Using GeekTool to customize OS X desktop

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I've started playing with GeekTool and I made a Diablo III desktop...

...using shell commands I found at various sites:
How to GeekTool your Mac to awesomeness
Ultimate GeekTool Setup - Part 1 and Part 2

The script for the countdown came from (Diablo III's is currently just a plain text output, since there's no date yet).

Some examples of some GeekTool desktops:

And a repository of "geeklets":

Anyone else use GeekTool? What's your favorite geeklet?

I'm not sure how long my initial attempt will last, especially since that Portal theme in the second gallery is oh so tempting...
Nice! I ought to set that up, but last I looked at it I knew I'd want to tweak it a lot and I haven't had time.
The trouble with those sorts of tools is feature paralysis. You can do so much that you sit unable to pick which one to do first.

I don't have a mac so I have not messed around with GeekTool. But last year I did use rainmeter and object dock to spruce up my windows desktop for awhile.

The trouble with those sorts of tools is feature paralysis. You can do so much that you sit unable to pick which one to do first.
The only thing I really need is the To Do list. I am terrible about To Do lists. I always lose them. Whether I write them on paper Post-Its and my desk eats them, or I've tried using application version of Post-Its/To Do Lists and "out of sight, out of mind". With this one, the list is in a BBEdit text file and outputs to the geeklet. I can't lose it, and it can't be minimized or accidentally quit like a To Do app. Even if BBEdit isn't running, it's still there.

Once the "ooh, shiny!" wears off, I'll probably just end up with a geeklet with a To Do list. But for now, it's fun to make shiny things. :D
Added at: 11:31
I don't have a mac so I have not messed around with GeekTool. But last year I did use rainmeter and object dock to spruce up my windows desktop for awhile.
I don't boot into Windows enough to go nuts with a Windows version, but now I'm wondering if I can put my To Do List in iCloud and access it from both OS X and Windows. That way, I would also have my To Do List guilting me when I'm in Windows playing games.


Staff member
I use GeekTool to do things like track my filesystem and put a fancy calendar on my desktop. I track some git repositories and I used to use it to spy on what my grad students were doing on my Mac Pro. I like it because I don't usually see my desktop, so I can dump stuff there as a blotter using geektool.
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