Le Quack
Keep the Drunk/wasted thread somewhere I can reach it for later? Thanks
Did you roll your face across the keyboard to type that?happy birthday dude
someone aorleayd oposte dthe aobosliggotatyr berperry bibleshuipt sfelow shit cominc
jjst neesd more stormtroopers now
maybe i[ll post some later
Did you roll your face across the keyboard to type that?[/quote]happy birthday dude
someone aorleayd oposte dthe aobosliggotatyr berperry bibleshuipt sfelow shit cominc
jjst neesd more stormtroopers now
maybe i[ll post some later
Did you roll your face across the keyboard to type that?[/quote]happy birthday dude
someone aorleayd oposte dthe aobosliggotatyr berperry bibleshuipt sfelow shit cominc
jjst neesd more stormtroopers now
maybe i[ll post some later
Did you roll your face across the keyboard to type that?[/quote]happy birthday dude
someone aorleayd oposte dthe aobosliggotatyr berperry bibleshuipt sfelow shit cominc
jjst neesd more stormtroopers now
maybe i[ll post some later
...wha... aat?Happy birthday
I wish you all your dreams comes true. Do not attend more call on your birthday. Remember Jesus on this day.
Don't! If you do, he'll fuck you in the ass, man!Don't quack up too much! Happy Birthday! And, don't forget about Jesus, bro.
Never could. Way to profound.But do not attend more call. Never forget that.