I have 3 major gripes from the game that brings it from excellent to good.
1. Yeah, so many traps... SO MANY CONTAINERS. Did they really need all of these? Also, who trapped all of these? Locked, I'd get but TRAP? SHHHSH
2. You kill people who attack you, who wield melee weapons, pistols, shotguns, assault rifles... which magically disappear 80% of the time... this includes ammo. Do you know how FUCKEN ridiculous this is? This is probably my biggest gripe with the game. Fallout had it right. Fuck you for making your shit disappear. I spend 80% of my cash getting more ammo.
3. Far too many RNG skill checks for no fucking reason. Want to open a door? Explosives. Locked. Go inside. 3 containers. 1 is trapped and locked. The other is locked. The safe needs computer science. Total loot? 4 pistol bullets, 3 junks, 1 med bag (i have like 170 btw - WTF!). Weaponsmith 4 is awesome. New gun? Let's upgrade it with mods from the old gun. Guess what, skill check to remove shit. Some have 75% success. Guess what. You fucked up. Yeah fuck you game, I'm reloading. Who the fuck thought this is a good idea?
The game is good... but it could have been excellent. Needed more optimization but I'm still happy with the game. Not the best in this genre but I'm happy a game like this has been released.