of fairweather MMOers is higher and soon they had to do server merges. :\

My current MMO is WoW because that is what my RL friends play I like it to an extent but I like my PvP and WoW caters a little but to all and not a whole lot to one demographic. I had both a WoW and a WAR subscribe going and played WAR when my friends were nto in WoW but everytime I decided to come back to WAR I had to find where my guild had merged to because they had to merge servers again hehe.

whenI get some extra cash I may try WAR out again I liked it for the most part but certain zones were pretty barren after release.




There's only 4 servers left in Warhammer, but those 4 servers have provided me the most active RvR experience I've had since launch. I'm actually enjoying Warhammer again, despite now having to play on a core rules server. Nonstop RvR action helps with that.
I feel like if they'd started off with less servers, they'd have kept more players.

It's a shame to see such a good game dying like this.[/QUOTE]

Well, let's not kid ourselves, the game has some serious issues, some even in the design itself. For instance... Only 2 factions? In MY Warhammer? It's apparently more likely than you think, and it is toxic to balance. You'd think Mythic would have learned from the self-balancing nature of their previous game that 3 faction RvR is the way to go. I'm stunned they went from 3 to 2, especially given how simple it would have been to have a 3rd faction in a Warhammer IP. But they've fully bought into the 2 faction paradigm, and designed all the content around it. Then there's the economy... then there's crafting... then there's the same bugs that keep popping up over and over again (the 1-hit door bug is especially annoying if you're defending a keep).

But even all that aside, it's the best PvP oriented MMO on the market, and it is still fun to play.




I'm not much of a fan of PvP, because I simply don't have the time to learn the little tricks and nuances of each class. So I inevitably get killed in seconds by some 13 year old who plays all day, and basically does the equivalent of repeatedly sweep-kicking in MK.



But even all that aside, it's the best PvP oriented MMO on the market, and it is still fun to play.
Just wondering if you've given Aion a go. I've never gotten high enough to really get into the pvp but I've heard good things. And for example i remember one night my side lost 3 out of the four fortresses (the pvp area) in the abyss all in one night and the whole server was demoralized over it. It was a slaughter and people were upset, some very upset. Now i played WAR for like two months and NEVER saw anyone give a damn about gaining losing a keep. Hell, the two sides would swap them back and forth all day to farm renown. Terrible system.




I am waiting for Aion to do a free trial before I try it mainly because I can be really picky about asian style design for character armour etc so I don't want to invest in it till I can try the gameplay for free.




I like mass PvP, which is why I tried Aion. Still, I didn't have as much fun in the Abyss as I had in Alterac Valley in vanilla WoW.
