control the volume of commercials on your TV?!?!?!
Senate votes to turn down volume on TV commercials - Yahoo! News
Senate votes to turn down volume on TV commercials - Yahoo! News
I don't think it's the bill itself that pissed people off, but the fact that more important ones get bogged down in all sorts of issues...Am I the only one who fully supports this bill?
I hate when I'm watching TV with the volume turned down while my Girlfriend is asleep and then a commercial comes on at half again the volume and now Dubyamn has a angry woman on hand because jackass advertising guy decides the best way to sell his product is to screw me over.
This one isn't exactly something being done... and they're not passing some stuff that shouldn't be hard to pass because of stupid politicking...If the Congress only worked on the hard to pass issues, nothing would ever get done. Some times you have to play softball to get the Congress moving forward.