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Videos keep pausing




Okay this one is driving me nuts and actually caused problems last week.

It doesn't matter what platform, but when I play videos they sometimes just plain pause for no reason. And it's not always at the same time and it's not every time. Last week it did it when I was playing a song during a wedding reception. (I didn't have the song in my library and it was pretty obscure so YouTube it was!)

I have researched and the only thing I've found was to clear cache. This doesn't seem to have helped.

I'm on Chrome if that helps.




And it's not just because you're pressing the space bar?

EDIT: This includes the possibility that your space bar might like to tap itself from time to time, i.e., failing keyboard.





It’s happened on both my desktop and my laptop. I’m not connected to any Bluetooth item. I’m thinking it might be a Chrome app but I haven’t figured out which one.




It’s happened on both my desktop and my laptop. I’m not connected to any Bluetooth item. I’m thinking it might be a Chrome app but I haven’t figured out which one.
Have you tried running chrome in safe mode/incognito mode to see if it still happens, or is it too intermittent to reproduce in this fashion?




I’ll try that when I get home. I’m thinking the culprit might be a YouTube addon that brings back the dislike count, but I haven’t been able to test yet.
