And believe me, I am still alive.
bhamv2 said:This was a failure
I'm making a note here
It's hard to overstate my indignation.
We do what we want
Because we can
For the good of none of us
Except maybe ourselves
But there's no sense crying over every damn troll
You just flame him back and call him an a-hole
When the arguments are done
You grab your neat gun
And shoot the people who are still alive
I'm getting so angry
I want to bite your ear right now
'cause you said my favorite thread is shitty
Yes, you called it feces
And said every post should burn in fire
As you screamed, it hurt because
You always write in all caps
Now these points of data make it to page 20
Where a lot is spoken, but so little gets said.
When you're reading this board,
You deserve an award
If your sanity is still alive.
It's populated
With losers who always stay inside
Maybe they'll find someplace else to troll in...
Maybe 4chan....
THAT WAS A JOKE! HAHA, yeah right
Anyway this thread is fun
It proves how bored I am now
Look at me still posting when there's trolling to do
Now if you'll excuse me I have mods to annoy
I need flames to have fun,
There are lulz to be done.
By the people who are still alive...
And believe me I am still alive.
I'm posting rickrolls and am still alive.
I'm flaming fanboys and am still alive.
When you are burning I am still alive.
When you are banned I will be still alive.
Still alive,
Still alive...
(Credit: Edited from a thread I first read on Gamefaqs)
I'm glad you approve! I'd hate for people to think I'm stealing credit for things, that'd be such an asshole thing to do.Charlie Dont Surf said:whew thank god you cited that so I didn't assume you came up with all that comedy genius on your own.
One of these days I'll understand.Espy said:Well this was timely Adam.
*whistles and hollers*stienman said:
I'm making a note here:
It's hard to overstate death and destruction.
The flames that engulfed it
enveloped the mini van it's true.
But they all got out safe and sound
except the motorcyclist.
But the truth is he was going 80 on the street
what a stupid dangerous and very dumb feat.
And the 'cyclist was thrown,
breaking nearly every bone
and you wonder if he
did survive...
I admit I am angry.
There was a child inside that van.
Aside from risking your own life
you risked his.
and mentally scarred him.
How does one recover from that?
Anyway, it's such a waste
for a short moment of thrill.
Now your blood on the pavement
makes a beautiful stain
A reminder to others
to avoid speeding games.
But I know it won't work
for there's always one more jerk
risking people who are
still alive.
See? This is what happens when I'm bored! You don't like me when I'm bored, do you? Entertain me!