Starslip is over and done with, but I still absent-mindedly type it into the address bar from time to time. This got me wondering -- which webcomics do you miss that have ended/stopped updating?
I'll go first:
The Phoenix Requiem (Story Completed)
Not a particularly well-know webcomic, but I love the way the story played out. Sarah Ellerton has some real narrative talent.
Hanna is Not a Boy's Name (Abandoned)
The comic really did something for me, with its oddball design and its slow unraveling of the plot's mysteries. Then it just stopped updating without warning or explanation. Sad stuff .
Any others out there?
Ugly Hill
Life of Riley
That one webcomic with tentacle monsters.
Punch an Pie (uncompleted/abandoned; URL seems to be gone now?)
Queen of Wands (story completed)
Ugly Hill
Unfortunately it appears that Full Frontal Nerdity is at least on hiatus as well; haven't seen or heard anything lately....
*edit* Apparently not on hiatus; switched hosts without any mention on the old site. Odd.
Hanna is Not a Boy's Name (Abandoned)
The comic really did something for me, with its oddball design and its slow unraveling of the plot's mysteries. Then it just stopped updating without warning or explanation. Sad stuff .
Yeah, I miss Fade too. The author needs to get more strips up.
Bumble the Boy Wonder
Gotta agree with Ugly Hill.
I'll add Butternut Squash, and Kukuburi (which is technically on hiatus, and is supposed to return this month, so fingers crossed)
3rd Wish (abandoned and removed)
The Adventures of Upgrade and Beatnik Baby (abandoned and malware'd)
The God and Devil Show (Commercialized and censored)
RPGWorld- Abandoned at the final boss. Never any explanation why.
Basically anything by H.S.Kim -Because he fucking drops them all part way in and starts something new.
I wish I knew what happened to The Meek, that story had promise.
Perry Bible Fellowship, although I guess he updates every once in a great while?
The person who did minus had another one, though I dot know if it's still going. It's not as good but still pretty fun. I'll look for it and see if I can find it again.
Angels 2200... I wish Hansagan the best in his film career, but I am REALLY bummed that the comic that brought me here seems to have petered out...
Wait... you weren't part of the Image crowd? KILL THE HERETIC!
I wish the guy who did Concerned had moved on to the HL2 episodes too, instead of the pale imitation that is Concerned 2.
Don't get me wrong, I know the guy who makes Concerned 2 tries hard, and it shows, but he has neither the available spare time time nor the sense of humor of the original author.
The person who did minus had another one, though I dot know if it's still going. It's not as good but still pretty fun. I'll look for it and see if I can find it again.
Starslip is over and done with, but I still absent-mindedly type it into the address bar from time to time. This got me wondering -- which webcomics do you miss that have ended/stopped updating?
EQ is what lead me to web comics in the first place, so many of the comics I first followed were EQ based (or similar). I remember there was an EQ one where the main character was an elf bard (it was black and white iirc). I can't remember the name, but it was good. RPGworld. Was sad to see that one die off so suddenly. Ding! had some good strips back in the day. 8 bit theater (ended, sad to see it go). DM of the rings (also ended). Unforgotten Realms (more of a webtoon than comic, but falls in the same category in my book). The creator took it off of escapist and never was able to get it off the ground solo.
I'm worried PS238 is over. Aaron Williams hasn't put out a comic in a while. I know he has at least another year's worth of strips, but I'm worried he's going to stop doing stuff for it once he's caught up.
I'm worried PS238 is over. Aaron Williams hasn't put out a comic in a while. I know he has at least another year's worth of strips, but I'm worried he's going to stop doing stuff for it once he's caught up.
You do know he's moved all his comics to , right? His old sites haven't updated since March, I think.
Yes, but that's not the issue. He releases all his new stuff in actual PS238 comicbooks that you can buy. THEY are about 10 issues ahead, but it's been months since I've seen a new one for sale.
And his store link isn't working, so I can't check there ether.
Avalon by Josh Phillips is another I used to read and enjoyed. It was a bit silly, but fun to read.