UFO's and Hollywood Aliens: Do you believe?

Do you believe in UFO's and alien abductions?

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Last night ABC's Primetime ran a story on alien abduction and it was laughable at best. I watched it feeling embarrassed for these people. Here's a clip of Stan Romanek and his "never before seen video of aliens" that peeked in his kitchen window. http://abcnews.go.com/video/playerIndex?id=8359749
Now, I do believe there are other life forms out there. I don't believe spaceships travel to Earth and abduct humans for experiments. In the case of Stan, we are to believe an alien traveled across galaxies to Earth, picked his house, snuck across his lawn to peep in on him and his family? The best part of the video is when his wife woke up and found him in women's clothes and his response was 'are these yours? No? Darn aliens."

So time for a poll: Who believes aliens travel to Earth?

Steve said:
Now, I do believe there are other life forms out there. I don't believe spaceships travel to Earth and abduct humans for experiments.
This, except I'd amend it to "I believe in the possibility of other life forms out there."

Aliens landing on Earth and/or abducting humans or animals and/or causing crop circles is bullshit. It's an unimaginative answer to interesting questions that probably have real-world interesting answers and not just clichéd sci-fi ones.
That was embarrassing to watch.

-- Wed Aug 19, 2009 6:39 pm --

On the topic at hand, I have no doubt there's life somewhere out there. Hell we may even find it floating around Jupiter or Saturn and for all we know, it could be so alien in construction we wouldn't even be able to recognize it as such. I just have a hard time believing that any intelligent life capable of traveling the vast recesses of space would even begin to give a shit about us. It's pretty narcissistic of us to think otherwise.

Le Quack

on second thoughts, I do believe in UFOs but not alien abductions.

Philosopher B.

I believe that there are plenty of unidentified flying objects. I just don't believe any of them are alien in nature.

Also what Zen Monkey said.


Frankie said:
That was embarrassing to watch.

-- Wed Aug 19, 2009 6:39 pm --

On the topic at hand, I have no doubt there's life somewhere out there. Hell we may even find it floating around Jupiter or Saturn and for all we know, it could be so alien in construction we wouldn't even be able to recognize it as such. I just have a hard time believing that any intelligent life capable of traveling the vast recesses of space would even begin to give a shit about us. It's pretty narcissistic of us to think otherwise.
I have thought about this myself. What if there is a life form based on a different element than carbon, or life forms of a size incomprehensible to us? What if there is life that's not necessarily solid? Gas based life. Saturn and Jupiter could be full of fart people, and we just don't know.

That post started out serious and got sillier the longer I wrote.
Frankie said:
I just have a hard time believing that any intelligent life capable of traveling the vast recesses of space would even begin to give a shit about us. It's pretty narcissistic of us to think otherwise.
They might if we were the first or only form of life they found outside of their own world. Think about it: If we found life somewhere out there, wouldn't we be interested in it, especially considering it would be the first intelligent life we've found other than ourselves? Even if it was a bunch of people living in caves, we'd be fucking interested.
AshburnerX said:
Frankie said:
I just have a hard time believing that any intelligent life capable of traveling the vast recesses of space would even begin to give a shit about us. It's pretty narcissistic of us to think otherwise.
They might if we were the first or only form of life they found outside of their own world. Think about it: If we found life somewhere out there, wouldn't we be interested in it, especially considering it would be the first intelligent life we've found other than ourselves? Even if it was a bunch of people living in caves, we'd be fucking interested.
Considering we have droves of scientists that come bucketloads whenever new clues related to microbiological life and seas in Mars... Yeah, it's not narcissistic.
Denbrought said:
AshburnerX said:
Frankie said:
I just have a hard time believing that any intelligent life capable of traveling the vast recesses of space would even begin to give a shit about us. It's pretty narcissistic of us to think otherwise.
They might if we were the first or only form of life they found outside of their own world. Think about it: If we found life somewhere out there, wouldn't we be interested in it, especially considering it would be the first intelligent life we've found other than ourselves? Even if it was a bunch of people living in caves, we'd be fucking interested.
Considering we have droves of scientists that come bucketloads whenever new clues related to microbiological life and seas in Mars... Yeah, it's not narcissistic.
And I just got a mental image I'll need mind bleach to remove now. Thanks a smurfing lot. :humph:

On topic, I don't know if there's alien life out there, and to be honest I don't think about it very often because I don't find it relevant to my life. Though I'm willing to change my tune if I'm ever abducted.
Oh... it's cute how you guys think that because they managed to travel interstellar distances their society wouldn't have the equivalent of b-tards anal probing people for the lulz...

I'm pretty sure there's SOMETHING out there. And I'm going to prove it right here, right now:

Given the expansive size of the universe, there's probably some life forms out there that can monitor every bit of communications, even on here.

So! If they exist, then they can just come and abduct me right n


ThatNickGuy said:
I'm pretty sure there's SOMETHING out there. And I'm going to prove it right here, right now:

Given the expansive size of the universe, there's probably some life forms out there that can monitor every bit of communications, even on here.

So! If they exist, then they can just come and abduct me right n
It was nice of them to press the post button for you. You'll be missed!

...well, not with the anal probe...


Staff member
Le Quack said:
on second thoughts, I do believe in UFOs but not alien abductions.
Technically, UFOs aren't a matter of belief. There are a few flying objects that I haven't quite been able to identify. Doesn't mean aliens were driving them.


Staff member
I believe it's more than likely that there's life somewhere out there, in those distant realms beyond the stars.

What I don't believe is that they'd come all this way to stick probes up our asses and have intergalactic sex with us to produce human-alien hybrids.

Unless, of course, the only people who come to our little blue speck of dust are on an intergalactic stag party.


While I think its possible that Earth has been visited by an alien race at some point in humanity's short reign over it, I don't believe any of these stories. I would imagine that the guy in the video suffers from similar waking-nightmares as I do, where you become conscious, and are able to interact with your environment around you, but you are absolutely terrified of whatever your mind has constructed.

I actually had one last night, where I woke up and had to run around the entire perimeter of the house to make sure that the floorboards had not turned into a snake. Its a very vivid, very terrifying experience, but I don't actually fucking believe that the floorboard is a snake once I calmed down.

EDIT: Watching the video now, the above post refers to people who have "abduction" experiences.
North_Ranger said:
What I don't believe is that they'd come all this way to stick probes up our asses and have intergalactic sex with us to produce human-alien hybrids.

That's just cause you haven't seen the "Sol system closed do to space-AIDS" sign...


Oh yeah, I just watched the video. That's ultimate bullshit. Why does that fucker have to be from Colorado, we're not all crazies out here.


Lally said:
Frankie said:
I have thought about this myself. What if there is a life form based on a different element than carbon, or life forms of a size incomprehensible to us? What if there is life that's not necessarily solid? Gas based life. Saturn and Jupiter could be full of fart people, and we just don't know.

That post started out serious and got sillier the longer I wrote.
Well if we're going to find life, chances are it's going to be carbon-based. Primarily because carbon is the 3rd most plentiful element in the universe, after Hydrogen and Oxygen.
Gkbur said:
Well if we're going to find life, chances are it's going to be carbon-based. Primarily because carbon is the 3rd most plentiful element in the universe, after Hydrogen and Oxygen.
Shortly after the discovery of the Oxygen Race, the genocide began. They were inhaled at every turn till they became an extinct people.... never again were the Humans considered for Intergalactic contact.... never again....
Shegokigo said:
Gkbur said:
Well if we're going to find life, chances are it's going to be carbon-based. Primarily because carbon is the 3rd most plentiful element in the universe, after Hydrogen and Oxygen.
Shortly after the discovery of the Oxygen Race, the genocide began. They were inhaled at every turn till they became an extinct people.... never again were the Humans considered for Intergalactic contact.... never again....
At least they went extinct by sniffing. The Hydrogen Race was used to power our cars.


bhamv3 said:
Shegokigo said:
Gkbur said:
Well if we're going to find life, chances are it's going to be carbon-based. Primarily because carbon is the 3rd most plentiful element in the universe, after Hydrogen and Oxygen.
Shortly after the discovery of the Oxygen Race, the genocide began. They were inhaled at every turn till they became an extinct people.... never again were the Humans considered for Intergalactic contact.... never again....
At least they went extinct by sniffing. The Hydrogen Race was used to power our cars.

And the Methane Race suffered from eons of racial-identity crises when they learned that they were nothing but the side-effect of carbon-based life forms waste disposal systems.


Alright alright, other element-based life forms does sound kinda stupid. :) But the resulting joke-off was worth me sounding like a weirdo.


well.. I do believe in other lifeform.

But my question would be why wouldn't they abduct people and experiment?

Lets look at the human nature when we discover new things, we usually try to observe it in it natural habitat (without being notice), then of course we try to capture it and study it in a cage/jar etc etc, then of course when it dies, we try to dissect it and look at the insides.

Maybe these Aliens are doing the same thing. ;)


North_Ranger said:
What I don't believe is that they'd come all this way to stick probes up our asses and have intergalactic sex with us to produce human-alien hybrids.

Unless, of course, the only people who come to our little blue speck of dust are on an intergalactic stag party.
I'm told earth girls are easy. :rimshot:

That was...yeah I'm sorry.

Aliens - yes

Aliens on earth - no
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