I think my thoughts are worth more like a penny.
But, I feel that 'thin privilege' is just another way for women to attack each other. It's ignorance on both sides; Thinner women who put down other women who are heavier than they are. And women who bash on girls who are thin.
The, I dunno, ironic maybe, thing about thin privilege is it is what they hate. If that makes sense. I mean, people hate that girls who are thin pick on girls who are heavier, especially when Thin Girl assumes Heavy Girl is being unhealthy. And kind of a general hate for heavier people.
In my opinion though, a lot of the time the people who cry 'thin privilege' are often mistaking ignorance of a situation for hate. Example (from the tumblr): Girl A is talking to Girl B about how she (Girl A) didn't know you could have high cholesterol and not be fat. That to me is just ignorance. Girl A isn't saying she hates fat people, she just stating something she didn't know. Sure there are some people who are rude and generally mean to heavier set people, but most comments that get made, in my experience, are just silly thoughts or opinions. Not actual hate.
And then there are people who call 'thin privilege' despising girls who diet or anything of that nature, but fail to remember that some girls are just naturally skinny.
It seems like ammo to me. Like, people who are called heavy now have this I-can-be-mean-to-you-and-get-away-with-it badge simply because heavy-ish people have been teased/made fun of for a long period of time, and now it's payback for them.
I for one find it silly and dumb. And I'll probably stear clear of it. I want to remain in my blissfully happy life.