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Don't wait for World of Warplanes. This game is everything you wanted and more for an aerial world of tanks. It is soooooooo much fun. Its F2P and not hard to level up/compete without playing. One of the best games I've played in years and there is a ton of possibility for expansion.




How realistic is the flight model?




There are three levels. The first is an arcade mode. The flight model is very unrealistic, you are generally better off flying with a mouse than a joystick. The next is a historical mode, much more realistic (no 3rd person view, hard turns will make you pass out, you have to land to rearm.). This mode more or less requires a joystick. The final mode is Full Battle Realism or something like that. Completely impossible to fly with a mouse. Full flight sim from what I understand.

Even the arcade mode feels more realistic than say a Crimson Skies. You take damage to parts of your plane (like the tail) and it affects your ability to turn. Hard turns screw with your accuracy. Etc etc




Why no offline installer! :rage: Guess I won't be able to check it out this weekend.




Full battle realism... I may have to check that out.




...... I am intrigued, and would like to subscribe to your newsletter...




I've never played full battle realism mode, or even historical. The arcade mode alone is worth grabbing it. Also it's free so there's that.




Hrm, this could be interesting. So it's basically Wings of Prey online/MMO?




Never played Wings of Prey so I wouldn't know. Also I wouldn't call it an MMO, I think there's something like 32 players in a game. But there are some strange options you can see for leveling up "Ground" and "Naval" stuff, which makes me think that they intend (longterm) to allow players to operate a lot more roles on the battlefield, which implies a much larger server size.

One of the coolest things about this game (imo), is that the AI aim is in this perfect sweetspot. Ground AA will seriously mess you up, and if you're in a larger plane with tail gunners you can either change seats to take over for the gunners, or let them do the shooting. Going up against a monster like a B17 is a nightmare with all those AI gunners raining death on fighters.

Bombing in general is also incredibly gratifying. You're slowly moving this absolute behemoth of a ship through hostile fighters and AA just watching your little ground target reticle waiting for it to show that you are in place to fire.




Never played Wings of Prey so I wouldn't know. Also I wouldn't call it an MMO, I think there's something like 32 players in a game. But there are some strange options you can see for leveling up "Ground" and "Naval" stuff, which makes me think that they intend (longterm) to allow players to operate a lot more roles on the battlefield, which implies a much larger server size.

One of the coolest things about this game (imo), is that the AI aim is in this perfect sweetspot. Ground AA will seriously mess you up, and if you're in a larger plane with tail gunners you can either change seats to take over for the gunners, or let them do the shooting. Going up against a monster like a B17 is a nightmare with all those AI gunners raining death on fighters.

Bombing in general is also incredibly gratifying. You're slowly moving this absolute behemoth of a ship through hostile fighters and AA just watching your little ground target reticle waiting for it to show that you are in place to fire.
Sounds pretty cool... and yeah, the fighter parts sound like Wings of Prey (my review of WoP). That's a generally good thing, I think.




So far I am liking this game, at least in arcade mode. however I understand how I am getting shot down so fast sometimes because once I got my hurricane all the little bi-planes went down :)




One thing about bi-planes though is that they have amazing maneuverability, I've gotten shot down by them a couple of times before trying to lose them in slow speed turn contests.
