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VLC Streaming




Anybody else mess with VLC for streaming? I connect my tablet to my home VNC and use VLC 1.1.9 to stream to the tablet's player (an app called VLC S&C). I know there are later versions of VLC, though, but 1.1.9 has been the only version I've ever gotten to work and I know for a long time it was the go-to version for streaming... but since the last time I checked, a half dozen new versions have come out (they're up to 2.0.7 now, I think the last version I tried was 2.0.0 and it no stream good)... has anybody tried the later versions for streams? I ask because even 1.1.9 has its issues and sometimes crashes in, well, in midstream.




Nope. I used to use VLC maybe 10 times/yr. Now I think I might be up to 30.





I've never tried using it to stream... I might have to try, though, sounds useful.

On a version note, I haven't been able to get any of the 2.x releases to work on my netbook. All the ones I've tried have had stuttering audio (the audio would just drop out and then come back, sometimes out of sync), even though the latest versions work fine on my desktop (and have some minor refinements to the UI that I like).

EDIT: scratch that. 2.0.7 finally works right, at least on the first few files I tried.




I haven't updated my VLC player recently, but in the past I haven't found the streamer to be all that great. To the point where I stopped using it entirely.




EDIT: scratch that. 2.0.7 finally works right, at least on the first few files I tried.
Whoops, spoke too soon. This version only plays nice when I have the processor running at the full 1.6Ghz, the 1.x versions didn't mind the low power 1.2Ghz state my netbook likes to go to when it's on battery.
