UFO's and Hollywood Aliens: Do you believe?

Do you believe in UFO's and alien abductions?

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Lally said:
Gas based life.
Considering the complexity that life requires (i.e. billions of different types of cells, each with their own internal ecosystems and different functions), it seems extremely implausible that life could arise in a gaseous form. I suppose you could conceive of a cloud of spores as gaseous or something, but it's not technically a gas and certainly nothing close to the type of life form that learns, thinks, or has anything we'd call a behavior.

Lally said:
That post started out serious and got sillier the longer I wrote.
Oh, nevermind then.


See, me and MindDetective, we just like to ruin the fun with our "science" and our "facts"
It's still Earth-bound "science" and "facts", the universe is such a big fucking place that even the standard "laws" we adhere to can mean diddly squat.

What if this gaseous life form is pandimensional, and its protrusion into our dimension is merely gaseous?


That being said, I look forward to meeting a hyperintelligent hue of blue.

Gkbur said:
See, me and MindDetective, we just like to ruin the fun with our "science" and our "facts"
Call me crazy but that's where I think the fun begins.


Calleja said:
It's still Earth-bound "science" and "facts", the universe is such a big fucking place that even the standard "laws" we adhere to can mean diddly squat.
Except that's not really true. There are only a small number of truly fundamental laws which contain a small number of physical constants. If you can confirm these are the same elsewhere as they are on earth, you automatically get any science derived from those laws (e.g. physics and chemistry, although not biology since you could in theory have a biology based on an alternative chemistry).

I believe as far as we can tell, these laws and physical constants are the same everywhere in the universe, and always have been.
Papillon said:
Calleja said:
It's still Earth-bound "science" and "facts", the universe is such a big smurfing place that even the standard "laws" we adhere to can mean diddly squat.
Except that's not really true. There are only a small number of truly fundamental laws which contain a small number of physical constants. If you can confirm these are the same elsewhere as they are on earth, you automatically get any science derived from those laws (e.g. physics and chemistry, although not biology since you could in theory have a biology based on an alternative chemistry).

I believe as far as we can tell, these laws and physical constants are the same everywhere in the universe, and always have been.
That's always been an assumption, though. It's a reasonable assumption but still an assumption.
I trump most, if not all, fundamental laws the moment I bring pandimensional beings into the equation.

Which sounds like SciFi, fine, but I was just trying to convey how infinite the number of things we DON'T know is, when talking about an entire universe's potential for life.

Calleja said:
I trump most, if not all, fundamental laws the moment I bring pandimensional beings into the equation.
Have you ever read about quantum theory? Like Michio Kaku's Hyperspace, for example.
I have, though not Kaku's... Flatland is one of my favorite books of all time, and I LOVED Surfing Through Hyperspace by Clifford Pikover, I also went through a phase in college where I devoured everything on String Theory and dimensional extrapolations.

It all started with Flatland, though.
Papillon said:
I believe as far as we can tell, these laws and physical constants are the same everywhere in the universe, and always have been.
Mr. and Ms. Black Hole disagree...
@Li3n said:
Papillon said:
I believe as far as we can tell, these laws and physical constants are the same everywhere in the universe, and always have been.
Mr. and Ms. Black Hole disagree...
That's Mr. and Ms. African American Hole you racist.
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