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Wasteland Thread




Okay, so I think enough people are playing this that it now needs its own thread. So this is that thread.

I have to bolt to a meeting, but I'll post some thoughts when I get back. Awesome game so far!




An awesome game that, if anyone wants, they might be able to score over in this thread: https://www.halforums.com/threads/game-trading-with-wasteland-2.30838/




It's a good game, not great.

After playing it for many hours, I came to a conclusion. Many skills/stats are pretty useless. I don't like how they don't link with one another (for example, leadership has nothing to do with charisma).

Stat wise : (always even your stats 2-4-5-8-10 - there are significant bonuses for that)

INT : The best of the best. More int = More AP more SP.

CO : More AP/Ranged
Speed : More tiles per AP? YES!
AW : Initiative, evasion? YES

Luck : Huge MEH
Charisma : USELESS

On harder difficulties, you need to meta a bit so that abilities/stats are well aligned.

More later.




Luck is sort of a dump stat, but not entirely. Having a good Luck will get you additional APs, additional criticals that you normally wouldn't, and stops your weapons from jamming.

Charisma is a dump stat for some characters, but you want to have at least one person with a good stat because the game uses an average of all your characters to recruit NPCs.

Every character should have at least a 4 INT. Having a 3 makes no sense and takes away a skill point, which is huge.

Ambush in combat is like X-Com's Overwatch skill. It ends your character's turn but gives them an attack if an enemy moves within range. I wish that were more clear. I wasted a lot of time ending turns when I would have Ambushed.

The Z key highlights everything on screen that you can interact with. All those little secret things hiding willy nilly? Z shows you where they are at.

Skills you absolutely need:
  • Perception - You need at least one person with as high a perception as you can get.
  • Demolitions - Everything is trapped. Like everything. Demolitions can untrap things.
  • Lock Picking and Safe Cracking should be high on one character. Lots of ammo can be found in safes. And ammo is scarce.
There are others, but I'm heading home to play so I'll update it then.




I read that Luck also Increases amount of found Loot.

Carry a shovel.

Explore every nook and cranny

Bevore you touch anything get your guy/gal with percetion next to it and Inspect it with rightclick.




Yeah, there's actually too many traps.

Did those agrarian scientists really have time to tripwire and bomb-trap every container they had on their compound before the plant accident? It's kind of dumb.

It's actually to the point where my guy with demolitions is a full level further ahead than the rest of my crew from disarming xp.




My demolitions guy has a 10 int. So he not only gets the exp from the disarm/unlock/etc but he also gets bonus exp from the stat.




Yeah, there's actually too many traps.

Did those agrarian scientists really have time to tripwire and bomb-trap every container they had on their compound before the plant accident? It's kind of dumb.

It's actually to the point where my guy with demolitions is a full level further ahead than the rest of my crew from disarming xp.
I have 3 major gripes from the game that brings it from excellent to good.

1. Yeah, so many traps... SO MANY CONTAINERS. Did they really need all of these? Also, who trapped all of these? Locked, I'd get but TRAP? SHHHSH

2. You kill people who attack you, who wield melee weapons, pistols, shotguns, assault rifles... which magically disappear 80% of the time... this includes ammo. Do you know how FUCKEN ridiculous this is? This is probably my biggest gripe with the game. Fallout had it right. Fuck you for making your shit disappear. I spend 80% of my cash getting more ammo.

3. Far too many RNG skill checks for no fucking reason. Want to open a door? Explosives. Locked. Go inside. 3 containers. 1 is trapped and locked. The other is locked. The safe needs computer science. Total loot? 4 pistol bullets, 3 junks, 1 med bag (i have like 170 btw - WTF!). Weaponsmith 4 is awesome. New gun? Let's upgrade it with mods from the old gun. Guess what, skill check to remove shit. Some have 75% success. Guess what. You fucked up. Yeah fuck you game, I'm reloading. Who the fuck thought this is a good idea?

The game is good... but it could have been excellent. Needed more optimization but I'm still happy with the game. Not the best in this genre but I'm happy a game like this has been released.




I have 3 major gripes from the game that brings it from excellent to good.

1. Yeah, so many traps... SO MANY CONTAINERS. Did they really need all of these? Also, who trapped all of these? Locked, I'd get but TRAP? SHHHSH

2. You kill people who attack you, who wield melee weapons, pistols, shotguns, assault rifles... which magically disappear 80% of the time... this includes ammo. Do you know how FUCKEN ridiculous this is? This is probably my biggest gripe with the game. Fallout had it right. Fuck you for making your shit disappear. I spend 80% of my cash getting more ammo.

3. Far too many RNG skill checks for no fucking reason. Want to open a door? Explosives. Locked. Go inside. 3 containers. 1 is trapped and locked. The other is locked. The safe needs computer science. Total loot? 4 pistol bullets, 3 junks, 1 med bag (i have like 170 btw - WTF!). Weaponsmith 4 is awesome. New gun? Let's upgrade it with mods from the old gun. Guess what, skill check to remove shit. Some have 75% success. Guess what. You fucked up. Yeah fuck you game, I'm reloading. Who the fuck thought this is a good idea?

The game is good... but it could have been excellent. Needed more optimization but I'm still happy with the game. Not the best in this genre but I'm happy a game like this has been released.
As someone that recently played through the original Wasteland... that's all pretty accurate to the source material.




I don't care about the limitations of gaming in the 80ies.

I don't mind hard but I do mind realistic. When you fight off 5 raiders with each over 100+ HP each and take 20-30 bullets to do so... I'd like more than 1 Junk Hat, 1 Junk Pants, 1 Eyeball, 3 Pistol bullets, 1 Medical bag.


They had 2 guys with melee and 2 guys with guns... give me more shit... or at least give me scrap.




Also can we talk about weapon jamming? Holy shit, I feel like I should play the lottery cause the number of jams I get when it's 2% is ridiculous. Probably 1-2 per battle... this is with every possible gun that can use a sturdy mag (-4% jam) on my weapons. In one combat scenario, my sniper jammed 2 times in a row (useless for 4 rounds)... weapon jam %?



The RNG in this game makes XCom RNG feel like a little bitch.




yeah. 5% critical failure chance? More like 99%. WTF?




That's your bad luck coming in to play. It's why Luck is NOT a dump stat.




Yeah, you drop everyone's luck to 2, don't be surprised when shit starts going sour all the time.




Press the Button on the nuke inside the Library. Good stuff.

On the Topic of luck,during character creation I didnt know that you could reduce some stats,
so everyone got the Base stats exept for the ones I added points to.
So everyone got avarage luck. Still unlucky though.




On a whim I created a character with a fairly high Luck stat and gave them a weapon that jammed 8% of the time. It NEVER jams! Plus he gets extra AP all the time and crits a lot when his percentage is low. It's pretty uncanny. Right now all my characters from here on out will have an INT of at least 4 and a Luck of at least 4 as well. Hell, my 10 INT character is a frickin powerhouse. Next playthrough I'm going to create an entire party of 10 INT and see how that works. Having every skill rocks.




Yes 'luck' should make my weapons jam every battle like I've maintained them in a Vietnam jungle




Yes 'luck' should make my weapons jam every battle like I've maintained them in a Vietnam jungle
Or a post apocalyptic wasteland.




Forum research confirms that

1. Luck doesn't mean shit about weapon jamming.
2. Hidden values come into play when playing on anything above average difficulty. Which I'm playing.

Poe fails again




Forum research confirms that

1. Luck doesn't mean shit about weapon jamming.
2. Hidden values come into play when playing on anything above average difficulty. Which I'm playing.

Poe fails again
Sounds like it's your weapons that are failing. OH SNAP.




Could the forum be wrong? I changed to a high Luck character and his weapon NEVER jams.




Could the forum be wrong? I changed to a high Luck character and his weapon NEVER jams.

Are you sure you aren't on easy difficulty? :awesome:




I'd rather that they were honest about that and give me actual values. When my gun can jam 2% of the time, it shouldn't be 10-15%. People have taken 100 shots on every difficulty and your gun DEFINITELY jams more on the higher ones but the stats don't reflect it. On top of that, your guns jam even more at higher level areas. That's right. Take 100 shots at the Radio Tower and take 100% shots at a much later location and the jamming stats neared 20%... on a 2% gun.


Don't get me wrong, I like the game, I just felt I could have liked it far more if they polished it more. Some feature implementation leaves to be desired. I hope mods fix this later on. (particularly loot)




EEEE HEE HEE HEE HEE, too bad Microsoft already dug these up.





Holy fucking shit at that mine full of honey badgers. I was not ready for that.




Honey Badger dosnt care that you werent ready.




Holy fuck, as if anyone needed anymore evidence that Avast is fucking terrible. It just flagged and deleted WL2.exe as suspicious.

Piece of God damn trash.




Apparently I am not alone. Fuck you Avast. I've hated your false positives for too long now. Go eat shit.




Avast really hates Wasteland.




Just cleared the mine..... 15 honey badgers or so. Used 113 bullets and 2 med kits. Got about 150 worth of scrap and some med kits to cover. Bullets cost an average of 5 scrap each.

Reward was

100 scrap and 3 nades

Nades are useful

Back to farming the wastes while meleeing bandits/heal at AG.




Ok, this is some bullshit. During the Canyon of Titan, I have a monk in tow and I'm tasked with getting 3 sludge samples. Some fucking raiders, also with a monk are standing around one. They tell me not to touch the sludge, I figure, tough shit assholes, I have a monk. So I touch it anyway and they attack me AND my monk turns on me. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? THAT MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE. THESE GUYS BROKE YOUR RULES AND NOW SOMEHOW I'M AT FAULT? Fuck off you illogical pile of bullshit.




This fucking canyon area is the most infuriating bag of garbage. I'm just gonna restart it and make it a fucking graveyard. The script triggers in this area are so fucked up.

3 hours later and I've had to redo this area about 3 times. Last time some script triggered twice and crashed after a single friendly fire shot turned my monk against me (HE FUCKING DOES IT CONSTANTLY THE STUPID PIECE OF SHIT) and making the entire area aggravating.

I don't even believe this area was tested.

And my last was just before I opened a treasure box that had the best sniper rifle by double what my old sniper had. And it's random. So this time, I got a shitty shotgun. None of my people use shotguns.
