If there is a tornado warning for your area, it's a good idea to head for cover unless you know it's not heading for you. The sirens went off a number of times during those 2 days, but the tornado wasn't "near" us or heading towards us.Interesting points:
- the tornado watch turned into a tornado warning 20 minutes prior to the tornado forming
- the tornado alert (ie, there's one on the ground) was given five minutes _after_ the tornado hit the ground (which is about what I experienced when a tornado hit Michigan last year. I heard the reports from the weather spotters about 5 minutes before they hit the TV and radio stations.)
Our emergency weather radio (which I think broadcasts from NOAA) gives us the fastest updates. There's an app for it too. Generally though, most folks here know when severe weather season is, and keep an eye on it. I usually have an Intellicast tab up, and have the radio alert set up if there are storms brewing near us. I use the local news for coverage and to catch something I might be missing.
Thats why some people go outside to see where it's headed because a bathtub or a closet won't cut it sometimes. It's better to jump in a car and move perpendicular (usually SE/NW) to the tornado. I won't hide in a bathtub if I can help it.