is... is that goomba being really REALLY naughty???
Holy crap the tank and the golden gun are awesome.
this was me just using the golden gun. I fired at a weak setting for the tank and then just shot myself with the gun.
and then this is the tank and gun together
Isn't this game fricking awesome!?
I'm at $106,141 I'm wanting to save up to get the tank.. I'm terrified to hit the "Sign Up" button for fear that it may erase my progress? Anyone done that yet?
No, I didn't sign up.
Don't hurry too much to get the thank, though... it's better if you do go level by level, if you just skip right to the strongest weapon or cannon, you're gonna lose much of the fun along the way. The cannon and golden gun combo means you don't touch the ground for like the first million feet... and that's just missing a lot of awesome shit you experienced when you were launching 50 thousand feet only.
With just the basic stuff, plus the second jetpack and the uzi, I've been able to reach over 52000 feet - ten miles so far.
I was just under the 4,000,000 feet mark with no sign of stopping and my stupid laptop froze
That's convenient.... LIAR!
Well it's not like it is that hard to get that far you just need to get a ton of nukes
I considered just buying like 50 nukes and seeing how far I could go on that.
plus with i regards to buying the tank, you need to buy each cannon before that first, I think.
Oh... they're smart, then. Good game design, that.
I'm not sure how nukes work exactly yet... I notice they throw you like 5k+ feet after using them, but I'm not sure if it's an automatic +5k or it does depend on your current speed/trajectory etc, so I don't know what the best strategy using 50 nukes would be. I do think it's not money efficient, though.
Holy shit, nice one!
What's your usual strategy? I used to shoot at 45 degree angle, wait until the exact highest point, use the missile, and then shoot the turtle every time he started on a downwards trajectory... which was fun as hell cause it's tricky to do but awesome when you pull it off. Then I realized it was a stupid as hell strategy cause I was sacrificing lots of speed... now I know better and wait until he starts to slow down before shooting.
I kinda hate those "Fuck You!" spikes that totally ruin a perfect launch.
I know, they're especially infuriating in their floating balloon versions... you're in great shape flying at breakneck speed at a nice height, racking up the feet and then.... SQUISH!
I shoot at about a 45 degree angle and I just let the turtle bounce for awhile until he hits about 750 feet in height and than I shoot him and repeat that process until I am out of ammo. Than I hit my missile/jetpack and after that I start dropping nukes and I will drop a new nuke every time I start to slow down. Remember to try and pick up more ammo on the way and also when you unlock achievements they give you more bounce, fire power,etc.
You don't use a jetpack/missile??
Oh yeah I do use that and I use it right after my gun is empty.
Freaking hell hit a spike when I was trucking at the end.. But really with the ability to buy endless nukes and a lil luck getting ammo refills you could easily do 10m+ Just need alot of time.
I remember this game's awesomess. I also remember I played trying to get all the achievents (and I did! or almost all of them!)
How are you people on the achievements?
I just need the 5 hour achievement
ok now I have all the achievements unlocked
I have everything but the 5 hour medal, best shot around 2.6 mil and I don't feel the need to chase 4+ now
I have them all but the 5 hour one too, haven't played in a couple of days.