Ultimate vidya game music mix!

Not a remix, but from the new Ninja Turtles game itself. This soundtrack is a blast to listen to while you're playing! For example, in one of the levels the Turtles are surfing through the sky on rocket boards above the city. This song that's playing through the whole level just makes you think you're a kid in the late 80's again watching the old show!

I was grooving so hard to this song when we played that level.
Having never played Ocarina of Time before, I was unaware that Gerudo Valley is a banger of a song.

I am now aware of it.

I particularly like the SSBU version of it.

Having never played Ocarina of Time before, I was unaware that Gerudo Valley is a banger of a song.

I am now aware of it.

I particularly like the SSBU version of it.

I had the OoT soundtrack from Nintendo power as a kid, and Gerudo Valley by far got the most play