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Thieves rip off a man's finger so they can steal his iPad





Denver police have release surveillance video of a brazen theft in the Cherry Creek Mall that left the victim with a permanent injury to his hand. He had just bought an iPad as a favor for a friend.

\\\\"I had been asked by one of my colleagues in Canada to pick up an iPad for someone who is being promoted,\\\\" Bill Jordan said.

Jordan left the Apple store with his iPad bag tied around his hand. Surveillance video shows two African-American men on an escalator following Jordan after he purchased the iPad for a friend.

\\\\"The film shows them walking right behind me down the stairs as I was going out the store.\\\\"

Jordan told CBS4 he moved his family to Colorado from New Jersey 15 years ago to get away from a crime there. Now after the iPad theft, he said his life and the life of his family will never be the same.

\\\\"I saw just a bone, all the skin and tendons and everything were off,\\\\" Jordan said, describing the violent robbery that tore off part of his finger.

A few feet from the doors to the parking garage Jordan felt a violent tugging at his arm. He looked down and saw a young man trying to grab his bag.

\\\\"He was almost sitting on the ground he was pulling so hard and it was still tied around my fingers; and it wouldn't come off and then finally he gave it one big jerk; and that's when he stripped the skin off my pinky and it went right down to the bone.\\\\"

The robber grabbed the iPad and ran out of the mall.

Jordan said he went into shock and used napkins from a food vendor to try and stop the bleeding. Paramedics rushed him to a hand surgeon who told him part of his left pinky would have to be amputated.

Now with his hand covered in bandages and his life changed forever, Jordan has a message for the brazen criminals who changed his life forever.

\\\\"I hope you understand what you've done to my life and my family's life for a simple piece of apparatus that'll be junk in a couple of years.\\\\"
All that for an iPad? :facepalm:


Element 117

Thieves rip off a man's finger so they can still his iPad

yeah, the bad effects of the hype. I hope Apple pays for his surgery and doesn't give him the iFinger.



Thieves rip off a man's finger so they can still his iPad

Apple should give him a new cyborg finger with a lazer. Anyone tries it again, he can blast holes through their chest and face.

It worked for Robocop. ;)




Thieves rip off a man's finger so they can still his iPad

You know what they say: ''Give 'em a finger and they'll take your iPad!"




iPissed off. iThugs. iHatethem.




Kids have killed other kids for shoes.

Greed is a powerful motivator for some humans.




I've heard of having a finger on the latest technology, but that's ridiculous.

Seriously, I hope the guy will be okay in the long term. And yeah, just for the situation, it'd be nice of Apple to give him a new one.




it'd be nice of Apple to give him a new one.
IT WASN'T EVEN HIS!!! He was buying it for someone else! Adding insult to injury doesn't even come close to it!




Then, two! One for him and one for the gift reciever! Either way, I think it'd be good publicity from Apple.




I wrap bags around my fingers all the time when I'm at the mall. I never even thought of this scenario occurring. I guess nobody helped the guy or tried to stop the punks.




it'd be nice of Apple to give him a new one.
IT WASN'T EVEN HIS!!! He was buying it for someone else! Adding insult to injury doesn't even come close to it![/QUOTE]

...so his friend owes him a new finger? That'll make headlines too. "Local man gives finger to friend." I'm guessing the friend is writing to Dear Abby right now, "Dear Abby, I paid my friend to buy me a gadget, but it was stolen and his finger amputated due to the ferocity with which he held onto my gadget. Unfortunately he lost the gadget and will be permanently disfigured for life, which brings me to my question: How long should I wait before asking him to repay me the money I gave him? Sincerely, PleaseHelpMeFingerThisOneOut"

But you gotta hand it to the robbers, they like to palm digital goods. I hope they get nailed for that five finger discount. Make no bones about it, they'll slip the cops and save their own skin, but if caught, the evidence will fit them like a glove. Perhaps one of the thieves will hand themselves over with evidence, one of the few times the police will be glad someone gave them the finger.

---------- Post added at 12:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:14 PM ----------

I wrap bags around my fingers all the time when I'm at the mall. I never even thought of this scenario occurring. I guess nobody helped the guy or tried to stop the punks.
Whenever I wrap a bag around my wrist I think about this. Is the plastic going to break before my wrist/hand does, and is the object inside that important?

I never wrap stuff around my fingers though - that's just inviting trouble, even from regular interactions (such as the bag getting caught in the door or an escalator at an inopportune time)


Element 117

Those apple bags are corded with a soft but still braided rope. I imagine they can a bad rope burn.




Those apple bags are corded with a soft but still braided rope. I imagine they can a bad rope burn.
Wouldn't surprise me if they redesigned the bags or straps to break at 25 pounds of force.




I'm horrible...



Honestly, I don't see apple taking any responsibility for this. Legally, they don't have any liability that I can think of.




I agree. It would be really nice of them (and be great, PR-wise), but they're not responsible for this jerk's actions.




When they catch the perps, their sentence should be that their pinky fingers should be (in addition to jail time) that their pinky joints all be broken one at a time with a ball peen hammer.




"I hope you understand what you've done to my life and my family's life for a simple piece of apparatus that'll be junk in a couple of years."

If he stole your iPad and ripped your finger off in the process, it's pretty clear he - the criminal - doesn't give a fuck about the consequences of his actions. I'll never understand why people try to appeal to criminals. The punk deserves a sound beating.






Philosopher B.





Thuglets have no sense of property, and not a care as to what they do to the people they steal from. Making an appeal to their better side doesn't work because THEY DON'T HAVE THEM. Heinlein talked about it in Starship Troopers, so I won't belabor THAT point.

I hope he can handle this...




Making an appeal to their better side doesn't work
Don't know what else he can do. He already gave him the finger.



I think if anything, Apple would/could be forced into redesigning their bags so yeah, the ropes (or strings or whatnot) give way after so many lbs of force. That's...wow, sounds painful!!
