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Video Game Pet Peeves




Everyone has some little things that bug them about games. What's been getting on my nerves lately:

1. Save game menus where the newest save is at the end of the list. Gah! I am sick of having to scroll down past old stuff to get to where I left off. I'm looking right at you Telltale! Such wonderful game design, horrible save menus. Other games have done it as well, like Fable: The Lost Chapters.

2. Games with control functions that aren't listed anywhere but the in-game tutorial. The worst offender I've come across lately is Far Cry 2, but I think I've run into the problem with Red Faction Guerrilla and possibly Batman: Arkham Asylum. I really like when games walk you through the interface in game, gradually showing you how to do new stuff. I find it works a lot easier than just a manual. However, Far Cry threw function after function rapid fire at me with little chance to use one before coming across the next. By the time I needed to change zoom on my map again I'd forgotten what key did it. It wasn't in the key-bindings, Gametap didn't have a manual available (and I didn't really want to have to Alt-Tab out of the game to read a PDF anyway), so I ended up having to press buttons until I figured out how on my own. (Once again, Fable makes this as well, only it has functions that are never explained at all.)

What annoying little bits are bugging you about games?




Drives me nuts when the first level of a game demonstrates how awesome your character is when fully unleashed, and then it takes it all away except for a blunt wooden knife and makes you build back up to badass all over again step by step... only to let you remain a complete badass for less than a half hour before the game is over.




Can't stand "fake" complexity. Main one I remember is the wireframe models in SC1 that showed localized damage. Which meant fuck all.

Small fonts that can't be adjusted (go fuck yourself mass effect.)

Lack of balance in item drops and in game economy (mass effect again, but tons of games do this.)


Not able to program my own keyboard layout (Fallout 3)





"open" ended games that are actually closed.

Invisible walls.

Bad Camera. It's 2010 already this should not be an issue.

Basically out of date game design. I'm not saying old games suck, rather when new games have problems that have been fixed/changed years ago. like invisible walls and save points.




Any game where they give you two dozen moves to perform, but only one or two of them are actually worth using.

Any game that uses the excuse of Sandbox Gameplay to make up for a shitty story.

Any game that cuts content in it's Western Release or gets an expanded version we will never see in the US.



Autosave - I don't know why this ires me so, it just does. Though some games do this amazingly well. Others not so well.

Control set up hand holding. - I am an old coot that can actually sit and read a manual before playing a game. Wasting valuable kick ass game time with 'tutorial levels' is... well... wasting my time. Stop pausing my action and let me play. Side note, this development in game design came about because of you dang kids and your rock n roll being to impatient to read and jumping into a game only to be frustrated by the fact it isn't telling you how to jump.




Any game where they give you two dozen moves to perform, but only one or two of them are actually worth using.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Endless desert areas.

Underwater levels (and water temples).




Endless desert areas.

Underwater levels (and water temples).
I disagree with Underwater stuff... if they do it right, it's awesome. If you want to see underwater areas done right, try Endless Ocean 1 or 2.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Endless desert areas.

Underwater levels (and water temples).
I disagree with Underwater stuff... if they do it right, it's awesome. If you want to see underwater areas done right, try Endless Ocean 1 or 2.[/QUOTE]

Aren't those just undersea life simulators?

I mean games that are mostly on-land, and then there's an underwater level somewhere in it with different controls, camera work, and sometimes an air meter to take into account.


General Specific

General Specific

  • Unskippable cut scenes.
  • Huge bosses that have only 1 tiny weak point or are only vulnerable during certain times.
  • SNK Boss Syndrome
  • Bosses that are one-shot kills (I'm looking at you, Fable 2)
  • Games that advertise a "morality" system that actually consists of choices between hug fuzzy bunnies or destroy the world
  • Getting your character to a point of nigh invincibility only to be felled by a cutscene foe.
  • Having a character equipped with a gas mask only to be taken out by poison gas. (KotOR 2)




-No mid-mission checkpoints.




I hate it when there's a spike in the difficulty. Puzzle games will do this every now and again. Levels 1-4 are a joke, and 5-9 are ok but when 10 comes around you might sit there for a half hour trying to even figure out what to do.




Games that require external "launchers," and/or have 3-5 unskippable video logos before the main menu. WHEN I CLICK THIS IT MEANS I WANT TO PLAY NOW KTHX BYE




Not being able to jump over a 2 foot high fence or hedge.

Seriously, what the hell? (LOOKING AT YOUR RE4 & 5)




I hate it when I lose.




That fucking dog keeps laughing at me.





What're you playing, Fable 2? You're paranoid, he's just barking.









-Giving me a max inventory weight system, than telling me I'm over the limit for picking up a freaking blueberry.
-Areas so black that I can't see anything. There's "creating a dark setting" and then there's "I may as well be button mashing with the screen turned off."
-Making me learn skills that don't really do anything and are just as big a pain to learn as any of the more common skills.
-Creating stats that can essentially only be leveled by standing there and grinding an action. I don't wanna cast "minor health restore" on myself 1000 times in a row just to be able to learn the more useful version, or leveling up my sneaking ability by sneaking around in a circle next to somebody who's asleep.
-Giving me the "battle" music so I know something's charging at me, but giving me little or no way to see where it's coming from until it's right on top of me dealing damage.
-Level-scaled enemies. I don't want to get killed near the starter city at level 25 as easily as I do at level 1. If something's too strong for me, I should be able to come back after much experience and kick everything's ass.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

-Giving me a max inventory weight system, than telling me I'm over the limit for picking up a freaking blueberry.
-Areas so black that I can't see anything. There's "creating a dark setting" and then there's "I may as well be button mashing with the screen turned off."
-Making me learn skills that don't really do anything and are just as big a pain to learn as any of the more common skills.
-Creating stats that can essentially only be leveled by standing there and grinding an action. I don't wanna cast "minor health restore" on myself 1000 times in a row just to be able to learn the more useful version, or leveling up my sneaking ability by sneaking around in a circle next to somebody who's asleep.
-Giving me the "battle" music so I know something's charging at me, but giving me little or no way to see where it's coming from until it's right on top of me dealing damage.
-Level-scaled enemies. I don't want to get killed near the starter city at level 25 as easily as I do at level 1. If something's too strong for me, I should be able to come back after much experience and kick everything's ass.
I think a game with these problems should be blasted into oblivion.:awesome:


Kitty Sinatra

I just finished up an Oblivion clone called Two Worlds. It had a skill called "Unhorse Strike" which you used to unhorse your opponent . . . but I never saw a single mounted opponent during the entire game.



Frankie Williamson

I just finished up an Oblivion clone called Two Worlds. It had a skill called "Unhorse Strike" which you used to unhorse your opponent . . . but I never saw a single mounted opponent during the entire game.
Jesus, you actually played through Two Worlds? I played the demo for 2 minutes and never bothered again.


-Ice Levels, fuck em now, fuck em forever.
-Forced motion controls, whether it be not being able to use the classic controller in Wii Mario bros (don't give me that bullshit that the motion actions couldn't be mapped to sticks or buttons) or pretty much any Sixaxis segment of any games.
-Unskippable cutscenes directly before hard as fuck boss fights. There's nothing more rad than having to watch the same terrible God damn cut scene before the boss kicks my ass in 10 seconds.
-Lack of decent manuals. Remember the Fallout game's manuals? They were huge, well made and generally hilarious. Baldur's Gate basically shipped with a video game players hand book for D&D. Now all we get are 4 stapled together black and white sheets.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

It's because many people don't real the manuals anymore.



Frankie Williamson

Nah, it's all bottom line thing. It's why during the age of large PC game boxes, they also stopped putting jewel cases inside, instead opting for the terrible little paper slip cases. Anything they can do to make 2 or 3 more cents a copy.


Kitty Sinatra

Jesus, you actually played through Two Worlds?
Yeah, and I even enjoyed it. The voice acting was atrocious, and it felt incomplete, but I enjoyed it.




-Lack of decent manuals. Remember the Fallout game's manuals? They were huge, well made and generally hilarious. Baldur's Gate basically shipped with a video game players hand book for D&D. Now all we get are 4 stapled together black and white sheets.
I for one wouldn't even mind if they where only in .pdf form...



You know, you can actually mod pretty much every one of those features out of Oblivion, David. Makes it a much, much more playable game. Ditto for every other game Beth's ever made.

- Uncontrollable, terrible camera angles.
- Fist weapons that take about 6 seconds to swing. (As in DMC and all of its million clone franchises)
- Gratuitous dimorphism ( Take your breastplate off and hand it to a woman, it becomes a bikini )
- Imaginary Armor (As in every Final Fantasy)
- When sneaking up behind something and shooting it in the back of the head fails to kill 100% of the time
- Games with horribly boring and inaccurate stealth and sneaking systems
- Games that disproportionately gimp pistols, even large caliber ones.

- Google-translator grade translations. Cheap shitty dub actors. Bad compression. Changing things for 'cultural purposes'. Nation-exclusive release dates. In fact, all the crap Japan pulls when they port games here and that we pull when we port to the UK. Fuck those guys. And us guys.




- Gratuitous dimorphism ( Take your breastplate off and hand it to a woman, it becomes a bikini )
This has always bothered me too, especially when it's a game your supposed to play from the first person.

- Imaginary Armor (As in every Final Fantasy)
Agreed. It's one of the reasons I loved Legend of Legaia... you could actually see the armor!

- When sneaking up behind something and shooting it in the back of the head fails to kill 100% of the time
Agreed, with the exemption of when they give a good reason for why this won't work. (I.E. It's a robot and the parts controlling it aren't in the head, it's got more than one head, it's a skeleton and there's nothing inside the head to hit, etc.)




- Invasive DRM, which basically boils down to anything beyond a cd-key/disc check.
- Unskippable logo's/cinematics.
- Inability to pause cinematics.
- Schizophrenic difficulty curves.
- Bland level design.
- Crafting systems that add next to nothing to the game.
- 'Sexy' armors.




- Half finished "side-quests". Especially those that should have been dropped from the get-go in order to focus on the main game. The Zelda series is a minor offender. The Kin-stones in Minish Cap and the enemy sculpture gallery in Wind Waker (why didn't they use the post boxes to mail in photos?) spring to mind. Other games, like Fable, have almost everything feeling like a hastily-finished idea that should have been fleshed out, if there hadn't been 50 other similar ideas being worked on in parallel.



- Half finished "side-quests".
I see your half finished side quest and raise you one half-finished ending. KOTOR 2 and lots of FPSs are guilty of that.

Oh, also:
- Hey, buy the sequel! endings. God of War and Halo.
- x3 for Hey, buy the sequel! Except first you have to buy a new console for $400!. Again, god of war, halo.

- 'Sexy' armors.
At the very least take away their entire armor value and give a 'chafing' damage-over-time effect.

Oh, and on that subject...
- Archer characters with gigantic breasts. Physics, hello?




-Awesome skill on paper, useless ingame
Mass Effect 2's Infiltrator can stealth. You can get through never using it, and anytime I did my party just ran in like fucking morons anyway.




Stealth mechanics/stealth builds being poorly balanced to either be unusable or I WIN buttons.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Sudden quick-time events during what has been for several minutes a normal cutscene.



Frankie Williamson

Especially when they can end in death, making you watch the whole fucking thing over again.




Sudden quick-time events during what has been for several minutes a normal cutscene.
ahahaha. This reminds me of my dad playing Resident Evil 4 (his first jaunt outside Goldeneye matches with my brother and I, or the Command and Conquer games). He gets to the cutscene where the army dude and you are circling each other, and all of a sudden the army guy jumps forward and shanks him as a button press icon flashes for just a second. Insta-death. He's just staring at the tv, muttering "what the fuck."




I LOLed on that one CK. Great story.

There are quite a few pet peeves for me (oddly I'm the only one to complain about these few that haven't been covered enough)

- I fucken hate slow ass quick loads. I usually play games with the difficulty settings cranked way the fuck up. It happens I get owned and have to quick load. I hate having to wait over a minute to do it as the fucken game reloads everything short of restarting my entire system.
- Games that "pretend to be realistic" then suddenly borderline on making me insane. AKA: The Brazil stages of CoD World of War, Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy)..etc
- Games that pretend to be "open-ended" when they are NOT.
- Games that pigeon-hole you to do the EXACT same moves to survive or you'll have to start the entire fucken stage over... aka "Mirror's Edge". I play games to be creative, this is WORK.


Kitty Sinatra

Fallout 3's tutorial. Thing takes forever with all it's unskippable dialogue cutscenes and just overall slow pace. I really wish I'd saved the game just before leaving the vault the first time.


General Specific

General Specific

  • Levels that are an escape from a fortress or base of a boss that begins crumbling for no good structural reason as soon as you defeat them. (gratuitously stolen from the Evil Overlord list)
  • Escape Levels that consist of run down 1 corridor to unguarded and unlocked exit. Make it exciting!
  • MMO missions that require you to collect body parts of animals/monsters, but you find a large number of those animals are operating without the needed parts. You wind up having to kill 60 of the animals just to find 12 of what you need. (This Gazelle didn't have any legs! How was it running away from me just a second ago?)
  • Tutorials that run over an hour (Eve Online)
  • Deaths that are unavoidable and ultimately inconsequential.

[Rant]Too Human was a major abuser of the last one. Your health would be low, you could not find any power ups and then the game drops you into a fight w/ 3 large enemies. You die, go through the unskippable and interminably long Valkyrie cutscene only to be deposited back in the same battle with all of the enemies injured to the point they were when you died. It didn't matter how many times you died, you were just put right back into the fight, only consequence was that you wouldn't get an achievement for completing the level without dying.[/Rant]




Well let's be fair, GS.

Too Human was a fucking awful game. I was so excited for it, too. HOLY SHIT ASGARD SCI-FI, GONNA ROCK ME SOME TROLLS WITH LAZERS YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAoh God did someone vomit on a CD press and call it a day this is awful.




Games that go almost monochromatic in color scheme, especially those that do it during exaggerated day/night cycles. The latest violator is Far Cry 2, I almost gave up playing it because I couldn't see crap. Then I realized I'd been playing during the late afternoon in game time. I tried again and found that you can see better at night. :wtf: Seriously, the sunset effect is so overblown that it's almost impossible to drive anywhere, or see enemies. Everything in the world turns to shades of golden-tan with a steep HDR curve. Bright areas are blinding, every shadow is so dark you can't see anything in it.

Lesser offenders include:
- Batman: Arkham Asylum, mainly for the detective mode, but also some areas of the game that are all greens, grays, blues or browns.
- X-men Legends 2, when going through the Savage Land. Green and brown jungles with green and brown enemies, all with blurry textures.




Achievements - I hate that entire system with a passion. I think what I hate most is that I am starting to try and get them.


Timed levels

The fans - not always, but with some games I hate the rest of the fanbase so much that it ruins the game. Think counterstrike




-Pointless time extension for the sake of time extension. (Go to castle, defeat gatekeeper, collect key. Go back to hut on top of mountain so that guy in hut can now tell me, "Great! You should try that key in the door that was right behind the guy you just defeated! It's a day's journey back down the mountain.")
-Forced replay due to something you had absolutely no clue you needed to do the first time through. (Hitchhikers' Guide!)
-Noninteractive, unskippable cutscenes/dialogue (QT events do NOT count as 'interactive.' Unless you are "Dragon's Lair" or some other LD game, you should have more actual gameplay than cutscenes)
-Unrealistic economy (50 golden boxes? The same as the 4000 you sold me yesterday? Sure, I'll give you the same price! Not like I'm swimming in them or anything)
-Pointless memorization (DDR, scrollers. I want to test my skill/smarts, not memorize another 5 seconds each time I play of 'the sequence' which is exactly the same)





escort missions! Oh man I hate those.


General Specific

General Specific

Games where the fate of the world/universe/reality itself is hanging in the balance, but the shopkeeper won't let you take the Epic Sword of Boss Slaying unless you have that 30 million moneys. Especially if you can only earn 29 million moneys through the course of the entire game.




Games where the fate of the world/universe/reality itself is hanging in the balance, but the shopkeeper won't let you take the Epic Sword of Boss Slaying unless you have that 30 million moneys. Especially if you can only earn 29 million moneys through the course of the entire game.
I loved how at the end of Lunar, your friend who owns a shop is like "Ok... just take what you want. No charge. Just don't mess up." He had the most sense of anyone in that game!


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Games where the fate of the world/universe/reality itself is hanging in the balance, but the shopkeeper won't let you take the Epic Sword of Boss Slaying unless you have that 30 million moneys. Especially if you can only earn 29 million moneys through the course of the entire game.
I loved how at the end of Lunar, your friend who owns a shop is like "Ok... just take what you want. No charge. Just don't mess up." He had the most sense of anyone in that game![/QUOTE]

I was amused in Final Fantasy X how Rin on the airship would still be charging for items. "Hey, if we lose, you die too." "I have full confidence in you."




escort missions! Oh man I hate those.
NSFW language throughout, but gigglingly relevant.

