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Trucker Convoy Protest 2022




Might as well make a separate thread for this, since it looks like we're gonna be here for awhile.

THIS is apparently okay, while homeless shelters have been torn down by police in the past.

Meanwhile, Q-Anon assholes have joined the protest.




One the one hand, I believe everyone has a right to peacefully assemble and protest even when I don't believe in what they are protesting for.
On the other hand, these fuckers were likely the type bitching about indigenous people blocking roads to stop companies from polluting their land with oil pipelines.
So fuck'em.




Lawsuit filed against convoy organizers, seeking damages on behalf of downtown Ottawa residents

"Organizers of the Freedom Convoy that has gridlocked downtown Ottawa for the last week are facing a $9.8-million class-action lawsuit over relentless horn noise, filed on behalf of residents of the city’s downtown core."

Oh dear, that's more than the GoFundMe raised, isn't it?




Oopsie doodle, about that GoFundMe.

GoFundMe ends payments to convoy protest, citing reports of violence and harassment







There is literally only my sister of my family that's decried them publically along with myself. The rest have said nothing or, for the majority, outright supported them so that's fun. I live on the other side of the country of most of them and have always known they were...well...stupid, but this is some cake-taking bullshit that's making me reevaluate a lot of relationships.










Seriously what the fuck is going on. Why the hell are so many Canadians carrying Confederate and Let's Go Brandon flags? Why are they saying shit like "Home of the Free", ANTIFA, and calling the press the enemy of the people? MAGA hats? What.. the... Fuck..

It just feels like these people accidently went north from friggin Alabama. Like whoever was purchasing the crisis actors hired them to go to Oregon and accidently typed in Ottawa in Google maps. What the hell.




Seriously what the fuck is going on.
It just feels like these people accidently went north from friggin Alabama.




Seriously what the fuck is going on. Why the hell are so many Canadians carrying Confederate and Let's Go Brandon flags? Why are they saying shit like "Home of the Free", ANTIFA, and calling the press the enemy of the people? MAGA hats? What.. the... Fuck..

It just feels like these people accidently went north from friggin Alabama. Like whoever was purchasing the crisis actors hired them to go to Oregon and accidently typed in Ottawa in Google maps. What the hell.
Dude, you got NO idea. That shit is rampant in Wisconsin. What used to be a progressive state has turned into a home for stupid people. I blame entitled boomers.




Seriously what the fuck is going on. Why the hell are so many Canadians carrying Confederate and Let's Go Brandon flags? Why are they saying shit like "Home of the Free", ANTIFA, and calling the press the enemy of the people? MAGA hats? What.. the... Fuck..

It just feels like these people accidently went north from friggin Alabama. Like whoever was purchasing the crisis actors hired them to go to Oregon and accidently typed in Ottawa in Google maps. What the hell.
Boy, it's like having your media juggernaut bordering us is having the same effect on our right wing assholes as it did with yours. Alberta is called the Texas of Canada for a reason.








Well, it is 2022.





So the FluTruxKlan just tried to murder an entire apartment building's tenants




Jesus Fucking Christ.
This whole "protest" has pissed me off from the start, but this is a whole new level of heinous.
Livid doesn't even begin to describe my reaction to this act of attempted murder. I suppose I should be thankful that they were too stupid to manage to burn down the building successfully.
Taping the doors shut.
Fucking hell.
"It's about freedom" my ass.








More and more it's obvious that certain types of protest, hijacked by extreme right, are trying to cause political violence and instability throughout the Western world - and make no mistake, it's all being orchestrated in Russia. Once things are well and truly going they may no longer be involved, but things like the antivax protests and gilets jaunes in France, the trucker convoy, the whole damn Republican party, etc etc are not just small groups of malcontents. There's millions being poured into propaganda through Facebook and other media to influence people and it's working.
Police and politicians seem to continue with their "treat the right with kids' gloves" approach, increasing the effectiveness.

It's something people don't like to hear, but the Second Cold War really is happening, and for now the West is losing badly.




Are they? Because Russia is on the verge of collapse economically. Their economy is smaller than Canada's and that's...Jesus.




Russia might not be winning but we’re definitely losing.




It's less "Russia's so sneaky they are directing our divide" than "Holy shit, this country is fucking broken and Russia gets to comment every so often".




Are they? Because Russia is on the verge of collapse economically. Their economy is smaller than Canada's and that's...Jesus.
Which is probably why Putin is posturing so much with Ukraine. Nothing helps distract from most internal problems more then the looming threat of armed conflict.

You know everyone talks about how Putin wants to destabilize the West. I think that is true, but I don't think he wants to destroy the west. He relies on Europe for their energy consumption and the money that brings in. I think he was hoping supporting Trump / Brexit would have caused a schism where once the US and UK were broken away from the rest of Europe, then the EU would feel more isolated and thus easier to exploit. He's probably upset that NATO survived.

In the end it's still going to get worse because a cornered dog is its most dangerous. If he knows that he is going to lose regardless of any other tricks he tries, then we can expect things to get really bad soon.




cat convoy.jpg




More and more it's obvious that certain types of protest, hijacked by extreme right, are trying to cause political violence and instability throughout the Western world - and make no mistake, it's all being orchestrated in Russia. Once things are well and truly going they may no longer be involved, but things like the antivax protests and gilets jaunes in France, the trucker convoy, the whole damn Republican party, etc etc are not just small groups of malcontents. There's millions being poured into propaganda through Facebook and other media to influence people and it's working.
Police and politicians seem to continue with their "treat the right with kids' gloves" approach, increasing the effectiveness.

It's something people don't like to hear, but the Second Cold War really is happening, and for now the West is losing badly.
I've seen this position around in a few places, and while I'm sure that there is some outside funding and influence on these... actions, I also think that to say "oh, it's all Russia/or whomever is the international villain of the week" lets those of us in Canada/US/North America off the hook too easily, and absolves those who would oppose these protesters of having to act. Because if it's all externally funded, we can say 'oh, that's not Canada', and believe it, and thus this stupidity gets to root in ever deeper.

I think that folks in Canada in particular need to have a long hard look in the mirror and realize that, lamentably, this is Canada. It's not a part of Canada that I like or support or endorse in any way; but it is Canada. And if I/we want that to change, the onus is on us to both say and do something.




If it was externally funded, these people wouldn't be putting up GFMs.
No, these are people burning through their retirement savings, taking out loans, and just generally mortgaging their futures because they see it as a gamble that will either pay off once their visions are realized, or they go down a martyr to their cause.





I'm sure there's some Russian-backed misinformation campaigns out there, but I don't think it's big or sinister enough to say this is entirely orchestrated by Russia.

More than anything, it's taking advantage of what was already an undercurrent issue in western civilization. It's taking advantage of and igniting the ignorant, bigoted people who are terrified of the previous status quo from changing. The ones who can look at where the world is at right now and think, "No no, this fine. We shouldn't do anything different."




Well, obviously. Propaganda doesn't try to make people suddenly become anything. It helps normalize and rationalize certain points of view. Creates extreme to point to. Provide "sources" to share. Half the "us.patriots-r-us.freedom.org" websites shared with stories about CIA labs in Wuhan, funny gifs about Biden, etc are Russian-owned and funded.
Small, selfish, backwards people have always been around and always will be. The banality of evil, and all that. Channeling it, giving it a little boost in the wrong direction, is all it needs.




If you like podcasts and want to hear about what it's like in Ottawa..




Oh goddammit, you morons:
This is actually the Blue Water Bridge over in Port Huron, not the Ambassador Bridge in Detroit, though reports are that traffic is stacked up just as bad over there.

"The pandemic has put our economy(-ies!) into the shitter! What are we going to do about it?"
"Hey I know let's constipate everything so nothing can move in or out of two of the busiest border crossings in all of North America and choke off ~40% of all trade volume that moves USA<->Canada! That'll show 'em! YEAAAHHHHHH!!!"

This reminds me so much of that "So the asshole stopped itself up until all the other organs finally had to give in" joke. ...except it's not a joke any more, it's going on in real life right now right there at the border.





My cousin's husband got assigned to the border crossing in Alberta. I asked him not to be on camera handing out coffees, it gets embarrassing. He didn't think it was funny. Their orders have been constantly do not engage and he told me he's not sure who would actually follow orders to take the blockade apart. It's a fucking mess. The Alberta government capitulated entirely to them, but not fast enough, so the blockade refuses to go anywhere.

It's going to be hilarious when this starts happening in countries where the white supremacy doesn't trump government control and a convoy gets absolutely smashed by cops/army/etc.




My cousin's husband got assigned to the border crossing in Alberta. I asked him not to be on camera handing out coffees, it gets embarrassing. He didn't think it was funny. Their orders have been constantly do not engage and he told me he's not sure who would actually follow orders to take the blockade apart. It's a fucking mess. The Alberta government capitulated entirely to them, but not fast enough, so the blockade refuses to go anywhere.

It's going to be hilarious when this starts happening in countries where the white supremacy doesn't trump government control and a convoy gets absolutely smashed by cops/army/etc.
So like France or Spain? Cause I'm not holding my breath for the cops to so much as muss a rightwingers hair in the US.




I doubt "absolutely smashed" will be the result, but the European trucker convoys heading to Brussels right now have all been given a blanket statement that they will be considered an illegal protest and they will be stopped at the border, with those vehicles getting through and trying to block roads will be seized.

And while our politicians are useless, our police does still internationally score among the very best when it comes to handling protests legal or otherwise. We'll see.




U.S. truckers planning protest convoy, perhaps starting in L.A. for Super Bowl, DHS warns

Apparently their plan is to start in LA, to disrupt the Super Bowl, and then travel to D.C. in time for the State of the Union on March 1st.

I fully expect to this to cause large amounts of violence.




Apparently their plan is to start in LA, to disrupt the Super Bowl, and then travel to D.C. in time for the State of the Union on March 1st.
Wait why is the state of the union in March? I hadn’t thought about it not happening a few weeks ago.




At first I thought that said "planning to protest convoy" but now I'm disappointed.





U.S. truckers planning protest convoy, perhaps starting in L.A. for Super Bowl, DHS warns

Apparently their plan is to start in LA, to disrupt the Super Bowl, and then travel to D.C. in time for the State of the Union on March 1st.

I fully expect to this to cause large amounts of violence.
Somebody give CW McCall a breaker 99.




Careful! Down Under they've started to deploy countermeasures!





What fucking goon. And anyone who believed that is a certified idiot.




anyone who believed that is a certified idiot.
I'm pretty sure we already knew that before they started believing this :-D




Wouldn't it just be easier to genetically engineer the bees to inject vaccine instead of bee venom? I mean, since the scientists are so ultra-science-y and stuff.





Or put it in there Zima! Bam!




Wouldn't it just be easier to genetically engineer the bees to inject vaccine instead of bee venom? I mean, since the scientists are so ultra-science-y and stuff.

Batman deady bee weapon bees my god.jpg

Sorry, I'm too lazy to edit "amazon" to say something more relevant.




View attachment 40558

Sorry, I'm too lazy to edit "amazon" to say something more relevant.
We'll just say this attack was funded by Jeff Bezos.




Edmonton finally put a stop to a (counter) convoy protest. Immediately in fact.

LOL. ACAB. Abolish the police.







There had been general calls for a convoy etc in Brussels starting today.
There have been more delays and issues on highways due to the police filter blockades to stop the convoys, than from the actual convoys themselves.
They're now trying to switch to an "alternative" form of protest, by deliberately driving (extremely) slowly on the ring roads and highways since that's easier to do with very few people (5 cars side-by-side driving 10 kph will pretty much block a highway, after all). Sadly, driving slower than 70kph without cause on the highway is illegal in Belgium, and frankly, we never reach 70 during peak hours anyway, so....Not much of an impact :rofl:
There's 60 vehicles on the parking where they were allowed to gather, mostly vans and motorhomes. Oh, and about 120 cars belonging to journalists coming to watch. Supposedly some 600 people are in a Discord group trying to coordinate protests, but so far, it's been beyond pathetic. I mean, the yearly student march on city hall causes more trouble than this.




These fucking morons were so good at protesting for the everyman of Canada that now Canadians are overwhelmingly in support of the federal government invoking the Emergencies Act which gives the RCMP a terrible amount of no oversight power.

I hate everything.




the Emergencies Act which gives the RCMP a terrible amount of no oversight power..
“We will never truly be free until we have surrendered all our individual freedoms to the Crown!”





HOPEFULLY, the emergency powers are short term to deal with this nonsense and it's not abused (LOL, yeah, I can barely say that with a straight face).

On the otter hand, it's kind of a smart move rather than just calling in the military. Because these assholes WANT a big, violent confrontation. They're begging for it because it plays right into their hands. Hitting then where it hurts, in impounding their trucks - their livelihood - is a better, peaceful tactic. Hopefully it works.




From what I've been reading, communication venues between the flutruxklan protesters are being disrupted by pretenders coming in and acting trollishly, spamming Ram Ranch or advising them that there's an american organization supporting them by helping them with insurance and funds called the Lemon Party and they should google it to learn more about how they can get assistance, and other such things. It has apparently brought the signal to noise ratio down to almost nothing.




Here they are fighting with kids. Apparently both school and police officials just let a bunch of them hang around a school and shout at high school kids who have, shockingly, had enough.

Oh and the Ottawa police chief has resigned.




Yeah man, imagine a world where Martin Luther King got arrested, wow can you even imagine? Then we’d never have that important document “Letter from Birmingham Holiday Inn.”

just the dumbest fucking people




So they think it was letters to a Montgomery Jail?




So they think it was letters to a Montgomery Jail?
These racist asshats don't know shit about MLK aside from his name. If you asked them about the letters you'd have to wait a minute for their brains to struggle with new information, and they'd still probably say something about how "MLK didn't write letters because slaves weren't taught how to read."







This guy gets it.








This guy gets it.
That sounds like something straight out of trailer park boys.




That sounds like something straight out of trailer park boys.
Give your balls a tug titfucker that's a pure Ontario accent. Fucking 10 ply eh, like fuck I wish you weren't so fucking awkward bud.




This is the most boring overwhelming show of force. They made a zone around the protests and slowly shrink the zone and slowly arrest and seize vehicles as the zone shrinks.




Honestly the right way to do it though it's wholly because the cops don't want to be there and not because they're actually doing their job right. Lots of Americans think that fucking Tiananmen Square North is happening right now according to Twitter.




Give your balls a tug titfucker that's a pure Ontario accent. Fucking 10 ply eh, like fuck I wish you weren't so fucking awkward bud.
Ok, I recognize THAT as an Alberta accent... but just out of academic curiosity, what regional accent do the McKenzie brothers have?




Ontario hick accent too.

Most stereotypical Canadian accents are from Ontario, Quebec or Newfoundland. You want a stereotypical Albertan accent, just listen to Bret Hart bitch and moan.




Ontario hick accent too.

Most stereotypical Canadian accents are from Ontario, Quebec or Newfoundland. You want a stereotypical Albertan accent, just listen to Bret Hart bitch and moan.
I watched a lot of Canadian-produced shows as a kid, so I just was inculcated to think they were "American" accents.




Ok, I recognize THAT as an Alberta accent... but just out of academic curiosity, what regional accent do the McKenzie brothers have?
That was rural East/Southern Ontario. The Mackenzie Brothers would be Anglo Northern Ontario.




More specifically, that was the show Letterkenny (which takes place in rural Ontario and is quite good).




Heh heh the judge ran out of time to have the bail hearing for the "leaders" today. Oh well, guess since Mondays a holiday, we'll see you Tuesday morning.




More specifically, that was the show Letterkenny (which takes place in rural Ontario and is quite good).
Really - I thought it took place in Alberta for some reason.




Nah, they drive to Michigan and Quebec with somewhat regularity. Only place that'd make any sense is Ontario.




It is, my cousins all sound like that.




The occupying folks have started using tear gas, smoke bombs and directed fireworks against the police.

Bold move, lets see how it plats out.

Edit, Parliament just got locked down. All MPs to be held inside, while they debate the Emergency Acts.

We all need to buy Evan Solomon a beer.




Kill them all. Easy.




Kill them all. Easy.
You make it sound like they're plagued livestock from a Western movie where they have to herd them all into a box canyon and then sit up top and just shoot them all to keep it from spreading.
And that doesn't strike me as very neighborly.





You make it sound like they're plagued livestock from a Western movie where they have to herd them all into a box canyon and then sit up top and just shoot them all to keep it from spreading.
And that doesn't strike me as very neighborly.

They're Leaf fans....




You make it sound like they're plagued livestock from a Western movie where they have to herd them all into a box canyon and then sit up top and just shoot them all to keep it from spreading.
And that doesn't strike me as very neighborly.

They’re literally trying to break into parliament to kill everyone.




They’re literally trying to break into parliament to kill everyone.
Lotta that goin' around these days.




They’re literally trying to break into parliament to kill everyone.
Oh I don't doubt they are enabling such a course of action, what with the all the gathering and the blockading and the hubbub and the rest. But do you really think the appropriate response is to post on a publicly accessible record forum advocating that they be rounded up and wholesale murdered? Because that's what it sounds like you're doing.
I mean, next will you be suggesting they be shipped off to some remote camp facility to be "reeducated?"





Just healthy brains all around








My favourite part is when a reporter in good faith tries to interview them and they start ranting about miranda rights and the 1st ammendment. It's that subtle look in their eyes, where they die inside just a little bit more.







They actually tried it in court and the judge was glorious.

Edit: During the bail hearing for Lych, her husband was being questioned on his validity as a surety for his wife. He went on a rant about everything she had done was legal and an expression of her first ammendment rights. The judge cut him off and asked him "1st ammendment? What are you talking about?" It was then that her husband realized that while trying to prove that he understood Canadian law sufficiently so that he could be held responsible for his wife, showed he has no understanding of Canadian law.




Someone was shot and killed in Calgary.




Someone who didn't use their portion of inheritance to move someplace decent.





They actually tried it in court and the judge was glorious.

Edit: During the bail hearing for Lych, her husband was being questioned on his validity as a surety for his wife. He went on a rant about everything she had done was legal and an expression of her first ammendment rights. The judge cut him off and asked him "1st ammendment? What are you talking about?" It was then that her husband realized that while trying to prove that he understood Canadian law sufficiently so that he could be held responsible for his wife, showed he has no understanding of Canadian law.
It's been clear from the start that these idiots don't understand how anything actually works. They listen to the people spewing nonsense all the time to the point that they take them at face value without doing any critical thinking of their own.




they take them at face value without doing any critical thinking of their own.
I swear whenever I hear about this stuff I immediately think, "Yes! We are all individuals!"





I swear whenever I hear about this stuff I immediately think, "Yes! We are all individuals!"

I'm not.




Well then you’re the only one.





Well then you’re the only one.

Well, we are all JCM, after all.




God, it's the inside reference that won't die.


Celt Z

Celt Z

God, it's the inside reference that won't die.
Just like JCM!








:facepalm: The Office of the Governor General had to put out a statement urging people to stop calling the office demanding that she dissolve parliament. A TLDR of the statement is "That's not how this works, that's not how any of this works." :facepalm:




Okay it's our turn now:

Yes you saw correctly, the flag of Canada is now being flown right alongside the Gadsen flag and other symbols of freedumb. I'm sure that won't create any lasting associations.





Quick time to trick them into supporting universal health care.




Da fuq???




Da fuq???
This must be that "Canadian Tyranny" we've been hearing so much about, lately.





This must be that "Canadian Tyranny" we've been hearing so much aboot, lately.





I saw a truck today with an Arizona flag superimposed behind a Gadsden (snake) flag.

And on the other pole, instead of an American flag, was... a Canadian flag.




You watch. They stole the swastika and the rattlesnake, the OK symbol and the thirteen stars, and now they are coming for the maple leaf.






This piece of shit has been sliming across Alberta loudly for years.

How I knew immediately it was a white supremacist movement is this openly involved in white supremacist gang Soldiers of Odin was in charge. He also loves to braid his hair and pretend his 120% white ass is indigenous.
