Wanna be an Artist of the Month: UPDATED!

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I could possibly be interested if you are desperate. Although I'ts not quite a traditional art form. I do martial arts, I could throw up some vids of me at tournaments and demonstrations if you are interested. I get to smash my first set of tiles while they are on fire this year :D


Staff member
I'm available any time, but you'll probably be back in school by August.
I'd actually prefer August. It's when I'm off summer school and only the very beginning of the semester. I'd rather have it then than at the end of a semester when everything starts to get crazy. Plus, it'll be extra attention during my birthday month. ^_^ Are you sure May is ok with you?
Remember, remember, the filth from November
The artistic poo that Allen brought
A warning to other artists
That should never be forgot

I'm sure your stuff is fine. I'm just really bad at poetry.
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