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UGa removes "student" from "student-run" paper. Staff walks.




And the staffs and supporters of student-run papers across the country rally to the ex-staffers cause.

The ex-editor-in-chief tells the story, with the memo that caused the walkout.

The former staffers setup a twitter account, redanddead815, which has been quickly suspended by twitter. Curious. First NBC gets an account canned and now this. Too bad they don't act as fast when child porn is posted.




I learned very early in life that any freedom a school newspaper seems to have is illusory. Just because the choke chain is slack at the moment doesn't mean the administration won't yank the leash at the slightest provocation. It's a cynical joke. Underground papers are the way to go.



I learned very early in life that any freedom a school newspaper seems to have is illusory. Just because the choke chain is slack at the moment doesn't mean the administration won't yank the leash at the slightest provocation. It's a cynical joke. Underground papers are the way to go.
I was extremely lucky with the university I went to, since the founder/director of the Journalism department was an award-winning journalist who was extremely devoted to the freedom of the school newspaper. We managed to get school policies changed and professors, administrators, and coaches fired without a single restriction from anyone. He even stood up to staff that threatened to sue him for libel by arguing that in the context of the university they count as Public Figures, so they'd have to prove Actual Malice to succeed in the lawsuit -- that always got them to back down.

I had more freedom at the university paper than I do at my current job at a local news station. Man, I had an awesome college.




I was extremely lucky with the university I went to, since the founder/director of the Journalism department was an award-winning journalist who was extremely devoted to the freedom of the school newspaper. We managed to get school policies changed and professors, administrators, and coaches fired without a single restriction from anyone. He even stood up to staff that threatened to sue him for libel by arguing that in the context of the university they count as Public Figures, so they'd have to prove Actual Malice to succeed in the lawsuit -- that always got them to back down.

I had more freedom at the university paper than I do at my current job at a local news station. Man, I had an awesome college.
Where'd you go?



Where'd you go?
A small college. Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego.

As to why I went there, this was my freshman dorm, Young Hall:




I learned very early in life that any freedom a school newspaper seems to have is illusory. Just because the choke chain is slack at the moment doesn't mean the administration won't yank the leash at the slightest provocation. It's a cynical joke. Underground papers are the way to go.
There's a difference between freedom and "we want you to be a PR mouthpiece and nothing more." That is what the board wants, and why the staff walked.




There are several encouraging developments in this story. Most notable, that the author of the "good" and "bad" memo has resigned from the proposed editorial board. Other statements from the board have indicated that the students will still be in charge, and that there will be no prior review of stories. (FIRE summary page)

Oddly, the publisher has now been involved in a physical altercation with a reporter. There is no word yet on if anyone is going to be charged in that incident.
