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Traffic Collisions and other character development.





For those who aren't on the Book of Faces or Discord with me, I was involved in a VERY serious accident whilst in my rig with a vehicle on the freeway, back on the 8th. As it's still technically "under investigation, " I can't discuss specifics. But I CAN say that whilst my teammate and I are both okay, neither of us were unscathed.

I'd post specifics about what happened that I CAN discuss, but I don't know how to spoiler on here, so I don't want to upset anyone who doesn't want to see them.

Long story short, I have a fractured pelvis, and my teammate broke some ribs. It's been exactly 2 weeks today, and I've been handling my recovery at my parents, because I'm stuck using a walker for the immediate future - their house has walk-in showers and is otherwise easier to negotiate whilst incapacitated.

I'm oddly not much affected by the crash as of yet - I got plenty of dashcam videos of accidents and incidents before the wreck - and I'm certainly not having any bad dreams. The worst part for me was not being able to wake up my teammate at first. Once that was settled, it was all very academic.

I've got 10 weeks of doing nothing but healing, and after that comes the work with Physical Therapy. I'm estimating 4 months out of work. My company has been AMAZING through all of thus, even paying me a stipend to cover what Workman's Comp doesn't, to keep my family stable.

I didn't know where to put this, so I slapped it here. Let me know if I have to put this elsewhere.





For those who aren't on the Book of Faces or Discord with me, I was involved in a VERY serious accident whilst in my rig with a vehicle on the freeway, back on the 8th. As it's still technically "under investigation, " I can't discuss specifics. But I CAN say that whilst my teammate and I are both okay, neither of us were unscathed.

I'd post specifics about what happened that I CAN discuss, but I don't know how to spoiler on here, so I don't want to upset anyone who doesn't want to see them.

Long story short, I have a fractured pelvis, and my teammate broke some ribs. It's been exactly 2 weeks today, and I've been handling my recovery at my parents, because I'm stuck using a walker for the immediate future - their house has walk-in showers and is otherwise easier to negotiate whilst incapacitated.

I'm oddly not much affected by the crash as of yet - I got plenty of dashcam videos of accidents and incidents before the wreck - and I'm certainly not having any bad dreams. The worst part for me was not being able to wake up my teammate at first. Once that was settled, it was all very academic.

I've got 10 weeks of doing nothing but healing, and after that comes the work with Physical Therapy. I'm estimating 4 months out of work. My company has been AMAZING through all of thus, even paying me a stipend to cover what Workman's Comp doesn't, to keep my family stable.

I didn't know where to put this, so I slapped it here. Let me know if I have to put this elsewhere.
I'd be okay with more details, if you're comfortable sharing it privately.

On the bright side, you'll have time to see your family more AND catch up on movies, shows, and video games.




I'm glad it wasn't worse and I hope the healing goes smoothly.




I’ve been watching and I was going to post something here but wasn’t going to without speaking to you. I loved your post “I lived, bitches!”




Speedy recovery, sir!




Oooof. Glad you made it through and are on the mend.




Keep us posted. Especially the part where you throw your crutches aside and start running as the music swells.

