Ultimate PC

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Staff member
Oh, and generally speaking (there are way more factors) for gaming, monitors that have a <2ms response time or latency are better.
What? How many monitors even have response times less than 2ms? And, actually, from what I've read response times greater than 2ms may be preferrable for gaming.

Why? Because of the video processing that most monitors do to be able to get those short response times. An article from Bit-Tech.net The Dark Side of Overdrive. In their testing one of their test monitors (Samsung 244T 6ms) took 40-60ms longer to display frames than a faster monitor (Dell 3007WFP 14ms), despite it having a faster pixel reponse time. The response time in LCD specs is how long it takes a pixel to change from one color to another, not how long it takes for it to display a frame once it reaches the monitor from the computer.
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