You know what I am still waiting for? A game that takes the third person gameplay of Dead Rising, combines it with a lot of the gameplay and ideals of Rebuild, and then throws it into a city like GTA4 and even a bit of Pikmin and Tower Defense.
What would the game play like? Well you start in the world with a few randomized survivors. You have to choose a "safe house" from the nearby buildings. During the day, the zombies are mostly docile, but will still attack if approached. During the night, they will group together and attack the safe house. You have to go out during the day to scavenge for food and supplies, find more survivors, and start assimilating other nearby buildings into a "safe town" with fences made of salvage. The other survivors can be used to collect items, filling up a weight meter until they can no longer carry anything, so you have to pick and choose what to take, before having them run back to the safe town. Some "upgrades" would require more then one survivor to carry back, like maybe you find a working car engine and have to take it back to give the safe town, needing 3-4 survivors to carry it while you defend them from the wandering dead. Bringing the engine back to the town gives you option for either morale or defense. Morale would be using the engine as a generator to give the safe houses some electrical power for lights, while defense would be attaching it to the fence so it shocks the undead when they attack. The actual attack would be like one of those "hold the line" tower defense games, with them rushing a side of the town while you and the survivors shoot at them from the walls and buildings. If a zombie breaks in you have to drop down and kill it before it starts eating or converting your survivors, though survivors with higher morale are much harder to kill.
Preferably, it would all be random. The interiors can all look the same for the most part, but the objects you can use are randomly put around the town each time you start a game, and all the survivors will have random features and looks. The only character that gets a custom design is the player. The way to win the game would be to either get enough resources to escape, or purge the city of all zombies.
"sigh" Man that would be sweet.