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Unvaccinated kids behind largest U.S. measles outbreak in years, study shows





The largest U.S. outbreak of measles to occur in 15 years -- affecting 214 children so far -- is likely driven by travelers returning from abroad and by too many unvaccinated U.S. children, according to new research.
Posting this here because people get so riled up about Vaccination talk, but OMFG PEOPLE WHY ARE YOU SO OPPOSED TO VACCINES?! MAYBE I SHOULD GIVE YOU POLIO AND SEE HOW YOU LIKE IT?! GOD DAMNIT &)*&$@&%@*)&%)*@&%)@*&%)*@&%@)*.

*cough* OK, got that out of my system. :p




Posting this here because people get so riled up about Vaccination talk, but OMFG PEOPLE WHY ARE YOU SO OPPOSED TO VACCINES?! MAYBE I SHOULD GIVE YOU POLIO AND SEE HOW YOU LIKE IT?! GOD DAMNIT &)*&$@&%@*)&%)*@&%)@*&%)*@&%@)*.

*cough* OK, got that out of my system. :p
People are stupid. I blame the FAKE report on vaccination link to Autism.
Also there are group of people who refuse to use "any product" that relate to abort fetus

granted the current/new vaccine are not from aborted fetus but cultured from the original (i.e. no new fetus being aborted to make vaccine) but people are so "hard core in their belief" that they won't do it cause it is against whatever they believe in.

Personally, I believe in Vaccine cause I can't do any "good work" if I'm dead from diseases that I could easily avoided with vaccine.

Can you imagine what would happen if I have chicken pox NOW?? I am glad my mother was smart enough to get me standard immunization.





What would Jenny McCarthy do?

And yes, it's fucken retarded no to get vaccines. "Polio? Ppppsh... no one gives a shit out that anymore..."




It's times like this, the Libertarian in me gives up and says, "you know what? Screw it. Emperor says: Breeding licences NOW."



you know, normally I would let the people die from their stupidity, but I get upset when they do it to kids who don't know any better :( (I know I just use "think of the children" but I think in this case it is justified)




America, where we are free to be stupid... free to endanger children's lives... free to think that medical science is an evil bugbear.




HPV vaccines are not doing so well either (i.e. not many people are taking it.)




There was an article about the CDC recommending HPV vaccines for boys now as well as girls. Here are some of the most popular comments:

how did my generation live so long without all these vaccines? how did the ww2 generation live so long without any vaccines? you wouldn't need all these chemicals if you ate the correct foods and stayed away from immoral sexual habits. america and the west are paranoid and greedy. stop listening to corporations and get back to healthy living.
You can contract HPV by kissing someone who has it orally!
Oh yea sure why not, put more drugs in your kids. Pretty soon you will need a vaccine to drive your car cause they say it will cause finger cancer from steering and shifting.
Sheeple wake up.......this is nothing more than propaganda by the CDC! The side affects far out weigh what they clain "might" prevent cancer! Do some research!!!!
avoid this shot at all costs
More poison for the sheeple.
Really? So boys don't need it unless they plan on being cornholed? Well, sounds to me like most of them will not need it. You should not force it on them. If other's need and want the shot let them take but for once leave the boys alone. They are not here to solve the problems of gays or women. enough is enough!!!
There is no concrete proof that Gardisil prevents anything. I read up on the study when I was in nursing school and the study was done by Merck.
The results were not conclusive nor were tehy performed by an independant agency. For all they know it si nothing more than a placebo.
Again big money and big government working together to 'HELP YOU". lol
Again, these are some of the most popular comments, meaning these are the ones that get the most "thumbs up" from other users. These are how people view vaccines.

In this case it sounds like stupid people are getting exactly what they deserve. Go ahead and don't get your kids vaccinated, morons. Just don't cry to anyone else when they get seriously ill.




how did the ww2 generation live so long without any vaccines?
Mostly crippled or worse.



In this case it sounds like stupid people are getting exactly what they deserve. Go ahead and don't get your kids vaccinated, morons. Just don't cry to anyone else when they get seriously ill.
Yea, but I feel bad for the kids tho. It is funny that people still use living healthy and eating right (nothing wrong with it) but unless you are immune and epidemic sweep your way, more than likely you are gonna be ill or die (hence the vaccine in the first place)

I believe we kept many in check because of vaccine and thus less chance of spreading around.




All I can say is... DUH.



one of the popular comment I hear around the "water cooler" at community college is

It hasn't been a problem for a while, why do I need to be vaccinated?
sadly these are faculty and not the student.

it hurts my head sometimes.




If you really want to facepalm, go to YouTube and watch the Penn and Teller episode about vaccinations, the anti-vaccine people on this episode will make you want to sterilize humanity.




Yeah, but is that kid autistic?

Checkmate, sheeple, checkmate.




The problem seems to be that the people having kids now have no idea what it was like before the vaccines. My grandma told me about what it was like before vaccines. Her kids were all born in the 30s and 40s, so she experienced that fear of her children getting polio (there was no polio vaccine until the late 50s). That comment from the "WWII generation" person makes me facepalm. Either they are senile, or they were sheltered from the reality of how many people died or were severely disabled by diseases before the vaccines came along.

Unfortunately, we need the morons to be vaccinated, too, because vaccines need herd immunity. Or, we could open leper-type colonies on remote islands and ship the unvaccinated there. Which would solve both the herd immunity problem AND increase the average IQ of the remaining populace. Two birds with one stone!

Also, Jenny McCarthy can fuck off and die. I hate that bitch with the fire of a billion suns.




Except that it's not the kid's fault they aren't getting vaccinated, it's their parents (who most likely ARE vaccinated) who are making them that way, so it's not really fair. I more wish we could just give the parents Polio, Measles, and Diphtheria, and then ask what they think.




With luck, they will get it. Vaccines don't give 100% immunity, and if their kids get the illness, even if the parents are vaccinated they are still at risk.

That's why everyone needs to be vaccinated - they aren't simply putting their kids at risk.

When the news programs talk about kids dying due to measles/diptheria/mumps/pertussis/tetanus, or becoming deformed due to polio, etc, then people will start listening.

I hope.




A friend's mother has had polio since she was a small child. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

Get yourself and your kids vaccinated damnit.



A friend's mother has had polio since she was a small child. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

Get yourself and your kids vaccinated damnit.
My mother in law had polio. Her post polio is slowly killing her (plus among other things but that is a different story. She can't walk because of it.) She and I don't get along (if y'all have read my other thread) but in reality, I wouldn't even wish that on her. If I could go back in time and save her from polio, I would. That stuff is nasty and does all kinds of things to people.

Sadly that is just one of many things we try to protect the human race from, but it seems there are some people out there who are just too stupid to realize it.




My best friend in the whole world since childhood refuses to vaccinate. The funny thing is that she's normally a rational, logical person. Her oldest had a serious, but rare reaction that made her very sick, so I can kind of see her reason. Except she gets in with the antivax crowd, which argues on entirely different platforms. It's the classic case of the cost of failure being high enough that real statistics don't matter.



My best friend in the whole world since childhood refuses to vaccinate. The funny thing is that she's normally a rational, logical person. Her oldest had a serious, but rare reaction that made her very sick, so I can kind of see her reason. Except she gets in with the antivax crowd, which argues on entirely different platforms. It's the classic case of the cost of failure being high enough that real statistics don't matter.
I can totally understand that situation, but some of them can be fatal to adults (I was told small pox as adult can be pretty fatal)




Why even bother going to the doctor? That takes EFFFFFOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRTTTTT.....:Leyla:

It's only gonna get worse as the paranoia spreads. Wait till they turn on the flu shot. Schools will be a phlegmy little wonderland.​




They've already turned on the flue shot. It was one of the first to targeted.




They've already turned on the flue shot. It was one of the first to targeted.
They should really smoke out all of those people who won't get a flue shot. They're a real pain in the ash.




I honestly only get them because I get them free. If I had to pay for them, I know I wouldn't bother.


Cuyval Dar

I don't have a choice in any vaccines the Army wants to give me.
That intranasal flu vaccine is a vicious bitch. We were feeling it within a few hours.




They should really smoke out all of those people who won't get a flue shot. They're a real pain in the ash.
Yeah, those people really stoke my ire.




Andrew Wakefield is one of a very very select group of people I would have no problem punching them in the face if I met them. I would gladly accept punishment if it meant I could deck that son of a bitch.

Asshole has a lot to answer for.
