I guess the obvious question to pose to any lonely forumites out there, though, is if you had the resources to buy a robotic woman, would you? (And would you program it, as Le Trung did, to slap you in the face if you grabbed its tits? :lol: )
That's too creepy. I think I've seen this before, though. It's a step-up from the life-like sex dolls.
While the possibility of androids as consumer goods is awesome, it still seems distant... movement is jerky, they have a hard time even walking...
Personally I couldn't care less. Give me an AI I can talk to and talks back a la Lyja in Spider-man 2099 or the Jarvis AI in Iron Man.
Have we not learned anything from Terminator?
Kitty Sinatra
The worst thing about a fembot is her response when you ask for a blow job.
"I'm sorry Dave, I can't do that"
If I had 20k I'd build one.
Yea, you could go the 20k on prostitutes route but that kinda ranks lower in my book, and even then there is no guarantee they'll sleep with you no matter how much you pay'em.
Goddamnit, humanity.
Kitty Sinatra
Ravenpoe said:
Gruebeard said:
HowDroll said:
This guy spent about 20k of his own money to build an android . . . if you had the resources to buy a robotic woman, would you?
Dude. The payment is the guarantee. That's the whole fucking point
An android can't cuddle after lovemaking. It just lies there.
Sorry, not my cup of tea.
And this spins my mind into all those old science fiction explorations... what do we find attractive in relationships? Is it a discernible pattern that can be abstracted to a system? Or is it so complex so multilayered and context sensitive to so many factors that it becomes impossible to simulate?
I saw the Iron Giant again last night... in that film Hogarth, the main character poses that since the Giant can understand, relate and show emotions he must have a soul... I wonder...
"it's real *cue beavis laugh* you can touch it, *beavis laugh*"
I'll tell you some thing. I am totally behind projects like this though, at least when they manage to avoid the uncanny valley problem, only because I kinda worry about the really lonely, really desperate guys out there.
And I mean hey, I use a vibrator, so, whatever.
Gruebeard said:
Mav said:
and even then there is no guarantee they'll sleep with you no matter how much you pay'em.
Yea, for the cheaper ones. The high dollar ones are more likely to pick and choose their clients, like Inara from Firefly. Well not so much pick and choose but it wouldn't be surprising if a rather poor fellow who wasn't much of a looker got told "no" by a high class prostitute even when he's paying like 10k.
the robot will never say no, unless it develops some fucked up evil A.I. which is ain't gonna happen anytime soon.
Okay, I'm just gonna stop reading this thread. Makes me too sad.
North_Ranger said:
Okay, I'm just gonna stop reading this thread. Makes me too sad.
I don't know how to respond to a fictional hooker reference. A nerd's wet dream hooker reference especially. :humph:
it's sad? dude built himself a companion.
you have to stop and realize, there are 6.5 billion, give or take, people on the planet. for examples sake, half that number. So you're looking at around 3 billion straight people (for example) of each gender. even out of 3 billion people, there is not someone out there for everyone. and not everyone is interested in paying for sex with a prostitute or isn't able to (maybe he built the robot over time? i skimmed the article).
dude's a hero in my book, why waste years of your life searching when you can assemble one? is it as good? no obviously not, it has it's major drawbacks but if he's happy, why shit on his parade?
Mav said:
the robot will never say no, unless it develops some fucked up evil A.I. which is ain't gonna happen anytime soon.
And then you had to remind me of Futurama, lighten my mood and make me chuckle... :lol: Is this the same episode where Fry gets a virtual girlfriend based on Lucy Liu?
And then you had to remind me of Futurama, lighten my mood and make me chuckle... :lol: Is this the same episode where Fry gets a virtual girlfriend based on Lucy Liu?
But it was initially programmed to be resistant. Makes the programmer seem alot creepier. Though the whole scenario has got to be great when he needs to repair a sensor.
"Have you got anymore 637282-J2s? I killed two breast sensors."
GeneralOrder24 said:
Amy said:
@ GenOrder you know his immediate reply is "that can be changed with programming."
I present in evidence, when ever anyone questions me as to why the Mav creeps me the fuck out, this thread, especially his responses. That said, if one of these sexbots keeps him from doing any actual humans real harm, huzzah.
General Fuzzy McBitty
Amy said:
I present in evidence, when ever anyone questions me as to why the Mav creeps me the fuck out, this thread, especially his responses. That said, if one of these sexbots keeps him from doing any actual humans real harm, huzzah.
i mean jesus fuckin christ, would you like a god damn step ladder to climb off my back or what? is that all you care to do these days, flame others in place of a typical forum discussion?
that's some low fucking shit right there "keep him from doing anything to real humans?"
That's the wonderful thing about being site admin - you can delegate the assholery to others. I can't help but notice that it's you rather than the appointed mods who's done most of the moddy stuff thus far.
I wonder, if locking a thread is as successful as "foe"ing someone? As in, pointless and hilarious.
"Oh no, it was locked. Guess we can't argue in another thread/next post?"
Philosopher B.
Damn, I thought this thread was going to be about Bo Burnham. Instead it's about some creepy dude with a fake-girl robot he claims not to get funky with, but apparently makes smack him for inappropriate touching. Eugh.