"Transformers 2" is a horrible experience of unbearable leng

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Question time:

Does anyone on this forum work in film?

After reading CajunGal's post explaining that money-making crap will always exist exist in any artistic field, my absolute hatred of a lot of modern art kinda came back to me. I'm wondering about getting a filmmaker's perspective on T2.

ETA: I imagine it's why Kurtz gets bent outta shape every time Buckley draws breath.
Gusto said:
Question time:

Does anyone on this forum work in film?

After reading CajunGal's post explaining that money-making crap will always exist exist in any artistic field, my absolute hatred of a lot of modern art kinda came back to me. I'm wondering about getting a filmmaker's perspective on T2.

ETA: I imagine it's why Kurtz gets bent outta shape every time Buckley draws breath.
I'm a film geek myself and will be attending a film school in September for college.
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