Today is Wednesday. (Yahtzee)

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Staff member
It is! I looked it up! You know how I USED to know it was Wednesday? Someone would post today's Yahtzee WARRLGARBLE about the latest/greatest game out there. But the last Yahtzee review posted was in December! So here it is - the Yahtzee thread.

January 13, 2010:

Yahtzee shines a light on the latest Steam game.

January 20:

Yahtzee does it for Pony Boy. Wait. That was the OUTsiders.

January 27:

Yahtzee rubs this one out for you.

BTW, talking about Darksiders, was Twilight Princess the first Zelda game to use the gameplay stuff they took? Because watching the videos Darksiders reminds me very much of Legacy of Kain: Defiance, which came out earlier then Twilight Princess...

Kitty Sinatra

Me too :(

---------- Post added at 04:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:50 PM ----------

Also, where's the puns, Dave? ThatNickGuy always made puns when he posted these threads.


Staff member
I'm sorry. Next time I'll pun the fuck out of you.

---------- Post added at 04:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:08 PM ----------


Kitty Sinatra

You're no ThatNickGuy, but you're here so I guess I can make do with that.

So, yes: Better.


Staff member
They weren't as much puns as bad jokes. Next time I'll put some actual thought into them instead of just writing down the first random thoughts that popped into my head.


Decent reviews but not as funny as he was in his reviews from last year. It'll be interesting to see how he reviews the new AvP now that its been unbanned in Australia.


Staff member
Sure. I start Yahtzee stuff and Nick comes back. It's like when I screw up doing laundry at home - my wife rolls her eyes and takes over.

I can see Nick doing that. He lurks for a while, sees me post this without puns and rolls his eyes...
Nah. Every Wednesday, I was all like "Man, no one's even POSTING Yahtzee's stuff."

Don't worry. Wednesday's punny posts shall resume immediately.
So, no one knows are di y'all just skip over it when reading the thread?

BTW, talking about Darksiders, was Twilight Princess the first Zelda game to use the gameplay stuff they took? Because watching the videos Darksiders reminds me very much of Legacy of Kain: Defiance, which came out earlier then Twilight Princess...

Philosopher B.

Holy shit. We have a Yahtzee thread? I should go into the games section more often ... like at all ...


This is one of Yahtzee's better ones in recent weeks, I'd say.
Yahtzee nukes AvP from orbit. Just to be sure.

He doesn't really bring a lot different to the table that other reviewers haven't already pointed out, honestly (three mediocre games instead of one really good one). Still waiting for him to do Heavy Rain.

Other Yahtzee fun:

Further critiquing of Alone in the Dark

Honestly, my favourite work of his is his Extra Punctuation stuff. This week, Interactivity:


Staff member
Other than Fallout 3's review ("Yeah, it was pretty good." MUSIC!) has he really liked a game during the review?

---------- Post added at 01:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:59 PM ----------

And escapist is down?

---------- Post added at 01:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:00 PM ----------

Aaaand it's back.
It wasn't working for me a couple of times.

He's liked a number of games, but still been critical of them. Batman, Infamous, Prototype, Saints Row 2, Grand Theft Auto IV, God of War, Portal, Psychonauts. Probably a good deal more that I'm blanking on.
I'll have to watch it later. It's still not working.
If you have adblock software, switch it off and turn it back on once the video loads. They messed with their player in order to get people to stop watching the videos and not the ads.
Mmm, didn't expect him to dislike Heavy Rain so much, I loved the game. I hope we'll see more of these types of games, it's really something different.
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