Vonnegut reading suggestions?

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So my summer reading list has reached the giant block of time reserved for Vonnegut. I've read Slaughter House Five and Cat's Cradle, and am now reading Galápagos, and I wanted to hear suggestions on what else to read by him. My university library is well stocked so it shouldn't be a problem getting most of his works. So, suggestions on what to read next?

Steven Soderburgin

Pretty much everything, but I like Breakfast of Champions.
Welcome to the monkey house. Great collection of his older short stories. BoC is great and I agree with Kissinger that it should be on your list.

-- Tue Jul 21, 2009 10:48 am --

Sirens of Titan is also a very good one.

I agree, Monkey House and Breakfast of Champions are two of my favorites, right behind Galapagos which I can't be arsed to accent correctly. How are you liking that one? It's my favorite of his but I've never met another fan who said the same.
I'm about halfway through it so far, and though it has the same Vonnegut style as the other books, it's not really clicking with me. It's good, but of the three so far, Cat's Cradle is my favorite.

I think I'll go for Breakfast of Champions next, then either Monkey House or Sirens of Titan.

Cajungal said:
Man, where's Juski?
I was expecting him to be the first to respond to something like this.
Haven't read any Vonnegut (in fact, just donated some of his books along with a few thousand others) but Kati is a fan. She recommends reading Ice 9 (one of the stories contained within Cat's Cradle), cuz it's creepy.


Philosopher B.

bigcountry23 said:
Sirens of Titan is also a very good one.
Seconded. That was the first one I ever read. Loved it. In fact it's been a long time, I should probably read it again one of these days.

Eliwood said:
I'm about halfway through it so far, and though it has the same Vonnegut style as the other books, it's not really clicking with me.
Yeah, I don't know too many people who really like that book. I don't know why but it just stuck with me.


Staff member
Slaughterhouse Five is key. Breakfast of Champions is hella proper tight to. There's a huge gap between his earlier fiction and the stuff that began to appear after Slaughterhouse Five, where his style became a lot more lucid.

My favorite book of his (and the one he considers his least favorite) is Slapstick. I think it's well worth a read. Hocus Pocus is also pretty fantastic.

If you want to get a more comprehensive look at Vonnegut, definitely check out Welcome to the Monkey House, a collection of his short fic, and then go grab one of his collected speeches and essays--Palm Sunday is a great read, and an awesome insight into Vonnegut's personal life and politics (if his novels aren't enough).

If you're interested in that, you might want to check out his last book, Man Without a Country, just to see where Vonnegut ended up, about a year or so before he died. I fucking love that guy so much.
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