[MMO] Uncharted Waters Online

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I'm not sure how it is that this has been out for a year and I've only just now heard of it, but I discovered it this morning and have been hooked all day long. Does anybody else play? If you're interested (it's free to play) and want to form a fleet, my character name is Malevia, an English accountant on the Gama server (not sure if there are any other servers, it was the only one on the list).
I was obsessed with the first two games on the SNES, so I'm definitely going to give this a check out! Thanks for the heads up David!


Staff member
Looks interesting. But according to this video it's very slow for the first couple of hours...

Wait... it's available in NA?


I would have sucked a dick to have a decent game of UW again... now I won't have to!

I'm getting that tomorrow... though I hope it's not JapCrap.
The first tutorials are ungodly slow honestly, but they seem to be for the most part optional. You'll need to complete at least one to get a job change card, but there's nothing to stop you from jumping into your ship and start sailing port to port to trade or pick fights.

But if you DO complete all of the tutorial job lines in the school, it will give you almost enough money to buy a Caravel ship
Tip: if you decide to sail off to a foreign country, for God's sake make sure you have the necessarily language skills FIRST. Don't make the dummy mistake I made of sailing all the way to Spain only to find out nobody could understand you.
I'll be trying this. So will we all be on the Gama Server?
The classes they have here seem to be pretty interesting.I think I will be going for Biologist or maybe Explorer.
I joined up with a helpful company called London_Harbor_Freight you guys are also welcome to, just apply at the commerce office in London and say you're a friend of Malevia


Staff member
I'm stuck shipwrecked in Copenhagen. I don't speak the language and my crew is awfully fatigued. Some time tomorrow I may try and make it back to civilization where they speak English and let me buy drinks...
Added at: 00:50
And collect my insurance money....
Got told that I should go to the Church in Antwerp to search for a book in one of the bookshelves.I go into the Church and there arent any bookshelves.wtf?
I had the same issue, turns out you search by the wall on the side of the book stand. I have noticed a few instances of poor/inconsistent translation like this.


Staff member
The bookstand is right in front of the Bishop. It looks like an altar thing. Then you go BEHIND the Bishop and use dowsing rod/search skill.
Ok.Found it after searchign the UWwiki. LordRendar,british explorer and international gentleman, if you guys want to add me.
Played this game some last night, was disappointed as it felt very JapCrap to me. Opened up my PSP and played the real thing (UW2) on my SNES emulator until Walking Dead came on. Was fun. :)

Catherine rocks.
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